The riem package allows to get weather data from ASOS stations (airports) via the awesome website of the Iowa Environment Mesonet.
Install the package with:
Or install the development version using devtools with:
Get available networks
## # A tibble: 264 × 2
## code name
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 AE__ASOS United Arab Emirates ASOS
## 2 AF__ASOS Afghanistan ASOS
## 3 AG__ASOS Antigua and Barbuda ASOS
## 4 AI__ASOS Anguilla ASOS
## 5 AK_ASOS Alaska ASOS
## 6 AL__ASOS Albania ASOS
## 7 AL_ASOS Alabama ASOS
## 8 AM__ASOS Armenia ASOS
## 9 AN__ASOS Netherlands Antilles ASOS
## 10 AO__ASOS Angola ASOS
## # ℹ 254 more rows
Get available stations for one network
riem_stations(network = "IN__ASOS")
## # A tibble: 137 × 22
## index id synop name country elevation network online plot_name modified
## <int> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <lgl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 0 VEAT 99999 Agarta… IN 16 IN__AS… TRUE "AGARTAL… 2023-12…
## 2 1 VOAT NA Agatti… IN -2 IN__AS… TRUE "Agatti" 2020-06…
## 3 2 VIAG 99999 Agra IN 169 IN__AS… TRUE "AGRA (I… 2023-12…
## 4 3 VAAH 99999 Ahmeda… IN 55 IN__AS… TRUE "AHMADAB… 2023-12…
## 5 4 VELP NA Aizwal IN 428. IN__AS… TRUE "Lengpui" 2020-06…
## 6 5 VIAL 99999 Allaha… IN 98 IN__AS… FALSE "ALLAHAB… 2023-12…
## 7 6 VEAB NA Allaha… IN 100 IN__AS… TRUE "Allahab… 2023-01…
## 8 7 VIAR 99999 Amrits… IN 234 IN__AS… TRUE "AMRITSA… 2023-12…
## 9 8 VOAR NA Arkonam IN 80 IN__AS… TRUE "Arkonam" 2024-05…
## 10 9 VAAU NA Aurang… IN 578. IN__AS… TRUE "Auranga… 2023-12…
## # ℹ 127 more rows
## # ℹ 12 more variables: spri <int>, tzname <chr>, iemid <int>,
## # archive_begin <chr>, metasite <lgl>, wigos <chr>, longitude <dbl>,
## # latitude <dbl>, state <chr>, archive_end <chr>, lon <dbl>, lat <dbl>
Get measures for one station
Possible variables are (copied from here, see also the ASOS user guide)
station: three or four character site identifier
valid: timestamp of the observation (UTC)
tmpf: Air Temperature in Fahrenheit, typically @ 2 meters
dwpf: Dew Point Temperature in Fahrenheit, typically @ 2 meters
relh: Relative Humidity in %
drct: Wind Direction in degrees from north
sknt: Wind Speed in knots
p01i: One hour precipitation for the period from the observation time to the time of the previous hourly precipitation reset. This varies slightly by site. Values are in inches. This value may or may not contain frozen precipitation melted by some device on the sensor or estimated by some other means. Unfortunately, we do not know of an authoritative database denoting which station has which sensor.
alti: Pressure altimeter in inches
mslp: Sea Level Pressure in millibar
vsby: Visibility in miles
gust: Wind Gust in knots
skyc1: Sky Level 1 Coverage
skyc2: Sky Level 2 Coverage
skyc3: Sky Level 3 Coverage
skyc4: Sky Level 4 Coverage
skyl1: Sky Level 1 Altitude in feet
skyl2: Sky Level 2 Altitude in feet
skyl3: Sky Level 3 Altitude in feet
skyl4: Sky Level 4 Altitude in feet
presentwx: Present Weather Codes (space seperated), see e.g. this manual for further explanations.
feel: Apparent Temperature (Wind Chill or Heat Index) in degF
ice_accretion_1hr: Ice Accretion over 1 Hour in inch
ice_accretion_3hr: Ice Accretion over 3 Hour in inch
ice_accretion_6hr: Ice Accretion over 6 Hour in inch
relh: Relative Humidity in %
metar: unprocessed reported observation in METAR format
peak_wind_gust: Wind gust in knots from the METAR PK WND remark, this value may be different than the value found in the gust field. The gust field is derived from the standard METAR wind report.
peak_wind_drct: The wind direction in degrees North denoted in the METAR PK WND remark.
peak_wind_time: The timestamp of the PK WND value in the same timezone as the valid field and controlled by the tz parameter.
measures <- riem_measures(station = "VOHY", date_start = "2000-01-01", date_end = "2016-04-22")
## Warning in scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec = dec,
## : EOF within quoted string
## # A tibble: 6 × 30
## station valid tmpf dwpf relh drct sknt p01i alti mslp
## <chr> <dttm> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 VOHY 2000-01-01 00:00:00 61.5 57.4 86.3 0 0 NA 29.9 1014.
## 2 VOHY 2000-01-01 01:40:00 64.4 60.8 88.1 0 0 NA 30.0 NA
## 3 VOHY 2000-01-01 02:40:00 69.8 60.8 73.1 140 5 NA 30.1 NA
## 4 VOHY 2000-01-01 03:00:00 68 61.7 80.3 140 4 NA 30.0 1016.
## 5 VOHY 2000-01-01 03:40:00 71.6 62.6 73.3 140 5 NA 30.1 NA
## 6 VOHY 2000-01-01 05:40:00 75.2 55.4 50.2 90 6 NA 30 NA
## # ℹ 20 more variables: vsby <dbl>, gust <dbl>, skyc1 <chr>, skyc2 <chr>,
## # skyc3 <chr>, skyc4 <chr>, skyl1 <dbl>, skyl2 <dbl>, skyl3 <dbl>,
## # skyl4 <dbl>, wxcodes <chr>, ice_accretion_1hr <lgl>,
## # ice_accretion_3hr <lgl>, ice_accretion_6hr <lgl>, peak_wind_gust <lgl>,
## # peak_wind_drct <lgl>, peak_wind_time <lgl>, feel <dbl>, metar <chr>,
## # snowdepth <lgl>
For conversion of wind speed or temperature into other units, see this package.