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rtweet (development version)

rtweet 2.0.0

CRAN release: 2024-02-24

  • This is a major release to signal the end of API v1.1 functions.

  • Fix a problem with auth_sitrep() not correctly handling old tokens.

  • Since httr2 > 0.2.3, rtweet refreshes OAuth 2.0 tokens automatically. It is no longer needed to user rtweet_oauth2(), authentication is fully handled by httr2.

  • Document the deprecated functions from API v1.1 to API v2: see help("rtweet-deprecated", "rtweet").

  • New function client_clean() to remove client’s data (together with auth_clean() they leave the user cache empty).

rtweet 1.2.1

CRAN release: 2023-10-16

rtweet 1.2.0

Authentication changes

  • New client_* functions to save, set and use a client app using Twitter API via the new authentication mechanism rtweet_oauth2() (see below). It has a helper function for the scopes the client is allowed to do set_scopes(). Endpoint have different scope requirements.

  • New authentication mechanism rtweet_oauth2() required by some endpoints. Only valid for 2 hours until it is automatically renewed, but it is left to the user to save it every time it is renewed.

New endpoints using API v2

New endpoints to retrieve data from twitter, no action is performed (no blocking, muting, posting new tweets…):

Other changes

  • Small breaking change: expansions and fields arguments now use NA for all and NULL for none.

  • New functions to set expansions and fields for the new functions: set_expansions(), set_fields().

  • Fixed a bug that prevented auth_setup_default() to work (#756 and #744)

  • Fixed a bug so that the streaming functions use the current token.

rtweet 1.1.0

CRAN release: 2023-01-09

  • Fixed a bug that prevented posting multiple media in the same tweet.
  • Argument premium is correctly handled in search_fullarchive and search_30day (#720).
  • ts_plot uses the first two columns of grouped data.frames for plotting (#724 and #727).
  • get_timeline returns user data for multiple accounts (#723).
  • network_data now handles deleted accounts (#730).
  • retryonratelimit works again on paginated endpoints (#732).
  • Fixed multiple bugs that prevented auth_sitrep() to work in some cases.
  • Provided rbind and subsetting methods ([) for rtweet new classes.
  • Fixed a bug about sending a private message (#735).
  • Provided a function clean_tweets() for cleaning entities from the text of tweets (#721).
  • New helper methods for extracting data from entities in tweets: entity().
  • Columns of the parsed output are now always in the same order (#740).
  • New methods to retrieve ids() from multiple classes and print nicer in post_tweet() (#452).
  • post_tweet() now invisible returns the tweet information.
  • Provides initial support for API v2 for streaming endpoints: filtered_stream() and sample_stream(), including adding rules stream_add_rules() and stream_rm_rules().
  • Deprecated old stream function.
  • Handle more graciously if a whole data.frame is used for lookup_tweets().

rtweet 1.0.2

CRAN release: 2022-07-21

  • Exported again tweets_with_users and users_with_tweets because Twitmo depends on them.

rtweet 1.0.1

  • Fixed issue with .Rbuilignore and vignettes

  • Reduced fixtures sizes by limiting the page size to the number of requests if it is smaller than the default page size.

rtweet 1.0.0

Breaking changes

  • Data returned by rtweet is nested and uses the same names provided by the Twitter API. It doesn’t compute or add new columns as it did previously.

  • emojis, langs and stopwordslangs data are no longer provided by rtweet.

  • get_friends() and get_followers() return similar formatted output with two columns “from_id” and “to_id” (#308, @alexpghayes).

  • All paginated functions that don’t return tweets now use a consistent pagination interface. They all store the “next cursor” in an rtweet_cursor attribute, which will be automatically retrieved when you use the cursor argument.

  • Functions that return tweets (e.g. get_favorites(), get_my_timeline(), get_timeline(), get_mentions(), lists_statuses() and search_tweets()) now expose a consistent pagination interface. They all support max_id and since_id to find earlier and later tweets respectively, as well as retryonratelimit to wait as long as needed when rate limited (#510).

  • suggested_slugs(), suggested_users(), suggested_users_all() have been removed as they stopped working when Twitter remove the suggested users endpoint in June 2019 (

  • parse = FALSE always means return the raw “JSON”. Previously some functions (e.g. my_friendships()) would return the raw HTTP response instead (#504).

  • rtweet no longer re-exports the magrittr pipe %>%; if you want to continue using it, you’ll need to library(magrittr) or library(dplyr) (#522).



rtweet’s authentication system has been completely written. It is now based around three authentication options: rtweet_user(), rtweet_app(), and rtweet_bot(). Authentication no longer touches ~/.Renviron file; instead auth_save() and auth_as() allow you to explicitly save and load authentication mechanisms from a system config directory. See vignette("auth") for more details.

Other changes

  • Update to new rOpenSci Code of Conduct:

  • lookup_users() and search_users() now returns a data frame containing all information about each user (not their latest tweet). If you want to get that data you can use tweets_data().

  • rtweet 1.0.0 implements a consistent strategy for handling rate limits. By default, if a paginated function (i.e. a rtweet function that performs multiple calls to the twitter API) is rate-limited it will return all results received up to that point, along with a warning telling you how to get more results. Alternatively, if you want to automatically wait until the rate-limit is reset, you can set retryratelimit = TRUE.

  • The default value of retryonratelimit comes from the option rtweet.retryonratelimit so you can globally set it to TRUE if desired (#173).

  • All functions that perform multiple requests on your behalf now display a progress bar so you know what’s happening. If you don’t want it, you can turn it off with verbose = FALSE (#518).

  • Banned or protected accounts now trigger a warning instead of an error, but if data from other users is requested it is not served by the API and returned as NA (#590, @simonheb).

  • Added support for posting alt-text metadata with images tweeted with status updated via post_tweet(). (#425, @hrbrmstr)

  • stream_tweets() has been overhauled to only write valid data. This obsoletes all previous strategy to clean up bad data after the fact (#350, #356).

  • The maintainer changed.

  • New user_block() and user_unblock() to block and unblock users (#593, @simonheb).

  • The new tweet_threading function is now faster and more reliable (#305, #693, @charliejhadley).

  • Message are now properly capitalized (#565, @jsta)

  • Fields withheld_scope, withheld_copyright, withheld_in_countries are now correctly parsed (#647, @alexpghayes).

  • Functions like search_tweets(), lookup_statuses() and others return the appropriate date time format for the right columns (created_at mostly) (#653, #657, #660, @alexpghayes, @RickPat).

  • Premium/sandbox environments are supported in search_fullarchive() and search_30day() (#578, #713).

  • The vignette must be pre-computed before submission (#609, @maelle).

rtweet 0.7.0

CRAN release: 2020-01-08

  • Added as part of ROpenSci submission.
  • Added contributing template.
  • Added explanation of requirements and usage to bearer_token() docs.
  • Transferred repo to ropensci
  • Fixed numerous typos and grammatical mistakes (thank you several pull requests)
  • More robust testing setup with encrypted keys entered via travis-ci web UI
  • Data parsing: various bug fixes and stability improvements
  • Added extended tweet mode to list_statuses() endpoint

rtweet 0.6.9

CRAN release: 2019-05-19

  • Better tweet-validating in streaming data–interrupted statuses/broken lines are now returned
  • Added network-graph convenience functions network_data() and network_graph()
  • Added experimental support for premium APIs

rtweet 0.6.8

CRAN release: 2018-09-28

  • Users can now create read-only using the built-in rtweet client!

rtweet 0.6.7

CRAN release: 2018-06-20

  • lookup_coords() now requires a Google Maps API key. It will be stored for easy future use once supplied.
  • Improved documentation for authentication/token creation.
  • Various bug fixes and improvements.

rtweet 0.6.6

  • Added bearer_token() option for access to more generous rate limits.
  • Fixed issues with create_token() when using browse-based authentication method.

rtweet 0.6.5

  • Added list management functionality via post_list(), which now allows users to create and populate lists as well as delete lists on behalf of one’s own Twitter account.
  • lists_memberships() and now scrolls through multiple pages of results to automate collection of larger numbers of lists.
  • Various bug fixes and improvements.

rtweet 0.6.4

  • Added new oauth method to create_token() which allows for creation of token non-interactive sessions via accepting inputs for consumer key, consumer secret (always required), oauth key, and oauth secret (optional, if supplied then non-browser sign method is used).
  • ts_*() functions now offer a tz (timezone) argument, allowing users to more easily print and plot in non-UTC time.
  • Users can now delete tweets by passing the status ID (of the desired tweet to be deleted) to the destroy_id argument in post_tweet()
  • Various bug fixes and stability improvements.

rtweet 0.6.3

  • Fixed bug in join_rtweet(), which omitted users who didn’t have available tweets.
  • Various bug fixes and stability improvements.

rtweet 0.6.2

  • Added all_suggested_users(), which automates the collection of Twitter’s suggested users data.
  • Various bug fixes and stability improvements.
  • Significant upgrades to save_as_csv(), including addition of new prep_as_csv() as convenience function for flattening Twitter data frames.
  • Tokens have been retooled. For at least the time being, users must create a Twitter app in order to be authorized to interact with the REST and stream APIs.
  • Joined data: instead of returning users/tweets data with its complementary tweets/users data stored as an attribute, functions now return a joined data frame, consisting of the tweets-level data joined with the newest (most recent) observation for each user This means functions now return a more consistent and intuitive data object where one row is always equal to one tweet.
  • Overhauled save_as_csv() with improved flattening and ID-preserving saving methods. The function now saves a single [joined] data set as well.
  • Fixed major bugs in get_favorites() and in several lists_*() functions.
  • Tweaked date-time aggregator internals to make time-rounding more precise.

rtweet 0.6.0

CRAN release: 2017-11-16

  • Introduced new API authorization method, which leverages an embedded rtweet Twitter app that is authorized locally by the user. Creating Twitter apps is non longer necessary. Users need only click “okay” to create and store their API authorization token.
  • Improved parsing and line-reading internals for stream_tweets()
  • Added stream_tweets2() function for more robust streaming method. Streams JSON files to directory and reconnects following premature disruptions.
  • Various bug fixes and numerous documentation improvements.

rtweet 0.5.0

  • Added access to direct messages, mentions, list subscriptions, list users, list members, and list memberships
  • Various fixes to parsing, integrating tibble for output, and streaming geolocation-related functions and data.
  • Fixed issues with streaming and parsing streamed data.

rtweet 0.4.9

rtweet 0.4.8

  • Support for additional APIs has been added–including APIs designed to return information related to lists and retweets.
  • The post_status() function has been fixed and can now be used to upload media.
  • Several adjustments have been made in response to various changes in Twitter’s APIs.
  • Thanks to all the great feedback on Github, numerous bug fixes and improvements have been included as well. In general, things should become a lot more stable across functions and data structures.

rtweet 0.4.7

  • The relatively lightweight tibble package is now a package dependency.
  • Speed boosts to parsing process. It’s possible to convert from json to data frames in parallel, but I’m not sure minimal gains are worth the headache. Regardless, the current version should return more data, more reliably, and faster.
  • By default, functions now return data frames (tibbles) with recursive lists (e.g., the 3rd observation of mentions_screen_name may consist of 4 screen names).
  • To revert back to the flattened/delim object, use the flatten() function. Exporting functions such as save_as_csv will apply flatten by default.
  • Three different sets of coordinate variables are now returned: coords_coords, geo_coords, and bbox_coords bounding box. The first two come in pairs of coords (a list column) and bbox_coords comes with 8 values (longX4 latX4). This should allow users to maximize returns on geo-location data.

rtweet 0.4.6

  • More efficient iterations through pages of results.
  • Added to documentation, including new package documentation domain:
  • Improvements made in collecting and using geo data.

rtweet 0.4.5

  • Convenience function plain_tweets() added for textual analysis.
  • Overhaul of ts_plot() with improved time-aggregating method. Now a wrapper around ts_data(), deprecating ts_filter.

rtweet 0.4.4

  • Lots of query-building features added to search tweets, including ability to search by geolocation.
  • Post actions now include replying to status ID.
  • Other various bug fixes and speed improvements.

rtweet 0.4.3

  • Now returns tibbles (tibble is a recommended dependency)
  • Various bug fixes and code improvements.

rtweet 0.4.2

  • Various bug fixes
  • Integration with ggplot2 as a suggested dependency

rtweet 0.4.1

  • Fixed bugs with mutate_coords() and retryonratelimit.
  • Now returns full text of tweets exceeding 140 characters. This change was necessary due to recent changes in Twitter’s API.

rtweet 0.4.0

CRAN release: 2017-01-18

  • CRAN release featuring major additions to documentation and support in addition to new and improved functions like ts_plot(), ts_filter() and more!

rtweet 0.3.96

  • For dev: added package builder for better versioning and more frequent updates to file.
  • Added new live streaming vignette as well as updated and improved tokens vignette
  • Various bug fixes and improvements to tokens, parse, and plot functions.

rtweet 0.3.93

  • All interactive/posting functions have been modified with the prefix post_. This was done to clearly distinguish write functions from retrieval functions.
  • More bug fixes and various improvements.
  • The ts_plot() function is now more robust with more adaptive characteristics for variations in the number of filters, the method of distinguishing lines, the position of the legend, and the aesthetics of the themes.
  • Added ts_filter() function which allows users to convert Twitter data into a time series-like data frame. Users may also provide filtering rules with which ts_filter() will subset the data as it converts it to multiple time series, which it then outputs as a long-form (tidy) data frame.

rtweet 0.3.92

  • search_tweets now includes retryonratelimit argument to allow for searches requesting more than 18,000 tweets. This automates what was previously possible through use of max_id.
  • Various bug fixes and improvements to parsing and pagination- assisting functions.
  • Fixed bug in encoding with stream_tweets.

rtweet 0.3.91

  • Major improvements to ts_plot including SIX different themes from which users may choose
  • More parsing fixes and misc stability improvements
  • Minor renaming of variables along with returning more variables overall

rtweet 0.3.9

  • Fixes minor problems with parse.piper function
  • More additions to plotting and data wrangling for the purpose of plotting

rtweet 0.3.8

  • Functions by default use a new faster parser that returns more variables
  • Text analysis functions provided for convenience
  • Plotting with maps
  • Tidyverse consistencies

rtweet 0.3.8

  • Fixed issue with geo tracking in stream_tweets
  • Various bug fixes and stability improvements

rtweet 0.3.7

CRAN release: 2016-11-16

  • Reworked ts_plot to enable different filtered time series and an aesthetic overhaul of the plot function as well.

rtweet 0.3.6

  • Added as_double argument to provide flexibility in handling id variables (as_double provides performance boost but can create problems when printing and saving, depending on format). By default functions will return IDs as character vectors.
  • Numerous improvements made to parsing and bug fixes to lookup and search functions.

rtweet 0.3.5

  • clean_tweets argument provided to allow user more control over encoding and handling of non-ascii characters.
  • Fixed issue with search_users and implemented several improvements to stream_tweets and plot_ts.

rtweet 0.3.4

  • Implemented robust methods to fetch tokens (whether set as environment variable, .httr-oauth file, or if the tokens exist in the global environment). Functions now search for variations in the labeling of tokens—i.e., if your token(s) are saved as twitter_tokens, twitter_token, tokens, or token, rtweet will find it.
  • Fixed issues with parsing tweets and users data.
  • Stability improvements to search_tweets and stream_tweeets

rtweet 0.3.3

  • Flattened recursive columns for more reliable parsing and various speed enhancements

rtweet 0.3.2

  • Added built-in, encrypted tokens
  • Fixed issues with tweets parsing and reading streams
  • Numerous speed improvements

rtweet 0.3.1

  • include_retweets arg added to search_tweets() function.
  • user_id class changed to double when parsed. double is significantly faster and consumes less space. it’s also capable of handling the length of id scalars, so the only downside is truncated printing.

rtweet 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2016-09-26

  • New CRAN version!
  • Lots of improvements to stability and entirely new functions to play around with (see previous news updates for more info).
  • Added more documentation all round, including help features, examples, and vignette infrastructure.

rtweet 0.2.92

rtweet 0.2.91

  • Added sample method for stream_tweets() function. By default, the streaming query argument, q, is now set to an empty string, q = "", which returns a random sample of all Tweets (pretty cool, right?).

rtweet 0.2.9

  • Added post_tweet() function. Users can now post tweets from their R console.

rtweet 0.2.8

  • Added get_favorites() function
  • Update tests
  • Exports tweets and users classes with show and plot methods

rtweet 0.2.7

  • Added screen_name variable for user mentions (in addition to user_id).

rtweet 0.2.6

  • Added lookup_statuses() function, which is the counterpart to lookup_users(). Supply a vector of status IDs and return tweet data for each status. lookup_statuses() is particularly powerful when combined with other methods designed to collect older Tweets. Early experiments with doing this all through R have turned out surprisingly well, but packaging it in a way that makes it easy to do on other machines is unlikely to happen in the short term.

  • Removed dplyr dependencies. Everyone should install and use dplyr, but for sake of parsimony, it’s been removed from rtweet.

  • Continued development of S4 classes and methods. Given removal of dplyr dependencies, I’ve started to integrate print/show methods that will limit the number of rows (and width of columns) when printed. Given the amount of data returned in a relatively short period of time, printing entire data frames quickly becomes headache-inducing.

rtweet 0.2.5

  • S4 class and methods integration

rtweet 0.2.4

  • Added new trends functions. Find what trending locations are available with trends_available() and/or search for trends worldwide or by geographical location using get_trends().

  • Stability improvements including integration with Travis CI and code analysis via codecov. Token encryption method also means API testing conducted on multiple machines and systems.

rtweet 0.2.3

  • Added new search_users() function! Search for users by keyword, name, or interest and return data on the first 1000 hits.

rtweet 0.2.2

rtweet 0.2.1

  • Output for get_friends() and get_followers() is now a tibble of “ids”. To retrieve next cursor value, use new next_cursor() function.

  • Major stability improvements via testthat tests for every major function.

rtweet 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2016-08-14

  • Since previous CRAN release, numerous new features and improvements to functions returning tweets, user data, and ids.

  • Search function now optimized to return more tweets per search.

  • Numerous improvements to stability, error checks, and namespace management.

rtweet 0.1.91

  • Improvements to get_friends and get_followers. Returns list with value (next_cursor) used for next page of results. When this value is 0, all results have been returned.

  • Functions get_friends and get_followers now return the list of user ids as a tibble data table, which makes the print out much cleaner.

rtweet 0.1.9

  • Improved scrolling methods such that search_tweets and get_timeline should return a lot more now

  • Added parser function to return status (tweets) AND user (users) data frames when available. As a result, the parsed output for some functions now comes as a list containing two data frames.

rtweet 0.1.8

  • Added get_timeline function that returns tweets from selected user

  • Added vignettes covering tokens and search tweets

  • Fixed issue with count argument in search and user functions

rtweet 0.1.7

  • Fixed parsing issue for return objects with omitted variables

  • Added clean_tweets convenience function for text analysis

  • More examples included in documentation.

rtweet 0.1.6

  • Added recode_error argument to get_friends function. This is especially useful for tracking networks over time.

  • Further integrated ROAuth methods/objects to increase compatibility with twitteR authorization procedures.

  • Improved token checking procedures.

rtweet 0.1.4

CRAN release: 2016-08-07

  • Added file

  • Added key features and more descriptions to

rtweet 0.1.3

  • There are now two stable parse (convert json obj to data frame) types. For user objects (e.g., output of lookup_users), there is parse_user. For tweet objects (e.g., output of search_tweets or stream_tweets), there is parse_tweets.

  • New parse functions are now exported, so they should available for use with compatible Twitter packages or user-defined API request operations.

rtweet 0.1.2

  • More parsing improvements

  • Added format_date function

  • Various stability improvements

rtweet 0.1.1

  • Improvements to parse functions

rtweet 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2016-08-01

  • Initial release