Search for names in the International Plant Names Index (IPNI).
Note: This data source is also provided in the Global Names Index (GNI) (http://gni.globalnames.org/data_sources). The interface to the data is different among the two services though.
family = NULL,
infrafamily = NULL,
genus = NULL,
infragenus = NULL,
species = NULL,
infraspecies = NULL,
publicationtitle = NULL,
authorabbrev = NULL,
includepublicationauthors = NULL,
includebasionymauthors = NULL,
geounit = NULL,
addedsince = NULL,
modifiedsince = NULL,
isapnirecord = NULL,
isgcirecord = NULL,
isikrecord = NULL,
ranktoreturn = NULL,
output = "minimal",
- family
Family name to search on (Optional)
- infrafamily
Infrafamilial name to search on (Optional)
- genus
Genus name to search on (Optional)
- infragenus
Infrageneric name to search on (Optional)
- species
Species name to search on (Optional) - Note, this is the epithet, not the full genus - epithet name combination.
- infraspecies
Infraspecies name to search on (Optional)
- publicationtitle
Publication name or abbreviation to search on. Again, replace any spaces with a '+' (e.g. 'J.+Bot.') (Optional)
Author standard form to search on (publishing author, basionym author or both - see below) (Optional)
TRUE (default) to include the taxon author in the search or FALSE to exclude it
TRUE (default) to include the basionum author in the search or FALSE to exclude it
- geounit
Country name or other geographical unit to search on (see the help pages for more information and warnings about the use of this option) (Optional)
- addedsince
Date to search on in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd', e.g. 2005-08-01 for all records added since the first of August, 2005. (see the help pages for more information and warnings about the use of this option) (Optional. If supplied must be in format YYYY-MM-DD and must be greater than or equal to 1984-01-01.)
- modifiedsince
Date to search on in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd', e.g. 2005-08-01 for all records edited since the first of August, 2005. (See the help pages for more information about the use of this option) (Optional. If supplied must be in format YYYY-MM-DD and must be greater than or equal to 1993-01-01.)
- isapnirecord
FALSE (default) to exclude records from the Australian Plant Name Index
- isgcirecord
FALSE (default) to exclude records from the Gray Cards Index
- isikrecord
FALSE (default) to exclude records from the Index Kewensis
- ranktoreturn
One of a few options to choose the ranks returned. See details.
- output
One of minimal (default), classic, short, or extended
- ...
Curl options passed on to crul::verb-GET (Optional). Default: returns all ranks.
"all" - all records
"fam" - family records
"infrafam" - infrafamilial records
"gen" - generic records
"infragen" - infrageneric records
"spec" - species records
"infraspec" - infraspecific records
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
ipni_search(genus='Brintonia', isapnirecord=TRUE, isgcirecord=TRUE,
ipni_search(genus='Pinus', species='contorta')
# Different output formats
ipni_search(genus='Ceanothus', output='short')
ipni_search(genus='Ceanothus', output='extended')
} # }