Using the rdataretriever to quickly analyze Breeding Bird Survey data
The Breeding Bird Survey of North America (BBS) is a widely used dataset for understanding geospatial variation and dynamic changes in bird communities. The dataset is a continental scale community science project where thousands of birders count birds at locations across North America. It has been used in hundreds of research projects including research on biodiversity gradients (Hurlbert and Haskell 2003), ecological forecasting (Harris, Taylor, and White 2018), and bird declines (Rosenberg et al. 2019).
However working with the Breeding Bird Survey data can be challenging because it is composed of roughly 100 different files that need to be cleaned and then combined in multiple ways. These initial phases of the data analysis pipeline can require hours of work for even experienced users to understand the detailed layout of the data and either manually assemble it or write code to combine the data. The data structure and location also changes regularly meaning that code for this work that is not regularly tested quickly stops working.
This vignette demonstrates how using the rdataretriever
can eliminate hours of work on data cleaning and restructing allowing
researchers to quickly begin addressing interesting scientific
questions. To do this is demonstrates analyzing the BBS data to evaluate
correlates of biodiversity (in the form of species richness).
Load R Packages
We start by loading the necessary packages. In addition to the
in this demo we’ll also use
, RSQLite
and dplyr
to work
with the data, raster
for working with environmental data,
and ggplot2
for visualization.
Install And Connect To The Breeding Bird Survey Data
First we’ll update the rdataretriever
to make sure we
have the newest data processing recipes in case something about the
structure or location of the dataset has changed. Centrally updated data
recipes reproducible research with this dataset because something
changes every year when the newest data is released meaning that any
custom code for processing the data stops working. When this happens the
recipe is updated and after running
data analysis code continues to run as it
always has.
Next install the BBS data into an SQLite database named
We could also load the data straight into R (using
), store it as
flat files (CSV, JSON, or XML), or load it into other database
management systems (PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MySQL). The data is moderately
large (~1GB) so SQLite represents a nice compromise between efficiently
conducting the first steps in the data manipulation pipeline while
requiring no additional setup or expertise. The large number of storage
backends makes the rdataretriever
easy to integrate into
existing data processing workflows and to implement designs appropriate
to the scale of the data with no additional work.
Having installed the data into SQLite we can then connect to the database to start analyzing the data.
The two key tables for this analysis are the surveys
tables, so let’s create connections to those
The surveys
table holds the data on how many individuals
of each species are sampled at each site. The sites
holds information on where each site is which we’ll use to link the data
to environmental variables.
Analyze The Data
To calculate the measure of biodiversity, which is species richness
or the number of species, we’ll use dplyr
to determine the
number of species observed at each site in a recent year.
rich_data <- surveys %>%
filter(year == 2016) %>%
group_by(statenum, route) %>%
summarize(richness = n()) %>%
The data is now smaller than the original ~1 GB, so we used
to load the summarized data directly into R.
Next we need to get environmental data for each site, which we’ll get
from the worldclim
bioclim <- getData('worldclim', var = 'bio', res = 10)
To extract the environmental data we first make our sites data spatial and add them to our map.
sites <- as.data.frame(sites)
sites_spatial <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(sites[c('longitude', 'latitude')], sites)
We can then extract the environmental data for each site from the bioclim raster and add it to the data on biodiversity.
bioclim_bbs <- extract(bioclim, sites_spatial) %>%
richness_w_env <- inner_join(rich_data, bioclim_bbs)
Now let’s see how richness relates to the precipitation. Annual
precipition is stored in bio12
ggplot(richness_w_env, aes(x = bio12, y = richness)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
labs(x = "Annual Precipitation", y = "Number of Species")
It looks like there’s a pattern here, so let’s fit a smoother through it.
ggplot(richness_w_env, aes(x = bio12, y = richness)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
This shows that there is low bird biodiversity in really dry areas, biodiversity peaks at intermediate precipitations, and then drops off at the highest precipitation values.
If we wanted to use this kind of information to inform conservation decisions at the state level, could look at the patterns within each state after filtering to ensure enough data points.
richness_w_env_high_n <- richness_w_env %>%
group_by(statenum) %>%
filter(n() >= 50)
ggplot(richness_w_env_high_n, aes(x = bio12, y = richness)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth() +
facet_wrap(~statenum, scales = 'free') +
labs(x = "Annual Precipitation", y = "Number of Species")
Looking back at this demo there is only one line of code directly
involving the rdataretriever
(other than installation).
This demonstrates the strength that the rdataretriever
brings to the the early phases of the data acquistion and processing
pipeline by distilling those steps to a single line that provides the
data in a ready-to-analyze form so that researchers can focus on the
analysis of the data itself.
Thanks to the rdataretriever
we can generate meaningful
information about large scale bird biodiversity patterns in about 15
minutes. If we’d been working with the raw BBS data we would likely have
spent hours manipulating and cleaning data before we could start this