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Read in stats19 road safety data from .csv files downloaded.


  year = NULL,
  filename = "",
  data_dir = get_data_directory(),
  format = TRUE



Single year for which data are to be read


Character string of the filename of the .csv to read, if this is given, type and years determine whether there is a target to read, otherwise disk scan would be needed.


Where sets of downloaded data would be found.


Switch to return raw read from file, default is TRUE.


The function returns a data frame, in which each record is a reported vehicle in the STATS19 dataset for the data_dir and filename provided.


# \donttest{
if(curl::has_internet()) {
dl_stats19(year = 2019, type = "vehicle")
ve = read_vehicles(year = 2019)
#> Files identified: dft-road-casualty-statistics-vehicle-2019.csv
#> Data saved at /tmp/Rtmpfo9Lqx/dft-road-casualty-statistics-vehicle-2019.csv
#> Warning: The following named parsers don't match the column names: accident_severity, carriageway_hazards, collision_index, collision_reference, collision_year, date, day_of_week, did_police_officer_attend_scene_of_accident, did_police_officer_attend_scene_of_collision, enhanced_collision_severity, first_road_class, first_road_number, junction_control, junction_detail, latitude, legacy_collision_severity, light_conditions, local_authority_district, local_authority_highway, local_authority_ons_district, location_easting_osgr, location_northing_osgr, longitude, lsoa_of_accident_location, lsoa_of_collision_location, number_of_casualties, number_of_vehicles, pedestrian_crossing_human_control, pedestrian_crossing_physical_facilities, police_force, road_surface_conditions, road_type, second_road_class, second_road_number, special_conditions_at_site, speed_limit, time, trunk_road_flag, urban_or_rural_area, weather_conditions, age_band_of_casualty, age_of_casualty, bus_or_coach_passenger, car_passenger, casualty_class, casualty_distance_banding, casualty_home_area_type, casualty_imd_decile, casualty_reference, casualty_severity, casualty_type, enhanced_casualty_severity, lsoa_of_casualty, pedestrian_location, pedestrian_movement, pedestrian_road_maintenance_worker, sex_of_casualty, adjusted_serious, adjusted_slight, injury_based, accident_ref_no, effective_date_of_change, previously_published_value, replacement_value, variable
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
# }