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[Deprecated] Please use as_bibentry() instead.


cff_extract_to_bibtex(x, what = c("preferred", "references", "all"))

cff_to_bibtex(x, what = c("preferred", "references", "all"))



The source that would be used for generating the bibentry object via cffr. It could be:

  • A missing value. That would retrieve the DESCRIPTION file on your in-development package.

  • An existing cff object created with cff(), cff_create() or as_cff().

  • Path to a CITATION.cff file ("CITATION.cff"),

  • The name of an installed package ("jsonlite"), or

  • Path to a DESCRIPTION file ("DESCRIPTION").


Fields to extract from a full cff object. The value could be:

  • preferred: This would create a single entry with the main citation info of the package (key preferred-citation).

  • references: Extract all the entries of references key.

  • all: A combination of the previous two options. This would extract both the preferred-citation and the references key.

See vignette("crosswalk", package = "cffr").


See as_bibentry().

See also

Other deprecated functions: cff_from_bibtex(), cff_parse_citation(), cff_parse_person(), write_bib()


# \donttest{
# From a cff object
cff_object <- cff()

#> cff-version: 1.2.0
#> message: If you use this software, please cite it using these metadata.
#> title: My Research Software
#> authors:
#> - family-names: Doe
#>   given-names: John

# bibentry object
bib <- as_bibentry(cff_object)
# }