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Retrieve observations from a particular iNaturalist project. This function can be used to get either observations or information from a project by project name or ID.


get_inat_obs_project(grpid, type = c("observations", "info"), raw = FALSE)



Name of the group as an iNaturalist slug or group ID.


Character, either "observations" or "info". "observations" returns all observations, and "info" returns project details similar to what you can find on a project's page.


Logical. If TRUE and searching for project info, returns the raw output of parsed JSON for that project. Otherwise just some basic information is returned as a list.


An iNaturalist slug is usually the project name as a single string with words separated by hyphens. For instance, the project "World Oceans Week 2022" has a slug of "world-oceans-week-2022", which you can find by searching projects on iNaturalist and looking at the project's page's URL.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
 get_inat_obs_project(354, type = "observations")
 get_inat_obs_project("crows-in-vermont", type="info",raw=FALSE)
} # }