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read MCMCTree output Tree


read.mcmctree(file, force.ultrametric = FALSE)



the output tree file of MCMCTree


logical whether convert the tree to be ultrametric, if it is not ultrametric, default is FALSE. When the tree is ultrametric, branch times will be calculated automatically.


treedata object


file <- system.file("extdata/MCMCTree", "mcmctree_output.tree", package="treeio")
tr <- read.mcmctree(file)
#> 'treedata' S4 object that stored information
#> of
#> 	'/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/treeio/extdata/MCMCTree/mcmctree_output.tree'.
#> ...@ phylo:
#> Phylogenetic tree with 103 tips and 102 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#>   Dioscorea_villosa, Colchicum_autumnale, Smilax_bona-nox, Sorghum_bicolor,
#> Zea_mays, Oryza_sativa, ...
#> Rooted; includes branch length(s).
#> with the following features available:
#>   '0.95', 'reltime'.
#> # The associated data tibble abstraction: 205 × 5
#> # The 'node', 'label' and 'isTip' are from the phylo tree.
#>     node label                   isTip `0.95` reltime
#>    <int> <chr>                   <lgl> <list>   <dbl>
#>  1     1 Dioscorea_villosa       TRUE  <NULL>      NA
#>  2     2 Colchicum_autumnale     TRUE  <NULL>      NA
#>  3     3 Smilax_bona-nox         TRUE  <NULL>      NA
#>  4     4 Sorghum_bicolor         TRUE  <NULL>      NA
#>  5     5 Zea_mays                TRUE  <NULL>      NA
#>  6     6 Oryza_sativa            TRUE  <NULL>      NA
#>  7     7 Brachypodium_distachyon TRUE  <NULL>      NA
#>  8     8 Sabal_bermudana         TRUE  <NULL>      NA
#>  9     9 Yucca_filamentosa       TRUE  <NULL>      NA
#> 10    10 Acorus_americanus       TRUE  <NULL>      NA
#> # ℹ 195 more rows