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All functions

skim_to_wide() skim_to_list() skim_format()
Deprecated functions from skimr v1
Fix unicode histograms on Windows
Only show a subset of summary statistics after skimming
get_default_skimmers() get_one_default_skimmer() get_default_skimmer_names() get_one_default_skimmer_names() get_sfl()
View default skimmer names and functions
get_skimmers() modify_default_skimmers()
Retrieve the summary functions for a specific data type
knit_print(<skim_df>) knit_print(<skim_list>) knit_print(<one_skim_df>) knit_print(<summary_skim_df>)
Provide a default printing method for knitr.
Mutate a skim_df
partition() bind() yank()
Separate a big skim_df into smaller data frames, by type.
print(<skim_df>) print(<skim_list>) print(<summary_skim_df>)
Print skim objects
repr_text(<skim_df>) repr_text(<skim_list>) repr_text(<one_skim_df>)
Skimr printing within Jupyter notebooks
Create a skimr function list
data_rows() data_cols() df_name() dt_key() group_names() base_skimmers() skimmers_used()
Functions for accessing skim_df attributes
has_type_column() has_variable_column() has_skimr_attributes() has_skim_type_attribute() has_skimmers() is_data_frame() is_skim_df() is_one_skim_df() is_skim_list() could_be_skim_df() assert_is_skim_df() assert_is_skim_list() assert_is_one_skim_df()
Test if an object is compatible with skimr
skim() skim_tee() skim_without_charts()
Skim a data frame, getting useful summary statistics
Set or add the summary functions for a particular type of data
skimr skimr-package
Skim a data frame
n_missing() n_complete() complete_rate() n_whitespace() sorted_count() top_counts() inline_hist() n_empty() min_char() max_char() n_unique() ts_start() ts_end() inline_linegraph() list_lengths_min() list_lengths_median() list_lengths_max() list_min_length() list_max_length()
Summary statistic functions
Summary function for skim_df
Create "long" skim output