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Removes or flags records within a radius around the geographic centroids of political countries and provinces. Poorly geo-referenced occurrence records in biological databases are often erroneously geo-referenced to centroids.


  lon = "decimalLongitude",
  lat = "decimalLatitude",
  species = "species",
  buffer = 1000,
  geod = TRUE,
  test = "both",
  ref = NULL,
  verify = FALSE,
  value = "clean",
  verbose = TRUE



data.frame. Containing geographical coordinates and species names.


character string. The column with the longitude coordinates. Default = “decimalLongitude”.


character string. The column with the latitude coordinates. Default = “decimalLatitude”.


character string. The column with the species identity. Only required if verify = TRUE.


numerical. The buffer around each province or country centroid, where records should be flagged as problematic. Units depend on geod. Default = 1 kilometre.


logical. If TRUE the radius around each capital is calculated based on a sphere, buffer is in meters and independent of latitude. If FALSE the radius is calculated assuming planar coordinates and varies slightly with latitude. Default = TRUE. See for detail and credits.


a character string. Specifying the details of the test. One of c(“both”, “country”, “provinces”). If both tests for country and province centroids.


SpatVector (geometry: polygons). Providing the geographic gazetteer. Can be any SpatVector (geometry: polygons), but the structure must be identical to countryref. Default = countryref.


logical. If TRUE records are only flagged if they are the only record in a given species flagged close to a given reference. If FALSE, the distance is the only criterion


character string. Defining the output value. See value.


logical. If TRUE reports the name of the test and the number of records flagged.


Depending on the ‘value’ argument, either a data.frame containing the records considered correct by the test (“clean”) or a logical vector (“flagged”), with TRUE = test passed and FALSE = test failed/potentially problematic . Default = “clean”.


See for more details and tutorials.

See also

Other Coordinates: cc_aohi(), cc_cap(), cc_coun(), cc_dupl(), cc_equ(), cc_gbif(), cc_inst(), cc_iucn(), cc_outl(), cc_sea(), cc_urb(), cc_val(), cc_zero()


x <- data.frame(species = letters[1:10], 
                decimalLongitude = c(runif(99, -180, 180), -47.92), 
                decimalLatitude = c(runif(99, -90,90), -15.78))
cc_cen(x, geod = FALSE)
#> Testing country centroids
#> Removed 0 records.
#>     species decimalLongitude decimalLatitude
#> 1         a       -41.986559      -67.231328
#> 2         b       179.874885       78.719439
#> 3         c       -54.252343      -51.051559
#> 4         d       161.034576       29.896562
#> 5         e      -102.204009      -53.297878
#> 6         f      -168.446625        8.746459
#> 7         g      -127.686296       58.950255
#> 8         h       127.578200      -67.039623
#> 9         i      -103.266248      -42.986499
#> 10        j      -104.288134      -38.084935
#> 11        a      -165.772552      -87.341577
#> 12        b       160.118929       63.670271
#> 13        c       -91.825925      -15.471391
#> 14        d       101.204125       45.182492
#> 15        e       -76.234619       39.422512
#> 16        f       135.128848        2.763954
#> 17        g       -73.529966       85.470526
#> 18        h       174.069147      -25.060039
#> 19        i        32.341520      -59.328809
#> 20        j        93.297017       50.965321
#> 21        a       120.987110      -84.433699
#> 22        b        94.615009       52.095665
#> 23        c       -29.782827      -60.011338
#> 24        d      -130.293057      -84.831738
#> 25        e      -150.895814       51.471210
#> 26        f        56.153745       58.555415
#> 27        g        36.721389       83.743275
#> 28        h        56.518499      -21.844588
#> 29        i       -61.445821      -58.610461
#> 30        j       172.610719       18.675072
#> 31        a        77.467008       54.983472
#> 32        b       134.146910      -83.397706
#> 33        c       173.982149       41.923920
#> 34        d      -101.317323      -51.250922
#> 35        e        59.230823      -87.119434
#> 36        f       -39.756946      -66.851536
#> 37        g      -163.417090       33.491359
#> 38        h        42.089241       25.549428
#> 39        i        35.450998      -31.079066
#> 40        j       -33.532693      -20.253243
#> 41        a       128.998134       37.350071
#> 42        b         6.365227       35.577977
#> 43        c       172.545628       76.618218
#> 44        d      -173.874352       -7.376810
#> 45        e        62.441217       17.271756
#> 46        f       -46.342842      -60.298022
#> 47        g       150.483829       12.043761
#> 48        h        64.072114       71.653927
#> 49        i        59.454886       17.005011
#> 50        j        92.174792       59.704185
#> 51        a        15.421376       16.813506
#> 52        b       -93.856285       50.214714
#> 53        c         3.201686      -18.401104
#> 54        d       -29.784826       62.978899
#> 55        e        81.701587       43.532205
#> 56        f        49.566799      -32.797761
#> 57        g       -37.292416      -69.897560
#> 58        h       165.413739      -71.802834
#> 59        i       -72.483109       54.017595
#> 60        j      -161.927580      -21.609586
#> 61        a        27.427471      -80.513825
#> 62        b      -101.553909       87.571566
#> 63        c      -134.691743       18.751314
#> 64        d       157.734967      -63.219110
#> 65        e       108.459046        6.976831
#> 66        f        92.899303      -67.357939
#> 67        g        11.723459       83.372716
#> 68        h        16.849719      -81.551697
#> 69        i      -145.466459      -60.946347
#> 70        j       -40.194089       78.567737
#> 71        a      -117.953320       84.722645
#> 72        b        68.661305       37.849329
#> 73        c        63.075061       69.316367
#> 74        d       160.666145       85.837557
#> 75        e      -109.360972      -83.718064
#> 76        f       168.709501      -11.023692
#> 77        g       -40.645340       26.004557
#> 78        h        54.123804       89.069833
#> 79        i       113.254633      -33.360728
#> 80        j      -154.452682       64.058754
#> 81        a         9.658917        7.260783
#> 82        b        94.850937       67.215123
#> 83        c       -23.260809        2.805412
#> 84        d        18.890041       66.502674
#> 85        e      -106.548967       64.174067
#> 86        f      -168.830634      -27.777027
#> 87        g       169.094541      -89.981336
#> 88        h      -115.699286      -53.067646
#> 89        i       100.185403       80.139688
#> 90        j       138.855887      -39.359968
#> 91        a       121.120650       68.568159
#> 92        b        37.932639       83.000930
#> 93        c       146.476605      -89.276678
#> 94        d      -167.072469        9.522037
#> 95        e      -132.689336      -50.537525
#> 96        f      -146.149068       26.410886
#> 97        g        70.770117       40.986368
#> 98        h       -33.937660       67.065740
#> 99        i      -156.370810      -21.243322
#> 100       j       -47.920000      -15.780000

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
cc_inst(x, value = "flagged", buffer = 50000) #geod = T
} # }