For a given timeseriesgroup (variable), provide a list of measurement
stations providing data. An overview of the variables is provided by the
function supported_variables
A data.frame with 10 variables:
- ts_id
Unique timeseries identifier to access time series data corresponding to a combination of the station, measured variable and frequency.
- station_latitude
Latitude coordinates of the station (WGS84)
- station_longitude
Longitude coordinates of the station (WGS84)
- station_id
Identifier of the station as used in the waterinfo backend
- station_no
Station ID as provided on the website.
- station_name
Official name of the measurement station.
- stationparameter_name
Station specific variable description.
- parametertype_name
Measured variable description.
- ts_unitsymbol
Unit of the variable.
- dataprovider
Data provider of the time series data.
The URL of the specific request is provided as a comment attribute to the
returned data.frame. Use comment(df)
to get the request URL.
- variable_name
char valid nam of available variable as timeseriesgroup
- frequency
char valid frequency for the given variable, for most variables, the 15min frequency is available
- token
token to use with the call (optional, can be retrieved via
For the moment, this only works for measurement stations of VMM (meetnet 1), and stations from other measurement data sources are not included in the list
#> ts_id station_latitude station_longitude station_id station_no
#> 1 78845042 51.27226 3.728299 12207 ME03_017
#> 2 78879042 50.86149 3.411318 12209 ME05_019
#> 3 78947042 51.20300 5.439589 12213 ME11_002
#> 4 78913042 50.73795 5.141976 12211 ME09_012
#> 5 78862042 51.24379 4.266912 12208 ME04_001
#> 6 78896042 50.88663 4.094898 12210 ME07_006
#> 7 78930042 51.16224 4.845708 12212 ME10_011
#> station_name stationparameter_name parametertype_name
#> 1 Boekhoute_ME Rad Rn
#> 2 Waregem_ME Rad Rn
#> 3 Overpelt_ME Rad Rn
#> 4 Niel-bij-St.-Truiden_ME Rad Rn
#> 5 Melsele_ME Rad Rn
#> 6 Liedekerke_ME Rad Rn
#> 7 Herentals_ME Rad Rn
#> ts_unitsymbol dataprovider
#> 1 W/m² VMM
#> 2 W/m² VMM
#> 3 W/m² VMM
#> 4 W/m² VMM
#> 5 W/m² VMM
#> 6 W/m² VMM
#> 7 W/m² VMM
#> ts_id station_latitude station_longitude station_id station_no
#> 1 241832042 51.08705 3.656799 307321 B03_005
#> 2 241952042 51.24379 4.266912 307312 B04_001
#> 3 243519042 51.24379 4.266912 307312 B04_001
#> 4 242192042 51.29507 4.910008 307331 B10_042
#> 5 243639042 51.29507 4.910008 307331 B10_042
#> 6 242072042 50.80630 4.969030 307329 B09_032
#> 7 243444042 50.87758 4.666340 307327 B08_031
#> 8 255019042 50.88663 4.094898 307314 B07_006
#> 9 241922042 51.22551 3.007397 307319 B02_008
#> 10 242162042 51.38797 4.705126 307332 B11_007
#> 11 243414042 51.28378 3.271242 307320 B02_030
#> 12 243534042 51.20300 5.439589 307317 B11_002
#> 13 241892042 50.82688 2.673866 307318 B01_037
#> 14 243459042 50.80959 5.674667 307333 B11_024
#> 15 255017042 51.27226 3.728299 307311 B03_017
#> 16 241772042 51.05209 5.120756 307330 B09_034
#> 17 242132042 51.16224 4.845708 307316 B10_011
#> 18 242012042 51.28378 3.271242 307320 B02_030
#> 19 243579042 50.93779 3.171750 307322 B05_039
#> 20 242222042 51.20300 5.439589 307317 B11_002
#> 21 243384042 51.03254 4.510400 307326 B08_018
#> 22 241676042 51.03254 4.510400 307326 B08_018
#> 23 255484042 50.88663 4.094898 307314 B07_006
#> 24 241862042 50.90567 3.655040 307324 B06_040
#> 25 243429042 51.16224 4.845708 307316 B10_011
#> 26 241742042 50.87758 4.666340 307327 B08_031
#> 27 243669042 50.90567 3.655040 307324 B06_040
#> 28 242102042 50.80959 5.674667 307333 B11_024
#> 29 243565042 50.93779 3.171750 307322 B05_039
#> 30 251706042 51.27226 3.728299 307311 B03_017
#> 31 241694042 51.00600 4.092621 307325 B07_022
#> 32 243594042 51.05209 5.120756 307330 B09_034
#> station_name stationparameter_name parametertype_name ts_unitsymbol
#> 1 Vinderhoute_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 2 Melsele_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 3 Melsele_B Bodemverzadiging(0-60cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 4 Vosselaar_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 5 Vosselaar_B Bodemverzadiging(0-60cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 6 Tienen_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 7 Heverlee_B Bodemverzadiging(0-60cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 8 Liedekerke_B Bodemverzadiging(0-70cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 9 Klemskerke_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 10 Loenhout_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 11 Dudzele_B Bodemverzadiging(0-60cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 12 Overpelt_B Bodemverzadiging(0-60cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 13 Poperinge_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 14 Kanne_B Bodemverzadiging(0-60cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 15 Boekhoute_B Bodemverzadiging(0-70cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 16 Tessenderlo_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 17 Herentals_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 18 Dudzele_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 19 Roeselare_B Bodemverzadiging(0-60cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 20 Overpelt_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 21 Bonheiden_B Bodemverzadiging(0-60cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 22 Bonheiden_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 23 Liedekerke_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 24 Zingem_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 25 Herentals_B Bodemverzadiging(0-60cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 26 Heverlee_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 27 Zingem_B Bodemverzadiging(0-60cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 28 Kanne_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 29 Roeselare_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 30 Boekhoute_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 31 Denderbelle_B Bodemverzadiging(0-10cm) Soil Saturation %
#> 32 Tessenderlo_B Bodemverzadiging(0-60cm) Soil Saturation %
#> dataprovider
#> 1 VMM
#> 2 VMM
#> 3 VMM
#> 4 VMM
#> 5 VMM
#> 6 VMM
#> 7 VMM
#> 8 VMM
#> 9 VMM
#> 10 VMM
#> 11 VMM
#> 12 VMM
#> 13 VMM
#> 14 VMM
#> 15 VMM
#> 16 VMM
#> 17 VMM
#> 18 VMM
#> 19 VMM
#> 20 VMM
#> 21 VMM
#> 22 VMM
#> 23 VMM
#> 24 VMM
#> 25 VMM
#> 26 VMM
#> 27 VMM
#> 28 VMM
#> 29 VMM
#> 30 VMM
#> 31 VMM
#> 32 VMM