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rdataretriever 3.1.1

Minor Improvements

  • Update Authors’ list

rdataretriever 3.1.0

CRAN release: 2022-05-18

New Features

  • Add rdatasets and Socrata API
  • Remove Travis and use GitHub actions
  • Change default branch from master to main
  • Add Joss Paper and DOI badge
  • Update and simplify installation instructions
  • Remove windows specific install instructions
  • Update the vignettes

Minor Improvements

  • Rename the function to data_retriever_version
  • Add get_version function
  • Automatically reload the scripts
  • Reactivate MariaDB tests
  • Use Cloud CRAN mirror in Docker-based testing
  • Simplify the interface to retriever module add function to install retriever
  • Add tests for get-script-citation
  • Add get citation function

rdataretriever 3.0.1

New Coauthors

We welcome Apoorva Pandey and Hao Ye as coauthors on the package. Thanks for the great contributions!

New Features

  • Add provenance support

  • Add support for new online/offline dataset feature in retriever

  • Automatically update dataset status

  • Check that the retriever Python package is sufficiently up-to-date

  • Update and simplify installation instructions

  • Add get citation function

  • Update and simplify internals to benefit from updates to reticulate

  • Add vignettes ## Minor Improvements

  • Improvements to code style and documentation

  • Use Cloud CRAN mirror in Docker-based testing for stability

  • Add get_version function, returns the version of the Data Retriever

rdataretriever 3.0.0

CRAN release: 2020-09-17

New Coauthors

We welcome Apoorva Pandey and Hao Ye as coauthors on the package. Thanks for the great contributions!

New Features

  • Add provenance support
  • Add support for new online/offline dataset feature in retriever
  • Automatically update dataset status
  • Check that the retriever Python package is sufficiently up-to-date
  • Update and simplify installation instructions
  • Add get citation function
  • Update and simplify internals to benefit from updates to reticulate

Minor Improvements

  • Improvements to code style and documentation
  • Use Cloud CRAN mirror in Docker-based testing for stability
  • Add get_version function, returns the version of the Data Retriever

rdataretriever 2.0.0

CRAN release: 2019-05-25

New Coauthors

We welcome Harshit Bansal as a coauthor on the package. Thanks for the great help!

New Features

  • Add a customize installation to directory using data dir
  • Use Dockers for testing
  • Add spatial support using Postgis
  • Using reticulate
  • Add get_citation function
  • Update Reset retriever to include reseting specific scripts or data

Minor Improvements

  • Improve the test platform and use reticulate in the tests
  • Test using custom service names specific to project
  • Add potential path for retriever in Windows

Bug Fixes

  • No scripts when using reticulate based install on retriever

rdataretriever 1.1.0


  • We welcome Pranita Sharma and David J. Harris as coauthors on the package. Thanks for the great help Pranita and David!


  • Use reticulate to integrate with retriever Python
  • Spatial dataset processing Beta version using PostGis


  • Use Docker compose for testing
  • Switch to Python 3 for testing
  • Enhance path search on Windows
  • Add a debug script for reporting the environment variables
  • Update documentation to match latest version
  • Add license file

rdataretriever 1.0.0

CRAN release: 2017-03-11


  • The EcoData Retriever has been renamed to Data Retriever to reflect its utility outside of ecological data and consequently we have renamed the R package from ecoretriever to rdataretriever


  • We welcome Henry Senyondo and Shawn Taylor as coauthors on the package. Thanks for the great help Henry and Shawn!


  • Add reset which allows a user to delete all the Data Retriever downloaded files
  • Add json and xml as output options


  • Accommodate new retriever naming conventions in fetch
  • Don’t change the class or return the update log
  • Specify in documentation which functions are for internal use.
  • Change dataset names in source and


  • Search for Anaconda installs of the Data Retriever
  • Obtain correct home path in RStudio on Windows