load a Natural Earth vector that has already been downloaded to R using ne_download
Source: R/ne_load.R
returns loaded data as a spatial object.
- scale
The scale of map to return, one of `110`, `50`, `10` or `small`, `medium`, `large`.
- type
type of natural earth file one of 'countries', 'map_units', 'map_subunits', 'sovereignty', 'states' OR the portion of any natural earth vector url after the scale and before the . e.g. for 'ne_50m_urban_areas.zip' this would be 'urban_areas' OR the raster filename e.g. for 'MSR_50M.zip' this would be 'MSR_50M'
- category
one of natural earth categories : 'cultural', 'physical', 'raster'
- destdir
folder to load files from, default=tempdir()
- file_name
OPTIONAL name of file (excluding path) instead of natural earth attributes
- returnclass
A string determining the spatial object to return. Either "sf" for for simple feature (from `sf`, the default) or "sv" for a `SpatVector` (from `terra`).
An object of class `sf` for simple feature (from `sf`, the default) or `SpatVector` (from `terra`).
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# download followed by load from tempdir() works in same R session
spdf_world <- ne_download(scale = 110, type = "countries")
spdf_world2 <- ne_load(scale = 110, type = "countries")
# download followed by load from specified directory works between R sessions
spdf_world <- ne_download(scale = 110, type = "countries", destdir = getwd())
spdf_world2 <- ne_load(scale = 110, type = "countries", destdir = getwd())
# for raster download & load
rst <- ne_download(scale = 50, type = "OB_50M", category = "raster", destdir = getwd())
# load after having downloaded
rst <- ne_load(scale = 50, type = "OB_50M", category = "raster", destdir = getwd())
# plot
# end dontrun
} # }