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Get a summary from the IUCN Red List (


iucn_summary(x, distr_detail = FALSE, key = NULL, ...)



character; Scientific name. Should be cleaned and in the format *<Genus> <Species>*.


logical; If TRUE, the geographic distribution is returned as a list of vectors corresponding to the different range types: native, introduced, etc.


a Redlist API key, get one from Required for iucn_summary. Defaults to NULL in case you have your key stored (see Redlist Authentication below).


curl options passed on to crul::verb-GET


A list (for every species one entry) of data returned by rredlist::rl_species_latest().


Beware: IUCN functions can give back incorrect data. This isn't our fault. We do our best to get you the correct data quickly, but sometimes IUCN gives back the wrong data, and sometimes Global Names gives back the wrong data. We will fix these as soon as possible. In the meantime, just make sure that the data you get back is correct.

iucn_summary has a default method that errors when anything's passed in that's not character or iucn class - a iucn_summary.character method for when you pass in taxon names - and a iucn_summary.iucn method so you can pass in iucn class objects as output from get_iucn() or as.iucn(). If you already have IUCN IDs, coerce them to iucn class via as.iucn(..., check = FALSE)


Not all data types are available for every species and NA is returned. iucn_status() is an extractor function to easily extract status into a vector.

Redlist Authentication

iucn_summary uses the new Redlist API for searching for a IUCN ID, so we use the rredlist::rl_species() function internally. This function requires an API key. Get the key at, and pass it to the key parameter, or store in your .Renviron file like IUCN_REDLIST_KEY=yourkey or in your .Rprofile file like options(iucn_redlist_key="yourkey"). We strongly encourage you to not pass the key in the function call but rather store it in one of those two files. This key will also set you up to use the rredlist package.

See also


Eduard Szoecs,

Philippe Marchand,

Scott Chamberlain,

Zachary S.L. Foster


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# if you send a taxon name, an IUCN API key is required
## here, the key is being detected from a .Rprofile file
## or .Renviron file, See "Redlist Authentication" above
iucn_summary("Lutra lutra")

ia <- iucn_summary(c("Panthera uncia", "Lynx lynx"))
ia <- iucn_summary(c("Panthera uncia", "Lynx lynx", "aaa"))
iucn_summary("Muntiacus rooseveltorum/truongsonensis")
iucn_summary(c("Muntiacus rooseveltorum/truongsonensis", "Lynx lynx"))

## get detailed distribution
iac <- iucn_summary(x="Ara chloropterus", distr_detail = TRUE)

# If you pass in an IUCN ID, you don't need to pass in a Redlist API Key
# extract status
} # }