Calculate Soil Moisture Grid, Exponential Trapezoid
Prepare soil moisture grid from STR and VI images for a single date, based on exponential function to derive trapezoid edges, using the derived slope and intercept coefficients
This function is used after preparing the OPTRAM model coefficients with:
. Typically a new image date, (that was not used for preparing the model),
will be referenced in the img_date
The resulting soil moisture raster is saved to output_dir
This function implements an exponential trapezoid, following:
Ambrosone, Mariapaola, et al. 2020.
“Retrieving Soil Moisture in Rainfed and Irrigated Fields
Using Sentinel-2 Observations and a Modified OPTRAM Approach.”
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 89 (July):
102113. doi:10.1016/j.jag.2020.102113
img_date <- "2023-03-11"
VI_dir <- system.file("extdata", "NDVI", package = "rOPTRAM")
STR_dir <- system.file("extdata", "STR", package = "rOPTRAM")
SM <- optram_calculate_soil_moisture(img_date,
VI_dir, STR_dir,
data_dir = tempdir())
#> No coefficients file, Exiting...