This is the cleaned version of demo_route_raw, a toy dataset for use in vignettes and function testing. It contains all the same column names as would be expected for a Breeding Bird survey route dataset downloaded, e.g. from ScienceBase or the Data Retriever (Pardieck et al. 2019). However, the actual data values are simulated data.
A data frame with 27 rows and 15 variables:
- record_id
inherited from data downloaded through the Data Retriever
- routedataid
inherited from Pardieck et al. 2018 (as are all following fields). Unique data identification number.
- countrynum
inherited. Three-digit numerical code for country. In these data, the toy countrynum is 900.
- statenum
inherited. Two-digit numerical code for state, province, or territory. For these data, the toy number is 99.
- route
inherited. Three-digit code identifying the route, unique within states. For this dataset, 1.
- rpid
inherited. Three-digit run protocol identifier. Here, set to 101.
- year
inherited. Four-digit year of the survey.
inherited. Five-digit species identification number.
- count10
inherited. Total individuals of the species recorded on stops 1-10.
- count20
inherited. Total individuals of the species recorded on stops 11-20.
- count30
inherited. Total individuals of the species recorded on stops 21-30.
- count40
inherited. Total individuals of the species recorded on stops 31-40.
- count50
inherited. Total individuals of the species recorded on stops 40-50.
- stoptotal
inherited. Total number of stops (of 50), where the species was recorded.
- speciestotal
inherited. Total individuals of the species recorded across the entire run of the route (sum of stops).
Nearly all column names are inherited from Pardieck et al. (2019) and are further explained in the Files and Fields Definitions document included as part of the Breeding Bird Survey data release.
The cleaning process removes unidentified species and those poorly sampled by Breeding Bird Survey methods (using the filter_bbs_survey function) and, for these data, filters the year
to 1994
for rapid testing.