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This function creates bibentry objects from different metadata sources (cff objects, DESCRIPTION files, etc.). The inverse transformation (bibentry object to cff_ref_lst) can be done with the corresponding as_cff.bibentry() method.

With toBibtex() it is possible to convert cff objects to BibTeX markup on the fly, see Examples.


as_bibentry(x, ...)

# Default S3 method
as_bibentry(x, ...)

# S3 method for class 'character'
as_bibentry(x, ..., what = c("preferred", "references", "all"))

# S3 method for class '`NULL`'
as_bibentry(x, ...)

# S3 method for class 'list'
as_bibentry(x, ...)

# S3 method for class 'cff'
as_bibentry(x, ..., what = c("preferred", "references", "all"))

# S3 method for class 'cff_ref_lst'
as_bibentry(x, ...)

# S3 method for class 'cff_ref'
as_bibentry(x, ...)



The source that would be used for generating the bibentry object via cffr. It could be:

  • A missing value. That would retrieve the DESCRIPTION file on your in-development package.

  • An existing cff object created with cff(), cff_create() or as_cff().

  • Path to a CITATION.cff file ("CITATION.cff"),

  • The name of an installed package ("jsonlite"), or

  • Path to a DESCRIPTION file ("DESCRIPTION").


Additional arguments to be passed to or from methods.


Fields to extract from a full cff object. The value could be:

  • preferred: This would create a single entry with the main citation info of the package (key preferred-citation).

  • references: Extract all the entries of references key.

  • all: A combination of the previous two options. This would extract both the preferred-citation and the references key.

See vignette("crosswalk", package = "cffr").


as_bibentry() returns a bibentry object with one or more entries.


A R bibentry object is the representation of a BibTeX entry. These objects can be converted to BibTeX markup with toBibtex(), that creates an object of class Bibtex and can be printed and exported as a valid BibTeX entry.

as_bibtex() tries to map the information of the source x into a cff] object and performs a mapping of the metadata to BibTeX, according to vignette("bibtex_cff", "cffr")`.


See also

utils::bibentry() to understand more about the bibentry class.

Other related functions:

Other functions for working with BibTeX format: cff_read(), cff_read_bib_text(), cff_write_bib(), encoded_utf_to_latex()

Coercing between R classes with S3 Methods: as_cff(), as_cff_person(), cff_class


# \donttest{
# From a cff object ----
cff_object <- cff()

#> cff-version: 1.2.0
#> message: If you use this software, please cite it using these metadata.
#> title: My Research Software
#> authors:
#> - family-names: Doe
#>   given-names: John

# bibentry object
bib <- as_bibentry(cff_object)

#> [1] "bibentry"

#> Doe J (????). “My Research Software.”

# Print as bibtex
#> @Misc{doe,
#>   title = {My Research Software},
#>   author = {John Doe},
#> }

# Thanks to the S3 Method we can also do
#> @Misc{doe,
#>   title = {My Research Software},
#>   author = {John Doe},
#> }

# Other sources ----
# From a CITATION.cff

path <- system.file("examples/CITATION_complete.cff", package = "cffr")
cff_file <- as_bibentry(path)

#> van der Real Person, IV O, Entity Project Team Conference entity
#> (2017). “Book Title.” In van der Real Person, IV O, Entity Project Team
#> Conference entity (eds.), volume 2 number 123 series Collection Title,
#> chapter Chapter 2 - "Reference keys", 2nd edition edition, 123-456.
#> Entity Project Team Conference entity, 22 Acacia Avenue, Citationburgh,
#> Renfrewshire, GB. ISBN 978-1-89183-044-0, doi:10.5281/zenodo.1003150
#> <>, A field for general notes
#> about the reference, usable in other formats such as BibTeX.,
#> <>.

# For an installed package with options
installed_package <- as_bibentry("jsonvalidate", what = "all")

#> FitzJohn R, Ashton R, Buus M, Poberezkin E (2024). “jsonvalidate:
#> Validate 'JSON' Schema.” doi:10.32614/CRAN.package.jsonvalidate
#> <>,
#> <>.
#> Chang W (2024). “R6.” doi:10.32614/CRAN.package.R6
#> <>, Imports,
#> <>.
#> Ooms J (2024). “V8.” doi:10.32614/CRAN.package.V8
#> <>, Imports,
#> <>.
#> Xie Y (2024). “knitr.” doi:10.32614/CRAN.package.knitr
#> <>, Suggests,
#> <>.
#> Ooms J (2024). “jsonlite.” doi:10.32614/CRAN.package.jsonlite
#> <>, Suggests,
#> <>.
#> Allaire J, Xie Y, Dervieux C, McPherson J, Luraschi J, Ushey K, Atkins
#> A, Wickham H, Cheng J, Chang W, Iannone R (2024). “rmarkdown.”
#> doi:10.32614/CRAN.package.rmarkdown
#> <>, Suggests,
#> <>.
#> Wickham H (2024). “testthat.” doi:10.32614/CRAN.package.testthat
#> <>, Suggests,
#> <>.
#> Hester J, Henry L, Müller K, Ushey K, Wickham H, Chang W (2024).
#> “withr.” doi:10.32614/CRAN.package.withr
#> <>, Suggests,
#> <>.

# Use a DESCRIPTION file
path2 <- system.file("examples/DESCRIPTION_gitlab", package = "cffr")
desc_file <- as_bibentry(path2)

#> @Misc{boettiger_etall,
#>   title = {codemetar: Generate 'CodeMeta' Metadata for R Packages},
#>   author = {Carl Boettiger and Maëlle Salmon},
#>   doi = {10.32614/CRAN.package.codemetar},
#>   url = {},
#>   abstract = {The 'Codemeta' Project defines a 'JSON-LD' format for describing software metadata, as detailed at <>. This package provides utilities to generate, parse, and modify 'codemeta.json' files automatically for R packages, as well as tools and examples for working with 'codemeta.json' 'JSON-LD' more generally.},
#>   keywords = {metadata,codemeta,ropensci,citation,credit,linked-data},
#>   version = {0.1.6},
#> }
# }