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This function is used to find, download, translate, and read OSM extracts obtained from several providers. It is a wrapper around oe_match() and oe_read(). Check the introductory vignette, the examples, and the help pages of the wrapped functions to understand the details behind all parameters.


  layer = "lines",
  provider = "geofabrik",
  match_by = "name",
  max_string_dist = 1,
  level = NULL,
  version = "latest",
  download_directory = oe_download_directory(),
  force_download = FALSE,
  max_file_size = 5e+08,
  vectortranslate_options = NULL,
  osmconf_ini = NULL,
  extra_tags = NULL,
  force_vectortranslate = FALSE,
  boundary = NULL,
  boundary_type = c("spat", "clipsrc"),
  download_only = FALSE,
  skip_vectortranslate = FALSE,
  never_skip_vectortranslate = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE



Description of the geographical area that should be matched with a .osm.pbf file. Can be either a length-1 character vector, an sf/sfc/bbox object with any CRS, or a numeric vector of coordinates with length 2. In the last case, it is assumed that the EPSG code is 4326 specified as c(LON, LAT), while you can use any CRS with sf/sfc/bbox objects. See Details and Examples in oe_match().


Which layer should be read in? Typically points, lines (the default), multilinestrings, multipolygons or other_relations. If you specify an ad-hoc query using the argument query (see introductory vignette and examples), then oe_get() and oe_read() will read the layer specified in the query and ignore layer argument. See also #122.


(Named) arguments that will be passed to sf::st_read(), like query, wkt_filter or stringsAsFactors. Check the introductory vignette to understand how to create your own (SQL-like) queries.


Which provider should be used to download the data? Available providers can be browsed with oe_providers(). For oe_get() and oe_match(), if place is equal to ITS Leeds, then provider is internally set equal to "test". This is just for simple examples and internal tests.


Which column of the provider's database should be used for matching the input place with a .osm.pbf file? The default is "name". Check Details and Examples in oe_match() to understand how this parameter works. Ignored when place is not a character vector since, in that case, the matching is performed through a spatial operation.


Numerical value greater or equal than 0. What is the maximum distance in fuzzy matching (i.e. Approximate String Distance, see adist()) between input place and match_by column that can be tolerated before testing alternative providers or looking for geographical matching with Nominatim API? This parameter is set equal to 0 if match_by is equal to iso3166_1_alpha2 or iso3166_2. Check Details and Examples in oe_match() to understand why this parameter is important. Ignored when place is not a character vector since, in that case, the matching is performed through a spatial operation.


An integer representing the desired hierarchical level in case of spatial matching. For the geofabrik provider, for example, 1 corresponds with continent-level datasets, 2 for countries, 3 corresponds to regions and 4 to subregions. Hence, we could approximately say that smaller administrative units correspond to bigger levels. If NULL, the default, the oe_* functions will select the highest available level. See Details and Examples in oe_match().


The version of the OSM extract to download. The default is "latest". Other possible values are typically specified using the format YYMMDD (e.g. "200101"). The complete list of all available historic files for a given extract can be browsed from the Geofabrik website (e.g. and then click on 'raw directory index').


Directory to store the file containing OSM data?.


Should the .osm.pbf file be updated even if it has already been downloaded? FALSE by default. This parameter is used to update old .osm.pbf files.


The maximum file size to download without asking in interactive mode. Default: 5e+8, half a gigabyte.


Options passed to the sf::gdal_utils() argument options. Set by default. Check details in the introductory vignette and the help page of oe_vectortranslate().


The configuration file. See documentation at Check details in the introductory vignette and the help page of oe_vectortranslate(). Set by default.


Which additional columns, corresponding to OSM tags, should be in the resulting dataset? NULL by default. Check the introductory vignette and the help pages of oe_vectortranslate() and oe_get_keys(). Ignored when osmconf_ini is not NULL.


Boolean. Force the original .pbf file to be translated into a .gpkg file, even if a .gpkg with the same name already exists? FALSE by default. If tags in extra_tags match data in previously translated .gpkg files no translation occurs (see #173 for details). Check the introductory vignette and the help page of oe_vectortranslate().


An sf/sfc/bbox object that will be used to create a spatial filter during the vectortranslate operations. The type of filter can be chosen using the argument boundary_type.


A character vector of length 1 specifying the type of spatial filter. The spat filter selects only those features that intersect a given area, while clipsrc also clips the geometries. Check the examples and also here for more details.


Boolean. If TRUE, then the function only returns the path where the matched file is stored, instead of reading it. FALSE by default.


Boolean. If TRUE, then the function skips all vectortranslate operations and it reads (or simply returns the path) of the .osm.pbf file. FALSE by default.


Boolean. This is used in case the user passed its own .ini file or vectortranslate options (since, in those case, it's too difficult to determine if an existing .gpkg file was generated following the same options.)


Boolean. If FALSE, the function prints informative messages. Starting from sf version 0.9.6, if quiet is equal to FALSE, then vectortranslate operations will display a progress bar.


An sf object.


The algorithm that we use for importing an OSM extract data into R is divided into 4 steps: 1) match the input place with the url of a .pbf file; 2) download the .pbf file; 3) convert it into .gpkg format and 4) read-in the .gpkg file. The function oe_match() is used to perform the first operation and the function oe_read() (which is a wrapper around oe_download(), oe_vectortranslate() and sf::st_read()) performs the other three operations.


# Copy ITS file to tempdir so that the examples do not require internet
# connection. You can skip the next 4 lines when running the examples
# locally.

its_pbf = file.path(tempdir(), "test_its-example.osm.pbf")
  from = system.file("its-example.osm.pbf", package = "osmextract"),
  to = its_pbf,
  overwrite = TRUE
#> [1] TRUE

# Match, download (not really) and convert OSM extracts associated to a simple test.
its = oe_get("ITS Leeds", download_directory = tempdir())
#> The input place was matched with: ITS Leeds
#> The chosen file was already detected in the download directory. Skip downloading.
#> Starting with the vectortranslate operations on the input file!
#> 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
#> Finished the vectortranslate operations on the input file!
#> Reading layer `lines' from data source `/tmp/RtmpgRR9R8/test_its-example.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
#> Simple feature collection with 189 features and 10 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -1.562458 ymin: 53.80471 xmax: -1.548076 ymax: 53.81105
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> [1] "sf"         "data.frame"

# Get another layer from ITS Leeds extract
its_points = oe_get("ITS Leeds", layer = "points", download_directory = tempdir())
#> The input place was matched with: ITS Leeds
#> The chosen file was already detected in the download directory. Skip downloading.
#> Adding a new layer to the .gpkg file.
#> Starting with the vectortranslate operations on the input file!
#> 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
#> Finished the vectortranslate operations on the input file!
#> Reading layer `points' from data source `/tmp/RtmpgRR9R8/test_its-example.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
#> Simple feature collection with 186 features and 10 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -1.568766 ymin: 53.80569 xmax: -1.549451 ymax: 53.81136
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> [1] POINT

# Get the .osm.pbf and .gpkg files paths
  "ITS Leeds", download_only = TRUE, quiet = TRUE,
  download_directory = tempdir()
#> [1] "/tmp/RtmpgRR9R8/test_its-example.gpkg"
  "ITS Leeds", download_only = TRUE, skip_vectortranslate = TRUE,
  quiet = TRUE, download_directory = tempdir()
#> [1] "/tmp/RtmpgRR9R8/test_its-example.osm.pbf"
# See also ?oe_find()

# Add additional tags
its_with_oneway = oe_get(
  "ITS Leeds", extra_tags = "oneway",
  download_directory = tempdir()
#> The input place was matched with: ITS Leeds
#> The chosen file was already detected in the download directory. Skip downloading.
#> Starting with the vectortranslate operations on the input file!
#> 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
#> Finished the vectortranslate operations on the input file!
#> Reading layer `lines' from data source `/tmp/RtmpgRR9R8/test_its-example.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
#> Simple feature collection with 189 features and 11 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -1.562458 ymin: 53.80471 xmax: -1.548076 ymax: 53.81105
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#>  [1] "osm_id"     "name"       "highway"    "waterway"   "aerialway" 
#>  [6] "barrier"    "man_made"   "railway"    "oneway"     "z_order"   
#> [11] "other_tags" "geometry"  
table(its_with_oneway$oneway, useNA = "ifany")
#>  yes <NA> 
#>   13  176 

# Use the query argument to get only oneway streets:
q = "SELECT * FROM 'lines' WHERE oneway == 'yes'"
its_oneway = oe_get("ITS Leeds", query = q, download_directory = tempdir())
#> The input place was matched with: ITS Leeds
#> The chosen file was already detected in the download directory. Skip downloading.
#> The corresponding gpkg file was already detected. Skip vectortranslate operations.
#> Reading query `SELECT * FROM 'lines' WHERE oneway == 'yes''
#> from data source `/tmp/RtmpgRR9R8/test_its-example.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
#> Simple feature collection with 13 features and 11 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -1.558828 ymin: 53.80595 xmax: -1.548899 ymax: 53.809
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
its_oneway[, c(1, 3, 9)]
#> Simple feature collection with 13 features and 3 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -1.558828 ymin: 53.80595 xmax: -1.548899 ymax: 53.809
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> First 10 features:
#>       osm_id     highway oneway                       geometry
#> 1    6277600     service    yes LINESTRING (-1.552587 53.80...
#> 2    6277601 residential    yes LINESTRING (-1.551771 53.80...
#> 3    6295680       trunk    yes LINESTRING (-1.552894 53.80...
#> 4   31705836       trunk    yes LINESTRING (-1.552349 53.80...
#> 5   31705838  trunk_link    yes LINESTRING (-1.552261 53.80...
#> 6   38422788       trunk    yes LINESTRING (-1.552261 53.80...
#> 7  147151516     service    yes LINESTRING (-1.557987 53.80...
#> 8  151645336 residential    yes LINESTRING (-1.552181 53.80...
#> 9  160502811     service    yes LINESTRING (-1.553221 53.80...
#> 10 552695946  trunk_link    yes LINESTRING (-1.551952 53.80...

# Apply a spatial filter during the vectortranslate operations
its_poly = sf::st_sfc(
      c(-1.55577, 53.80850),
      c(-1.55787, 53.80926),
      c(-1.56096, 53.80891),
      c(-1.56096, 53.80736),
      c(-1.55675, 53.80658),
      c(-1.55495, 53.80749),
      c(-1.55577, 53.80850)
  crs = 4326
its_spat = oe_get("ITS Leeds", boundary = its_poly, download_directory = tempdir())
#> The input place was matched with: ITS Leeds
#> The chosen file was already detected in the download directory. Skip downloading.
#> Starting with the vectortranslate operations on the input file!
#> 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
#> Finished the vectortranslate operations on the input file!
#> Reading layer `lines' from data source `/tmp/RtmpgRR9R8/test_its-example.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
#> Simple feature collection with 77 features and 10 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -1.562458 ymin: 53.80471 xmax: -1.552941 ymax: 53.81102
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
its_clipped = oe_get(
  "ITS Leeds", boundary = its_poly, boundary_type = "clipsrc",
  quiet = TRUE, download_directory = tempdir()

plot(sf::st_geometry(its), reset = FALSE, col = "lightgrey")
plot(sf::st_boundary(its_poly), col = "black", add = TRUE)
plot(sf::st_boundary(sf::st_as_sfc(sf::st_bbox(its_poly))), col = "black", add = TRUE)
plot(sf::st_geometry(its_spat), add = TRUE, col = "darkred")
plot(sf::st_geometry(its_clipped), add = TRUE, col = "orange")

# More complex examples
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
west_yorkshire = oe_get("West Yorkshire")
# If you run it again, the function will not download the file
# or convert it again
west_yorkshire = oe_get("West Yorkshire")
# Match with place name
oe_get("Milan") # Warning: the .pbf file is 400MB
oe_get("Vatican City") # Check all providers
oe_get("Zurich") # Use Nominatim API for geolocating places

# Match with coordinates (any EPSG)
milan_duomo = sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(1514924, 5034552)), crs = 3003)
oe_get(milan_duomo, quiet = FALSE) # Warning: the .pbf file is 400MB
# Match with numeric coordinates (EPSG = 4326)
oe_match(c(9.1916, 45.4650), quiet = FALSE)

# Check also alternative providers
baku = oe_get(place = "Baku")

# Other examples:
oe_get("RU", match_by = "iso3166_1_alpha2", quiet = FALSE)
# The following example mimics read_sf
oe_get("Andora", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = TRUE, as_tibble = TRUE)} # }

# Remove .pbf and .gpkg files in tempdir