Calculate Soil Moisture, Polynomial Fitted Curve
Prepare soil moisture grid from STR and VI images for a single date, based on polynomial function fitted to trapezoid edges.
This function is used after preparing the OPTRAM model coefficients with:
. Typically a new image date, (that was not used for preparing the model),
will be referenced in the img_date
The resulting soil moisture raster is saved to output_dir
This function implements an polynomial fitted curve, following:
Ma, Chunfeng, Kasper Johansen, and Matthew F. McCabe. 2022.
“Combining Sentinel-2 Data with an Optical-Trapezoid Approach to Infer within-Field Soil Moisture Variability
and Monitor Agricultural Production Stages.”
Agricultural Water Management 274 (December): 107942.
img_date <- "2023-03-11"
VI_dir <- system.file("extdata", "NDVI", package = "rOPTRAM")
STR_dir <- system.file("extdata", "STR", package = "rOPTRAM")
optram_options("trapezoid_method", "polynomial")
#> New option for trapezoid_method applied.
#> [1] "SWIR_band = 11"
#> [1] "edge_points = TRUE"
#> [1] "feature_col = ID"
#> [1] "max_cloud = 12"
#> [1] "max_tbl_size = 1e+06"
#> [1] "overwrite = FALSE"
#> [1] "period = full"
#> [1] "plot_colors = no"
#> [1] "remote = scihub"
#> [1] "rm.hi.str = FALSE"
#> [1] " = FALSE"
#> [1] "trapezoid_method = polynomial"
#> [1] "veg_index = NDVI"
#> [1] "vi_step = 0.005"
SM <- optram_calculate_soil_moisture(img_date,
VI_dir, STR_dir,
data_dir = tempdir())
#> Multiple tiles created:
#> /tmp/RtmpIicJ47/soil_moisture_2023-03-11_T36RXV.tif/tmp/RtmpIicJ47/soil_moisture_2023-03-11_T36SXA.tif