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prism_archive_clean() 'cleans' the prism download data by removing early and/or provisional data if newer (provisional or stable) data also exist for the same variable and temporal period. Stable data are newer than provisional data that are newer than early data; only the newest data are kept when the "clean" is performed.

del_early_prov() is a deprecated version of prism_archive_clean() that only works for daily data, and does not prompt the user to confirm which folders should be removed.


  years = NULL,
  mon = NULL,
  minDate = NULL,
  maxDate = NULL,
  dates = NULL

del_early_prov(type, minDate = NULL, maxDate = NULL, dates = NULL)



The type of data you want to subset. Must be "ppt", "tmean", "tmin", "tmax", "tdmean", "vpdmin", "vpdmax", "solclear", "solslope", "soltotal", or "soltrans".


The temporal period to subset. Must be "annual", "monthly", "daily", "monthly normals", or "annual normals".


Valid numeric year, or vector of years.


Valid numeric month, or vector of months.


Date to start subsetting daily data. Must be specified in a valid iso-8601 (e.g. YYYY-MM-DD) format. May be provided as either a character or base::Date class.


Date to end subsetting daily data. Must be specified in a valid iso-8601 (e.g. YYYY-MM-DD) format. May be provided as either a character or base::Date class.


A vector of daily dates to subset. Must be specified in a valid iso-8601 (e.g. YYYY-MM-DD) format. May be provided as either a character or base::Date class.


Invisibly returns vector of all deleted folders.


prism_archive_clean() prompts the user to verify the folders that should be removed when R is running in interactive mode. Otherwise, all data that are identified to be older than the newest available data are removed.

Daily data are considered "early" for the current month. The previous six months are provisional data. After six months data are considered stable. Thus early data only exist for daily data, while there can be monthly (and presumably yearly) provisional data.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# delete any provisional annual precipitation data from 2000-2023
# del_files will containg any deleted files
del_files <- prism_archive_clean('ppt', 'annual', 2000:2023)
} # }