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build_polys generates a simple feature collection with POLYGONs from a data.table. The function expects a data.table with relocation data, individual identifiers, a projection, home range type and parameters. The relocation data is transformed into POLYGONs using either adehabitatHR::mcp or adehabitatHR::kernelUD for each individual and, optionally, combination of columns listed in splitBy. Relocation data should be in two columns representing the X and Y coordinates.


  DT = NULL,
  projection = NULL,
  hrType = NULL,
  hrParams = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  coords = NULL,
  splitBy = NULL,
  spPts = NULL



input data.table


numeric or character defining the coordinate reference system to be passed to sf::st_crs. For example, either projection = "EPSG:32736" or projection = 32736.


type of HR estimation, either 'mcp' or 'kernel'


a named list of parameters for adehabitatHR functions


Character string of ID column name


Character vector of X coordinate and Y coordinate column names. Note: the order is assumed X followed by Y column names.


(optional) character string or vector of grouping column name(s) upon which the grouping will be calculated


alternatively, provide solely a SpatialPointsDataFrame with one column representing the ID of each point, as specified by adehabitatHR::mcp or adehabitatHR::kernelUD


build_polys returns a simple feature collection with POLYGONs for each individual (and optionally splitBy combination).

An error is returned when hrParams do not match the arguments of the respective hrType adehabitatHR function.


group_polys uses build_polys for grouping overlapping polygons created from relocations.

R-spatial evolution

Please note, spatsoc has followed updates from R spatial, GDAL and PROJ for handling projections, see more below and details at

In addition, build_polys previously used sp::SpatialPoints but has been updated to use sf::st_as_sf according to the R-spatial evolution, see more at

Notes on arguments

The DT must be a data.table. If your data is a data.frame, you can convert it by reference using data.table::setDT.

The id, coords (and optional splitBy) arguments expect the names of respective columns in DT which correspond to the individual identifier, X and Y coordinates, and additional grouping columns.

The projection argument expects a character string or numeric defining the coordinate reference system to be passed to sf::st_crs. For example, for UTM zone 36S (EPSG 32736), the projection argument is projection = "EPSG:32736" or projection = 32736. See for a list of EPSG codes.

The hrType must be either one of "kernel" or "mcp". The hrParams must be a named list of arguments matching those of adehabitatHR::kernelUD and adehabitatHR::getverticeshr or adehabitatHR::mcp.

The splitBy argument offers further control building POLYGONs. If in your DT, you have multiple temporal groups (e.g.: years) for example, you can provide the name of the column which identifies them and build POLYGONs for each individual in each year.

See also


Other Build functions: build_lines()


# Load data.table

# Read example data
DT <- fread(system.file("extdata", "DT.csv", package = "spatsoc"))

# Cast the character column to POSIXct
DT[, datetime := as.POSIXct(datetime, tz = 'UTC')]
#>            ID        X       Y            datetime population
#>        <char>    <num>   <num>              <POSc>      <int>
#>     1:      A 715851.4 5505340 2016-11-01 00:00:54          1
#>     2:      A 715822.8 5505289 2016-11-01 02:01:22          1
#>     3:      A 715872.9 5505252 2016-11-01 04:01:24          1
#>     4:      A 715820.5 5505231 2016-11-01 06:01:05          1
#>     5:      A 715830.6 5505227 2016-11-01 08:01:11          1
#>    ---                                                       
#> 14293:      J 700616.5 5509069 2017-02-28 14:00:54          1
#> 14294:      J 700622.6 5509065 2017-02-28 16:00:11          1
#> 14295:      J 700657.5 5509277 2017-02-28 18:00:55          1
#> 14296:      J 700610.3 5509269 2017-02-28 20:00:48          1
#> 14297:      J 700744.0 5508782 2017-02-28 22:00:39          1

# EPSG code for example data
utm <- 32736

# Build polygons for each individual using kernelUD and getverticeshr
build_polys(DT, projection = utm, hrType = 'kernel',
            hrParams = list(grid = 60, percent = 95),
            id = 'ID', coords = c('X', 'Y'))
#> Simple feature collection with 10 features and 2 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 691964.9 ymin: 5489527 xmax: 717689.4 ymax: 5516125
#> Projected CRS: +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
#>   ID      area                       geometry
#> A  A 192345367 MULTIPOLYGON (((693628 5506...
#> B  B  17316394 MULTIPOLYGON (((703312.2 55...
#> C  C 151238156 MULTIPOLYGON (((694712.6 55...
#> D  D  16127640 MULTIPOLYGON (((694883.4 54...
#> E  E  75190273 MULTIPOLYGON (((694705.4 55...
#> F  F 115041937 MULTIPOLYGON (((694898.6 55...
#> G  G  23395212 MULTIPOLYGON (((702963.8 55...
#> H  H 101217169 MULTIPOLYGON (((692020.5 55...
#> I  I 176667205 MULTIPOLYGON (((694732 5505...
#> J  J 192475536 MULTIPOLYGON (((693703 5506...

# Build polygons for each individual by year
DT[, yr := year(datetime)]
#>            ID        X       Y            datetime population    yr
#>        <char>    <num>   <num>              <POSc>      <int> <int>
#>     1:      A 715851.4 5505340 2016-11-01 00:00:54          1  2016
#>     2:      A 715822.8 5505289 2016-11-01 02:01:22          1  2016
#>     3:      A 715872.9 5505252 2016-11-01 04:01:24          1  2016
#>     4:      A 715820.5 5505231 2016-11-01 06:01:05          1  2016
#>     5:      A 715830.6 5505227 2016-11-01 08:01:11          1  2016
#>    ---                                                             
#> 14293:      J 700616.5 5509069 2017-02-28 14:00:54          1  2017
#> 14294:      J 700622.6 5509065 2017-02-28 16:00:11          1  2017
#> 14295:      J 700657.5 5509277 2017-02-28 18:00:55          1  2017
#> 14296:      J 700610.3 5509269 2017-02-28 20:00:48          1  2017
#> 14297:      J 700744.0 5508782 2017-02-28 22:00:39          1  2017
build_polys(DT, projection = utm, hrType = 'mcp',
            hrParams = list(percent = 95),
            id = 'ID', coords = c('X', 'Y'), splitBy = 'yr')
#> Simple feature collection with 20 features and 2 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 693394.8 ymin: 5490131 xmax: 715229.7 ymax: 5514806
#> Projected CRS: +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
#> First 10 features:
#>            ID      area                       geometry
#> A-2016 A-2016 141208128 POLYGON ((707624.4 5514064,...
#> A-2017 A-2017  68039437 POLYGON ((706582.7 5510383,...
#> B-2016 B-2016   7851014 POLYGON ((699361.8 5511721,...
#> B-2017 B-2017   9473597 POLYGON ((698473.2 5512210,...
#> C-2016 C-2016  90247899 POLYGON ((711698.9 5506990,...
#> C-2017 C-2017  64419958 POLYGON ((706580.1 5510401,...
#> D-2016 D-2016   9478060 POLYGON ((698487.1 5492921,...
#> D-2017 D-2017   7624492 POLYGON ((699711.3 5492069,...
#> E-2016 E-2016  60086909 POLYGON ((707874.5 5507416,...
#> E-2017 E-2017  23034604 POLYGON ((700660.7 5508942,...