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For the given vector of structure types returns a data.frame containing two columns of corresponding OpenStreetMap key-value pairs, one column of unambiguous suffixes to be appended to the objects returned by extract_osm_objects, and one column specifying colours. This data.frame may be subsequently modified as desired, and ultimately passed to make_osm_map to automate map production.


  structures = c("building", "amenity", "waterway", "grass", "natural", "park",
    "highway", "boundary", "tree"),
  col_scheme = "dark"



The vector of types of structures (defaults listed in extract_osm_objects).


Colour scheme for the plot (current options include dark and light).


data.frame of structures, key-value pairs, corresponding prefixes, and colours.

See also


# Default structures:
osm_structures ()
#>     structure      key value suffix      cols
#> 1    building building           BU #646464FF
#> 2     amenity  amenity            A #787878FF
#> 3    waterway waterway            W #646478FF
#> 4       grass  landuse grass      G #64A064FF
#> 5     natural  natural            N #647864FF
#> 6        park  leisure  park      P #647864FF
#> 7     highway  highway            H #000000FF
#> 8    boundary boundary           BO #C8C8C8FF
#> 9        tree  natural  tree      T #64A064FF
#> 10 background                          gray20
# user-defined structures:
structures <- c ("highway", "park", "ameniiy", "tree")
structs <- osm_structures (structures = structures, col_scheme = "light")
# make_osm_map returns potentially modified list of data
dat <- make_osm_map (osm_data = london, structures = structs)
# map contains updated $osm_data and actual map in $map
# \donttest{
print_osm_map (dat$map)
# }