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This function is used to explore all provider's databases and look for matches. This function can be useful in combination with oe_match() and oe_get() for an exploratory analysis and an easy match. See Examples.


oe_match_pattern(pattern, ...)

# S3 method for class 'numeric'
oe_match_pattern(pattern, full_row = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for class 'sf'
oe_match_pattern(pattern, full_row = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for class 'bbox'
oe_match_pattern(pattern, full_row = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for class 'sfc'
oe_match_pattern(pattern, full_row = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for class 'character'
oe_match_pattern(pattern, match_by = "name", full_row = FALSE, ...)



Description of the pattern. Can be either a length-1 character vector, an sf/sfc/bbox object, or a numeric vector of coordinates with length 2. In the last case, it is assumed that the EPSG code is 4326 specified as c(LON, LAT), while you can use any CRS with sf/sfc/bbox objects.


arguments passed to other methods


Boolean. Return all columns for the matching rows? FALSE by default.


Name of the column in the provider's database that will be used to find the match in case of character input. In all the other cases, the match is performed using a spatial overlay operation and the output returns the values stored in the name column (or even the full sf object when full_row is TRUE).


A list of character vectors or sf objects (according to the value of the parameter full_row). If no OSM zone can be matched with the input string, then the function returns an empty list.


#> $geofabrik
#> [1] "East Yorkshire with Hull" "North Yorkshire"         
#> [3] "South Yorkshire"          "West Yorkshire"          
#> $openstreetmap_fr
#> [1] "Yorkshire And The Humber"

res = oe_match_pattern("Yorkshire", full_row = TRUE)
lapply(res, function(x) sf::st_drop_geometry(x)[, 1:3])
#> $geofabrik
#>                           id                     name  parent
#> 106 east-yorkshire-with-hull East Yorkshire with Hull england
#> 275          north-yorkshire          North Yorkshire england
#> 352          south-yorkshire          South Yorkshire england
#> 465           west-yorkshire           West Yorkshire england
#> $openstreetmap_fr
#>                           id                     name  parent
#> 745 yorkshire_and_the_humber Yorkshire And The Humber england

oe_match_pattern(c(9, 45)) # long/lat for Milan, Italy
#> $geofabrik
#> [1] "Europe"     "Italy"      "Nord-Ovest"
#> $openstreetmap_fr
#> [1] "Europe"    "Italy"     "Lombardia"