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group_polys groups rows into spatial groups by overlapping polygons (home ranges). The function expects a data.table with relocation data, individual identifiers and an area argument. The relocation data is transformed into home range POLYGONs using build_polys() with adehabitatHR::mcp or adehabitatHR::kernelUD. If the area argument is FALSE, group_polys returns grouping calculated by spatial overlap. If the area argument is TRUE, group_polys returns the area area and proportion of overlap. Relocation data should be in two columns representing the X and Y coordinates.


  DT = NULL,
  area = NULL,
  hrType = NULL,
  hrParams = NULL,
  projection = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  coords = NULL,
  splitBy = NULL,
  sfPolys = NULL



input data.table


boolean indicating either overlap group (when FALSE) or area and proportion of overlap (when TRUE)


type of HR estimation, either 'mcp' or 'kernel'


a named list of parameters for adehabitatHR functions


numeric or character defining the coordinate reference system to be passed to sf::st_crs. For example, either projection = "EPSG:32736" or projection = 32736.


Character string of ID column name


Character vector of X coordinate and Y coordinate column names. Note: the order is assumed X followed by Y column names.


(optional) character string or vector of grouping column name(s) upon which the grouping will be calculated


Alternatively, provide solely a simple features object with POLYGONs or MULTIPOLYGONs. If sfPolys are provided, id is required and splitBy cannot be used.


When area is FALSE, group_polys returns the input DT appended with a group column. As with the other grouping functions, the actual value of group is arbitrary and represents the identity of a given group where 1 or more individuals are assigned to a group. If the data was reordered, the group may change, but the contents of each group would not. When area is TRUE, group_polys returns a proportional area overlap data.table. In this case, ID refers to the focal individual of which the total area is compared against the overlapping area of ID2.

If area is FALSE, a message is returned when a column named group already exists in the input DT, because it will be overwritten.

Along with changes to follow the R-spatial evolution, group_polys also now returns area and proportion of overlap with units explicitly specified through the units package.


R-spatial evolution

Please note, spatsoc has followed updates from R spatial, GDAL and PROJ for handling projections, see more below and details at

In addition, group_polys previously used rgeos::gIntersection, rgeos::gIntersects and rgeos::gArea but has been updated to use sf::st_intersects, sf::st_intersection and sf::st_area according to the R-spatial evolution, see more at

Notes on arguments

The DT must be a data.table. If your data is a data.frame, you can convert it by reference using data.table::setDT().

The id, coords (and optional splitBy) arguments expect the names of respective columns in DT which correspond to the individual identifier, X and Y coordinates, and additional grouping columns.

The projection argument expects a character string or numeric defining the coordinate reference system to be passed to sf::st_crs. For example, for UTM zone 36S (EPSG 32736), the projection argument is projection = "EPSG:32736" or projection = 32736. See for a list of EPSG codes.

The hrType must be either one of "kernel" or "mcp". The hrParams must be a named list of arguments matching those of adehabitatHR::kernelUD() or adehabitatHR::mcp().

The splitBy argument offers further control over grouping. If within your DT, you have multiple populations, subgroups or other distinct parts, you can provide the name of the column which identifies them to splitBy. The grouping performed by group_polys will only consider rows within each splitBy subgroup.

See also

build_polys() group_times()

Other Spatial grouping: group_lines(), group_pts()


# Load data.table

# Read example data
DT <- fread(system.file("extdata", "DT.csv", package = "spatsoc"))

# Cast the character column to POSIXct
DT[, datetime := as.POSIXct(datetime, tz = 'UTC')]
#>            ID        X       Y            datetime population
#>        <char>    <num>   <num>              <POSc>      <int>
#>     1:      A 715851.4 5505340 2016-11-01 00:00:54          1
#>     2:      A 715822.8 5505289 2016-11-01 02:01:22          1
#>     3:      A 715872.9 5505252 2016-11-01 04:01:24          1
#>     4:      A 715820.5 5505231 2016-11-01 06:01:05          1
#>     5:      A 715830.6 5505227 2016-11-01 08:01:11          1
#>    ---                                                       
#> 14293:      J 700616.5 5509069 2017-02-28 14:00:54          1
#> 14294:      J 700622.6 5509065 2017-02-28 16:00:11          1
#> 14295:      J 700657.5 5509277 2017-02-28 18:00:55          1
#> 14296:      J 700610.3 5509269 2017-02-28 20:00:48          1
#> 14297:      J 700744.0 5508782 2017-02-28 22:00:39          1

# EPSG code for example data
utm <- 32736

group_polys(DT, area = FALSE, hrType = 'mcp',
            hrParams = list(percent = 95), projection = utm,
            id = 'ID', coords = c('X', 'Y'))
#>            ID        X       Y            datetime population group
#>        <char>    <num>   <num>              <POSc>      <int> <int>
#>     1:      A 715851.4 5505340 2016-11-01 00:00:54          1     1
#>     2:      A 715822.8 5505289 2016-11-01 02:01:22          1     1
#>     3:      A 715872.9 5505252 2016-11-01 04:01:24          1     1
#>     4:      A 715820.5 5505231 2016-11-01 06:01:05          1     1
#>     5:      A 715830.6 5505227 2016-11-01 08:01:11          1     1
#>    ---                                                             
#> 14293:      J 700616.5 5509069 2017-02-28 14:00:54          1     1
#> 14294:      J 700622.6 5509065 2017-02-28 16:00:11          1     1
#> 14295:      J 700657.5 5509277 2017-02-28 18:00:55          1     1
#> 14296:      J 700610.3 5509269 2017-02-28 20:00:48          1     1
#> 14297:      J 700744.0 5508782 2017-02-28 22:00:39          1     1

areaDT <- group_polys(DT, area = TRUE, hrType = 'mcp',
                      hrParams = list(percent = 95), projection = utm,
                      id = 'ID', coords = c('X', 'Y'))
#>         ID1    ID2            area           proportion
#>      <char> <char>         <units>              <units>
#>   1:      A      A 145142204 [m^2] 100.000000 [percent]
#>   2:      B      A   9731424 [m^2]  91.676823 [percent]
#>   3:      C      A 110069503 [m^2]  99.961124 [percent]
#>   4:      E      A  60057115 [m^2]  96.286738 [percent]
#>   5:      F      A  87608610 [m^2]  93.849807 [percent]
#>   6:      G      A  12182087 [m^2]  93.204824 [percent]
#>   7:      H      A  61089896 [m^2]  75.352709 [percent]
#>   8:      I      A 125675100 [m^2]  99.939817 [percent]
#>   9:      J      A 101995862 [m^2]  76.979490 [percent]
#>  10:      A      B   9731424 [m^2]   6.704751 [percent]
#>  11:      B      B  10614922 [m^2] 100.000000 [percent]
#>  12:      C      B   9554942 [m^2]   8.677452 [percent]
#>  13:      E      B   9906676 [m^2]  15.882906 [percent]
#>  14:      F      B   9509693 [m^2]  10.187159 [percent]
#>  15:      G      B  10573553 [m^2]  80.897972 [percent]
#>  16:      H      B  10145705 [m^2]  12.514448 [percent]
#>  17:      I      B   9711953 [m^2]   7.723175 [percent]
#>  18:      J      B  10384186 [m^2]   7.837272 [percent]
#>  19:      A      C 110069503 [m^2]  75.835629 [percent]
#>  20:      B      C   9554942 [m^2]  90.014246 [percent]
#>  21:      C      C 110112310 [m^2] 100.000000 [percent]
#>  22:      E      C  54497018 [m^2]  87.372497 [percent]
#>  23:      F      C  82198072 [m^2]  88.053825 [percent]
#>  24:      G      C  12003003 [m^2]  91.834655 [percent]
#>  25:      H      C  55343937 [m^2]  68.265227 [percent]
#>  26:      I      C 109925578 [m^2]  87.415423 [percent]
#>  27:      J      C  88882259 [m^2]  67.082241 [percent]
#>  28:      D      D  11667275 [m^2] 100.000000 [percent]
#>  29:      A      E  60057115 [m^2]  41.378120 [percent]
#>  30:      B      E   9906676 [m^2]  93.327825 [percent]
#>  31:      C      E  54497018 [m^2]  49.492212 [percent]
#>  32:      E      E  62373195 [m^2] 100.000000 [percent]
#>  33:      F      E  45418786 [m^2]  48.654399 [percent]
#>  34:      G      E  12323593 [m^2]  94.287482 [percent]
#>  35:      H      E  61624267 [m^2]  76.011842 [percent]
#>  36:      I      E  56208280 [m^2]  44.698155 [percent]
#>  37:      J      E  61868357 [m^2]  46.693998 [percent]
#>  38:      A      F  87608610 [m^2]  60.360535 [percent]
#>  39:      B      F   9509693 [m^2]  89.587964 [percent]
#>  40:      C      F  82198072 [m^2]  74.649303 [percent]
#>  41:      E      F  45418786 [m^2]  72.817795 [percent]
#>  42:      F      F  93349803 [m^2] 100.000000 [percent]
#>  43:      G      F  11958427 [m^2]  91.493607 [percent]
#>  44:      H      F  46287984 [m^2]  57.094957 [percent]
#>  45:      I      F  83430540 [m^2]  66.345942 [percent]
#>  46:      J      F  61213465 [m^2]  46.199730 [percent]
#>  47:      A      G  12182087 [m^2]   8.393208 [percent]
#>  48:      B      G  10573553 [m^2]  99.610273 [percent]
#>  49:      C      G  12003003 [m^2]  10.900691 [percent]
#>  50:      E      G  12323593 [m^2]  19.757836 [percent]
#>  51:      F      G  11958427 [m^2]  12.810340 [percent]
#>  52:      G      G  13070233 [m^2] 100.000000 [percent]
#>  53:      H      G  12563547 [m^2]  15.496790 [percent]
#>  54:      I      G  12162428 [m^2]   9.671850 [percent]
#>  55:      J      G  12803712 [m^2]   9.663365 [percent]
#>  56:      A      H  61089896 [m^2]  42.089685 [percent]
#>  57:      B      H  10145705 [m^2]  95.579643 [percent]
#>  58:      C      H  55343937 [m^2]  50.261353 [percent]
#>  59:      E      H  61624267 [m^2]  98.799279 [percent]
#>  60:      F      H  46287984 [m^2]  49.585518 [percent]
#>  61:      G      H  12563547 [m^2]  96.123361 [percent]
#>  62:      H      H  81071930 [m^2] 100.000000 [percent]
#>  63:      I      H  57514743 [m^2]  45.737086 [percent]
#>  64:      J      H  66161291 [m^2]  49.934010 [percent]
#>  65:      A      I 125675100 [m^2]  86.587565 [percent]
#>  66:      B      I   9711953 [m^2]  91.493392 [percent]
#>  67:      C      I 109925578 [m^2]  99.830416 [percent]
#>  68:      E      I  56208280 [m^2]  90.116082 [percent]
#>  69:      F      I  83430540 [m^2]  89.374094 [percent]
#>  70:      G      I  12162428 [m^2]  93.054406 [percent]
#>  71:      H      I  57514743 [m^2]  70.942856 [percent]
#>  72:      I      I 125750781 [m^2] 100.000000 [percent]
#>  73:      J      I  93471355 [m^2]  70.545776 [percent]
#>  74:      A      J 101995862 [m^2]  70.273056 [percent]
#>  75:      B      J  10384186 [m^2]  97.826298 [percent]
#>  76:      C      J  88882259 [m^2]  80.719639 [percent]
#>  77:      E      J  61868357 [m^2]  99.190617 [percent]
#>  78:      F      J  61213465 [m^2]  65.574284 [percent]
#>  79:      G      J  12803712 [m^2]  97.960856 [percent]
#>  80:      H      J  66161291 [m^2]  81.608136 [percent]
#>  81:      I      J  93471355 [m^2]  74.330636 [percent]
#>  82:      J      J 132497451 [m^2] 100.000000 [percent]
#>  83:      A      D         0 [m^2]   0.000000 [percent]
#>  84:      B      D         0 [m^2]   0.000000 [percent]
#>  85:      C      D         0 [m^2]   0.000000 [percent]
#>  86:      D      A         0 [m^2]   0.000000 [percent]
#>  87:      D      B         0 [m^2]   0.000000 [percent]
#>  88:      D      C         0 [m^2]   0.000000 [percent]
#>  89:      D      E         0 [m^2]   0.000000 [percent]
#>  90:      D      F         0 [m^2]   0.000000 [percent]
#>  91:      D      G         0 [m^2]   0.000000 [percent]
#>  92:      D      H         0 [m^2]   0.000000 [percent]
#>  93:      D      I         0 [m^2]   0.000000 [percent]
#>  94:      D      J         0 [m^2]   0.000000 [percent]
#>  95:      E      D         0 [m^2]   0.000000 [percent]
#>  96:      F      D         0 [m^2]   0.000000 [percent]
#>  97:      G      D         0 [m^2]   0.000000 [percent]
#>  98:      H      D         0 [m^2]   0.000000 [percent]
#>  99:      I      D         0 [m^2]   0.000000 [percent]
#> 100:      J      D         0 [m^2]   0.000000 [percent]
#>         ID1    ID2            area           proportion