Returns Twitter statuses matching a user provided search query.
search_tweets2 Passes all arguments to search_tweets. Returns data from one OR MORE search queries.
n = 100,
type = c("mixed", "recent", "popular"),
include_rts = TRUE,
geocode = NULL,
since_id = NULL,
max_id = NULL,
parse = TRUE,
token = NULL,
retryonratelimit = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
- q
Query to be searched, used to filter and select tweets to return from Twitter's REST API. Must be a character string not to exceed maximum of 500 characters. Spaces behave like boolean "AND" operator. To search for tweets containing at least one of multiple possible terms, separate each search term with spaces and "OR" (in caps). For example, the search
q = "data science"
looks for tweets containing both "data" and "science" located anywhere in the tweets and in any order. When "OR" is entered between search terms,query = "data OR science"
, Twitter's REST API should return any tweet that contains either "data" or "science." It is also possible to search for exact phrases using double quotes. To do this, either wrap single quotes around a search query using double quotes, e.g.,q = '"data science"'
or escape each internal double quote with a single backslash, e.g.,q = "\"data science\""
.Some other useful query tips:
Exclude retweets via
Exclude quotes via
Exclude replies via
Filter (return only) verified via
Exclude verified via
Get everything (firehose for free) via
"-filter:verified OR filter:verified"
Filter (return only) tweets with links to news articles via
Filter (return only) tweets with media
- n
Desired number of results to return. Results are downloaded in pages when
is large; the default value will download a single page. Setn = Inf
to download as many results as possible.The Twitter API rate limits the number of requests you can perform in each 15 minute period. The easiest way to download more than that is to use
retryonratelimit = TRUE
.You are not guaranteed to get exactly
results back. You will get fewer results when tweets have been deleted or if you hit a rate limit. You will get more results if you ask for a number of tweets that's not a multiple of page size, e.g. if you requestn = 150
and the page size is 200, you'll get 200 results back.- type
Character string specifying which type of search results to return from Twitter's REST API. The current default is
type = "recent"
, other valid types includetype = "mixed"
andtype = "popular"
.- include_rts
Logical, indicating whether to include retweets in search results. Retweets are classified as any tweet generated by Twitter's built-in "retweet" (recycle arrows) function. These are distinct from quotes (retweets with additional text provided from sender) or manual retweets (old school method of manually entering "RT" into the text of one's tweets).
- geocode
Geographical limiter of the template "latitude,longitude,radius" e.g.,
geocode = "37.78,-122.40,1mi"
.- since_id
Supply a vector of ids or a data frame of previous results to find tweets newer than
.- max_id
Supply a vector of ids or a data frame of previous results to find tweets older than
.- parse
, the default, returns a tidy data frame. UseFALSE
to return the "raw" list corresponding to the JSON returned from the Twitter API.- token
Use this to override authentication for a single API call. In many cases you are better off changing the default for all calls. See
for details.- retryonratelimit
, and a rate limit is exhausted, will wait until it refreshes. Most Twitter rate limits refresh every 15 minutes. IfFALSE
, and the rate limit is exceeded, the function will terminate early with a warning; you'll still get back all results received up to that point. The default value,NULL
, consults the optionrtweet.retryonratelimit
so that you can globally set it toTRUE
, if desired.If you expect a query to take hours or days to perform, you should not rely solely on
because it does not handle other common failure modes like temporarily losing your internet connection.- verbose
Show progress bars and other messages indicating current progress?
- ...
Further arguments passed as query parameters in request sent to Twitter's REST API. To return only English language tweets, for example, use
lang = "en"
. For more options see Twitter's API documentation.
List object with tweets and users each returned as a data frame.
A tbl data frame with additional "query" column.
Twitter API documentation recommends limiting searches to 10 keywords and operators. Complex queries may also produce API errors preventing recovery of information related to the query. It should also be noted Twitter's search API does not consist of an index of all Tweets. At the time of searching, the search API index includes between only 6-9 days of Tweets.
See also
, tweet_search_all()
, rtweet-deprecated
, rtweet-deprecated
Other tweets: