Name Providers and schema used in taxadb
Carl Boettiger, Kari Norman
relies on a set of pre-assembled tables following
a set of standardized schema layouts using Darwin Core vocabulary, as
outlined below. The database dumps provided by providers supported in
at this time are:
taxadb abbreviation |
name |
itis |
The Integrated Taxonomic Information System,
col |
The Catalogue of Life |
ncbi |
The National Center for Biotechnology Information |
gbif |
The Global Biodiversity Information Facility |
tpl |
The Plant List |
fb |
slb |
SeaLifeBase |
wd |
WikiData, ( |
iucn |
The IUCN Red List of endangered species status,
ott |
Open Tree of Life taxonomy. |
Please Note: taxadb
against uncritically combining data from multiple providers. The same
name is frequently used by different providers to mean different things
– some providers consider two names synonyms that other providers
consider distinct species. It is crucial to recognize that taxonomic
name providers represent independent taxonomic theories, and not
merely additional observations of the same immutable reality (Franz
& Sterner (2018)). You cannot just merge two databases of
taxonomic names like you can two databases of, say, plant traits to get
a bigger and more complete sample, because the former can contain
meaningful contradictions.
At the same time, it is also important to note that col
, ott
, are explicitly synthesis projects
integrating the databases of names from a range of (many) other
providers, while itis
, iucn
, tpl
, fb
, and
are independent name providers. The synthetic or
integrated name lists are not simple merges, but the product of
considerably expert opinion, and occasional nonsense automation. As
such, they too represent novel (justified or otherwise) assertions of
taxonomy, and are in no way a complete substitute for the databases they
integrate, owing to both differences in how up-to-date the relative
records are as well as to either expert disagreements or algorithmic
miss-matches. taxadb
makes no attempt to provide an opinion
or reconciliation mechanism to any of these issues, but only to provide
convenient access to data and functions for manipulating these records
in a fast and consistent manner. (In fact, it is easy to use
to verify that many of the names recognized in, say,
ITIS, are not in fact included at all in Catalogue of Life or other
databases that claim to derive from ITIS).
These providers also distribute taxonomic data in a wide range of
database formats using a wide range of data layouts (schemas), not all
of which are particularly easy to use or interpret (e.g. hierarchies are
often but not always specified in taxon_id,parent_id
pairs.) To make it faster and easier to work across these providers,
defines a common set of table schemas outlined below
that are particularly suited for efficient computation of common tasks.
The taxadb
format follows a strict interpretation of a
subset of Darwin Core.
pre-processes and publicly archives compressed, flat
tables corresponding to each of these schema for each of these
providers. The providers vary widely in the frequency at which they
update their records, as well as whether they provide immutable
versioned releases (e.g. col
, ott
), direct
access to a database that is updated on a dynamic/continual basis
without any log of the changes (itis
, ncbi
others), or is simply unknown. The taxadb
maintainers take
semi-annual snapshots and distribute versioned releases of the
underlying data.
Most common operations can be expressed in terms of standard database
operations, such as simple filtering joins in SQL. To implement these,
imports the compressed flat files into a local,
column-oriented database, which can be installed entirely as an R
package with no additional server setup required. This provides a
persistent store, and ensures that operations can be performed on disk
since the taxonomic tables considered here are frequently too large to
store in active memory. The columnar structure enables blazingly fast
joins. Once the database is created, taxadb
simply wraps a
set of user-friendly R functions around common SQL
implemented in the popular dplyr
syntax. By default,
will always collect the results of these queries to
return familiar, in-memory objects to the R user. Optional arguments
allow more direct access the database queries.
Data Schema
relies on the Simple Darwin Core Namespace for
Taxon objects, [@dwc]. This is the mostly widely recognized
format for exchange of taxonomic information.
: a unique id for the name (including provider prefix). Note that some providers do not assign IDs to synonyms, but only to accepted names. In this case, thetaxonID
should beNA
, and the ID to the accepted name should be specified inacceptedNameUsageID
: a Latin name, either accepted or known synonym, at the lowest resolved level for the taxon. While DWC encourages the use of authorship citations, these are intentionally omitted in most tables as inconsistency in abbreviations and formatting make names with authors much harder to resolve. When available, this information is provided in the additional optional columns using the corresponding Darwin Core terms. Please note:scientificName
includes names at all taxonomic rank levels, it does not mean just “genus + specific epithet”. For example, “Animalia” is also a scientific name. ThetaxonRank
column indicates the associated taxonomic rank.
: the rank (as given by the provider) of this taxon. Please note: While DarwinCore specifies seven ranks as separate columns (see below), many providers recognize many more of possibletaxonRank
values, such as “superclass”, “superorder.” For example, NCBI (ncbi
) and OpenTree Taxonomy (ott
) recognize over 40 different ranks, many of which are unnamed, while Catalogue of Life (col
), GBIF an others recognize only the seven principle ranks. Conflicting claims between naming providers about what rank a given name belongs to or what species are included in which rank are common.
the accepted identifier. For synonyms, the scientificName of the row with the correspondingtaxonID
gives the accepted name, according to the data provider in question. For accepted names, this is identical to thetaxonID
for the name. If not provided, it is assumed this is the same as thetaxonID
Either “accepted”, for an accepted scientific name, or a term indicating if the name is a known synonym, common misspelling, etc.
Some providers may report additional optional columns, see below.
Hierarchy Terms
Darwin Core defines several commonly recognized ranks as possible
Taxon properties as well: kingdom
, phylum
, order
, family
, specificEpithet
, and
. Additionally, the taxonomic rank of
any scientific name can be specified under taxonRank
whether or not it is one of these names.
Semantically (specifically in the RDF sense), treating ranks as
properties seems somewhat crude. Database providers (and thus different
experts) disagree both about what rank levels they recognize and what
names belong in what ranks. NCBI recognizes over 40 named ranks and
numerous unnamed ranks. OTT, in true cladistic fashion, identifies all
mammals as being not only in the class “Mammalia”, but also in the
“class” of lobe-finned-fish, Sarcopterygii. To distinguish between these
different treatments, it would be semantically most consistent to
associate a (or multiple) taxonRankID
with each taxonomic
entry, rather than a a taxonRank. This ID could be specific to the data
provider, and indicate the rank name that provider associates with that
rank. Few (wikidata, with its strong RDF roots, is an exception)
providers associate IDs with rank levels though.
In practice, treating ranks as properties (i.e. as column headings) is far more consistent with typical scientific usage and convenient for common applications, such as generating a list of all birds or all frogs by a simple filter on names in a column.
The taxonomicStatus
value indicates if the name provided
is a synonym, misspelling or an accepted name. taxadb
not enforce any controlled vocabulary on the use of these terms beyond
using the term accepted
to indicate that the
is an accepted name (i.e. the
) for the taxon. Including both
accepted names and synonyms in the scientificName
greatly facilitates taxonomic name resolution: a user can just perform
an SQL filtering join from a given list of names and the taxadb table in
order to resolve names to identifiers
Common names
Common names are available from several providers, but tidy tables
for taxadb
have not yet been implemented. Common names
tables are expected to follow the following schema:
The taxonomic identifier for the species (or possibly other rank) -
The common name / vernacular name -
The language in which the common name is given, if known. (all lowercase) -
the two-letter language code.
Linked Data formats
tables can easily be interpreted as semantic data
and will be made available as RDF triples. This permits the richer
SPARQL-based queries of taxonomic information, in addition to the
SQL-based queries. This data format will be the focus of a separate R
package interface taxald
- Identifiers use the integer identifier defined by the provider,
prefixed by the provider abbreviation in all capital letters:
, etc. - Rank names are always lower case without hyphens or spaces. Rank names should be mapped to a table of standard accepted rank names (i.e. those recognized by ITIS, NCBI, Wikidata), and rank names should have
- Encoding is UTF-8
Data Processing
A set of R scripts for pre-processing data from each of the names
providers is included in the source code of taxadb
, in the
sub-directory. These scripts automate the process
from download to generation of the cached copy accessed by the package.
While specific processing steps vary across providers, the most of the
scripts focus on extracting a variety of formats (mostly SQLite and
various text formats) and combining tables into a consistent
implementation of Darwin Core following the schema and conventions
outlined above, and writing this data out as compressed (bz2)
tab-separated value files – a cross-platform standard format that
requires little specialized software to work with. Metadata regarding
the provenance of each data file are also provided, including sha256
hashes of raw data (uncompressed data) are generated for cryptographic
verification of data integrity.
Data Versioning
The above scripts are intended to be rerun annually to generate
updated snapshots of the each of the data providers. Each snapshot is
then distributed as described above, as a separate cache release. All
functions interacting with the provided taxonomic
names data can specify which version (year) snapshot should be used,
which facilitates reproducibility and easy comparisons across versions.
The scripts required to generate the data may be adjusted as needed if
any of the naming providers change there own format over time.
Additional names providers may be added as opportunity presents.