Use this function to prepare vegetation index and SWIR Transformed Reflectance (STR) rasters when you have already downloaded Landsat image files in advance. This function assumes that atmospheric correction has been applied.
- landsat_dir,
string, full path to containing folder of downloaded (unzipped) Landsat data in original landsat format, after atmospheric correction (L2A)
- aoi,
sf object, POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON of AOI boundary of area of interest
- LC_output_dir,
string, directory to save the derived products, defaults to tempdir()
- data_output_dir,
string, path to save coeffs_file and STR-VI data.frame, default is tempdir()
Unlike the optram_acquire_s2
function, there is no implementation for automatic download of Landsat images.
This function requires a directory, set in the landsat_dir
which contains the set of Landsat tiles downloaded manually by the user, in advance.
This directory should contain folders of Landsat images, where each folder
consists of the individual Landsat bands as Geotiff files, as well as the metadata files as downloaded from,
i.e. the USGS EarthExplorer website.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
aoi <- sf::st_read(system.file("extdata",
"lachish.gpkg", package = "rOPTRAM"))
# landsat_dir is a directory containing the original downloaded Landsat images.
landsat_dir <- "...enter full path here..."
optram_landsat(landsat_dir, aoi,
veg_index = 'SAVI',
LC_output_dir = tempdir(), data_output_dir = tempdir())
} # }