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Extract raster values with point buffers or polygons


extract_at(x, y, ...)

# S4 method for class 'SpatRaster,sf'
  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  func = "mean",
  extent = NULL,
  radius = NULL,
  out_class = "sf",
  kernel = NULL,
  kernel_func = stats::weighted.mean,
  bandwidth = NULL,
  max_cells = 3e+07,
  .standalone = TRUE,

# S4 method for class 'character,character'
  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  func = "mean",
  extent = NULL,
  radius = NULL,
  out_class = "sf",
  kernel = NULL,
  kernel_func = stats::weighted.mean,
  bandwidth = NULL,
  max_cells = 3e+07,
  .standalone = TRUE,

# S4 method for class 'SpatRaster,character'
  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  func = "mean",
  extent = NULL,
  radius = NULL,
  out_class = "sf",
  kernel = NULL,
  kernel_func = stats::weighted.mean,
  bandwidth = NULL,
  max_cells = 3e+07,
  .standalone = TRUE,

# S4 method for class 'SpatRaster,SpatVector'
  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  func = "mean",
  extent = NULL,
  radius = NULL,
  out_class = "sf",
  kernel = NULL,
  kernel_func = stats::weighted.mean,
  bandwidth = NULL,
  max_cells = 3e+07,
  .standalone = TRUE,

# S4 method for class 'character,sf'
  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  func = "mean",
  extent = NULL,
  radius = NULL,
  out_class = "sf",
  kernel = NULL,
  kernel_func = stats::weighted.mean,
  bandwidth = NULL,
  max_cells = 3e+07,
  .standalone = TRUE,

# S4 method for class 'character,SpatVector'
  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  func = "mean",
  extent = NULL,
  radius = NULL,
  out_class = "sf",
  kernel = NULL,
  kernel_func = stats::weighted.mean,
  bandwidth = NULL,
  max_cells = 3e+07,
  .standalone = TRUE,



SpatRaster object or file path(s) with extensions that are GDAL-compatible. When multiple file paths are used, the rasters must have the same extent and resolution.


sf/SpatVector object or file path.




character(1). Unique identifier of each point.


function taking one numeric vector argument. Default is "mean" for all supported signatures in arguments x and y.


numeric(4) or SpatExtent. Extent of clipping vector. It only works with points of character(1) file path.


numeric(1). Buffer radius.


character(1). Output class. One of sf or terra.


character(1). Name of a kernel function One of "uniform", "triweight", "quartic", and "epanechnikov"


function. Kernel function to apply to the extracted values. Default is stats::weighted.mean()


numeric(1). Kernel bandwidth.


integer(1). Maximum number of cells in memory.


logical(1). Default is TRUE, which means that the function will be executed in a standalone mode. When using this function in par_* functions, set this to FALSE.


A data.frame object with summarized raster values with respect to the mode (polygon or buffer) and the function.


Inputs are preprocessed in different ways depending on the class.

  • Vector inputs in y: sf is preferred, thus character and SpatVector inputs will be converted to sf object. If radius is not NULL, sf::st_buffer is used to generate circular buffers as subsequent raster-vector overlay is done with exactextractr::exact_extract.

  • Raster input in x: SpatRaster is preferred. If the input is not SpatRaster, it will be converted to SpatRaster object.

See also

Other Macros for calculation: kernelfunction(), summarize_aw(), summarize_sedc()


Insang Song


ncpath <- system.file("gpkg/nc.gpkg", package = "sf")
rastpath <- system.file("extdata/nc_srtm15_otm.tif", package = "chopin")

nc <- terra::vect(ncpath)
nc <- terra::project(nc, "EPSG:5070")
rrast <- terra::rast(nc, nrow = 100, ncol = 220)
ncr <- terra::rasterize(nc, rrast)
terra::values(rrast) <- rgamma(2.2e4, 4, 2)
rpnt <- terra::spatSample(rrast, 16L, as.points = TRUE)
rpnt$pid <- sprintf("ID-%02d", seq(1, 16))

extract_at(rrast, rpnt, "pid", "mean", radius = 1000)
#> Switch terra class to sf...
#>      pid      mean
#> 1  ID-01 1.9822180
#> 2  ID-02 3.4319303
#> 3  ID-03 3.9273469
#> 4  ID-04 0.2887684
#> 5  ID-05 1.0191861
#> 6  ID-06 1.4394056
#> 7  ID-07 3.3074858
#> 8  ID-08 3.7643452
#> 9  ID-09 1.9196675
#> 10 ID-10 3.5066707
#> 11 ID-11 1.7782123
#> 12 ID-12 0.7785873
#> 13 ID-13 2.0458314
#> 14 ID-14 1.1224172
#> 15 ID-15 3.9863424
#> 16 ID-16 2.9632106
extract_at(rrast, nc, "NAME", "mean")
#> Switch terra class to sf...
#>             NAME     mean
#> 1           Ashe 1.947389
#> 2      Alleghany 1.967786
#> 3          Surry 1.979187
#> 4      Currituck 2.087876
#> 5    Northampton 1.995565
#> 6       Hertford 2.055210
#> 7         Camden 2.007897
#> 8          Gates 1.988871
#> 9         Warren 2.030981
#> 10        Stokes 1.948921
#> 11       Caswell 2.259249
#> 12    Rockingham 1.933287
#> 13     Granville 1.968706
#> 14        Person 2.050704
#> 15         Vance 2.038220
#> 16       Halifax 2.146046
#> 17    Pasquotank 1.875998
#> 18        Wilkes 1.915945
#> 19       Watauga 1.895705
#> 20    Perquimans 1.864330
#> 21        Chowan 2.067016
#> 22         Avery 2.087213
#> 23        Yadkin 2.030048
#> 24      Franklin 1.952199
#> 25       Forsyth 2.081115
#> 26      Guilford 1.971956
#> 27      Alamance 1.851228
#> 28        Bertie 1.861882
#> 29        Orange 1.943045
#> 30        Durham 2.267816
#> 31          Nash 2.116163
#> 32      Mitchell 2.020571
#> 33     Edgecombe 2.139718
#> 34      Caldwell 2.003096
#> 35        Yancey 1.859110
#> 36        Martin 1.997396
#> 37          Wake 1.919060
#> 38       Madison 1.956800
#> 39       Iredell 1.979581
#> 40         Davie 2.242431
#> 41     Alexander 1.812335
#> 42      Davidson 2.031528
#> 43         Burke 1.928706
#> 44    Washington 2.051181
#> 45       Tyrrell 2.120093
#> 46      McDowell 1.951827
#> 47      Randolph 1.997752
#> 48       Chatham 1.956700
#> 49        Wilson 2.065808
#> 50         Rowan 1.879705
#> 51          Pitt 1.969182
#> 52       Catawba 2.094156
#> 53      Buncombe 2.115411
#> 54      Johnston 2.030389
#> 55       Haywood 1.925136
#> 56          Dare 2.003935
#> 57      Beaufort 1.995800
#> 58         Swain 1.995033
#> 59        Greene 1.892648
#> 60           Lee 1.786665
#> 61    Rutherford 2.080568
#> 62         Wayne 2.036669
#> 63       Harnett 2.025676
#> 64     Cleveland 2.155538
#> 65       Lincoln 2.244003
#> 66       Jackson 2.096980
#> 67         Moore 2.074826
#> 68   Mecklenburg 1.946311
#> 69      Cabarrus 1.985470
#> 70    Montgomery 1.982361
#> 71        Stanly 1.831009
#> 72     Henderson 2.046881
#> 73        Graham 1.807090
#> 74        Lenoir 1.992868
#> 75  Transylvania 2.139676
#> 76        Gaston 1.860851
#> 77          Polk 2.001978
#> 78         Macon 2.087376
#> 79       Sampson 2.149392
#> 80       Pamlico 1.884379
#> 81      Cherokee 1.974911
#> 82    Cumberland 1.973663
#> 83         Jones 1.979058
#> 84         Union 1.981829
#> 85         Anson 2.053550
#> 86          Hoke 1.982194
#> 87          Hyde 2.087428
#> 88        Duplin 2.001726
#> 89      Richmond 2.093513
#> 90          Clay 1.872997
#> 91        Craven 1.985506
#> 92      Scotland 1.972763
#> 93        Onslow 1.982935
#> 94       Robeson 2.052673
#> 95      Carteret 2.064187
#> 96        Bladen 2.083948
#> 97        Pender 1.920480
#> 98      Columbus 2.075451
#> 99   New Hanover 1.874797
#> 100    Brunswick 1.911686
extract_at(rrast, ncpath, "NAME", "mean")
#>  Input is a character. Trying to read with sf.
#> Reading layer `nc.gpkg' from data source 
#>   `/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/sf/gpkg/nc.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
#> Simple feature collection with 100 features and 14 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -84.32385 ymin: 33.88199 xmax: -75.45698 ymax: 36.58965
#> Geodetic CRS:  NAD27
#>             NAME     mean
#> 1           Ashe 1.947389
#> 2      Alleghany 1.967786
#> 3          Surry 1.979187
#> 4      Currituck 2.087876
#> 5    Northampton 1.995565
#> 6       Hertford 2.055210
#> 7         Camden 2.007897
#> 8          Gates 1.988871
#> 9         Warren 2.030981
#> 10        Stokes 1.948921
#> 11       Caswell 2.259249
#> 12    Rockingham 1.933287
#> 13     Granville 1.968706
#> 14        Person 2.050704
#> 15         Vance 2.038220
#> 16       Halifax 2.146046
#> 17    Pasquotank 1.875998
#> 18        Wilkes 1.915945
#> 19       Watauga 1.895705
#> 20    Perquimans 1.864330
#> 21        Chowan 2.067016
#> 22         Avery 2.087213
#> 23        Yadkin 2.030048
#> 24      Franklin 1.952199
#> 25       Forsyth 2.081115
#> 26      Guilford 1.971956
#> 27      Alamance 1.851228
#> 28        Bertie 1.861882
#> 29        Orange 1.943045
#> 30        Durham 2.267816
#> 31          Nash 2.116163
#> 32      Mitchell 2.020571
#> 33     Edgecombe 2.139718
#> 34      Caldwell 2.003096
#> 35        Yancey 1.859110
#> 36        Martin 1.997396
#> 37          Wake 1.919060
#> 38       Madison 1.956800
#> 39       Iredell 1.979581
#> 40         Davie 2.242431
#> 41     Alexander 1.812335
#> 42      Davidson 2.031528
#> 43         Burke 1.928706
#> 44    Washington 2.051181
#> 45       Tyrrell 2.120093
#> 46      McDowell 1.951827
#> 47      Randolph 1.997752
#> 48       Chatham 1.956700
#> 49        Wilson 2.065808
#> 50         Rowan 1.879705
#> 51          Pitt 1.969182
#> 52       Catawba 2.094156
#> 53      Buncombe 2.115411
#> 54      Johnston 2.030389
#> 55       Haywood 1.925136
#> 56          Dare 2.003935
#> 57      Beaufort 1.995800
#> 58         Swain 1.995033
#> 59        Greene 1.892648
#> 60           Lee 1.786665
#> 61    Rutherford 2.080568
#> 62         Wayne 2.036669
#> 63       Harnett 2.025676
#> 64     Cleveland 2.155538
#> 65       Lincoln 2.244003
#> 66       Jackson 2.096980
#> 67         Moore 2.074826
#> 68   Mecklenburg 1.946311
#> 69      Cabarrus 1.985470
#> 70    Montgomery 1.982361
#> 71        Stanly 1.831009
#> 72     Henderson 2.046881
#> 73        Graham 1.807090
#> 74        Lenoir 1.992868
#> 75  Transylvania 2.139676
#> 76        Gaston 1.860851
#> 77          Polk 2.001978
#> 78         Macon 2.087376
#> 79       Sampson 2.149392
#> 80       Pamlico 1.884379
#> 81      Cherokee 1.974911
#> 82    Cumberland 1.973663
#> 83         Jones 1.979058
#> 84         Union 1.981829
#> 85         Anson 2.053550
#> 86          Hoke 1.982194
#> 87          Hyde 2.087428
#> 88        Duplin 2.001726
#> 89      Richmond 2.093513
#> 90          Clay 1.872997
#> 91        Craven 1.985506
#> 92      Scotland 1.972763
#> 93        Onslow 1.982935
#> 94       Robeson 2.052673
#> 95      Carteret 2.064187
#> 96        Bladen 2.083948
#> 97        Pender 1.920480
#> 98      Columbus 2.075451
#> 99   New Hanover 1.874797
#> 100    Brunswick 1.911686
  rrast, ncpath, "NAME", "mean",
  kernel = "epanechnikov",
  bandwidth = 1e5
#>  Input is a character. Trying to read with sf.
#> Reading layer `nc.gpkg' from data source 
#>   `/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/sf/gpkg/nc.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
#> Simple feature collection with 100 features and 14 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -84.32385 ymin: 33.88199 xmax: -75.45698 ymax: 36.58965
#> Geodetic CRS:  NAD27
#> Kernel function [ epanechnikov ] is applied to calculate weights...
#> Switch sf class to terra...
#> Warning: Point geometries are acceptable for kernel weighting. Convert to points...
#> (Note: inside = TRUE is applied)
#> # A tibble: 100 × 2
#>    NAME      value
#>    <chr>     <dbl>
#>  1 Alamance   1.85
#>  2 Alexander  1.81
#>  3 Alleghany  1.97
#>  4 Anson      2.06
#>  5 Ashe       1.95
#>  6 Avery      2.08
#>  7 Beaufort   1.99
#>  8 Bertie     1.86
#>  9 Bladen     2.08
#> 10 Brunswick  1.92
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
  rastpath, ncpath, "NAME", "mean",
  kernel = "epanechnikov",
  bandwidth = 1e5
#> Input is a character. Attempt to read it with terra::rast...
#>  Input is a character. Trying to read with sf.
#> Reading layer `nc.gpkg' from data source 
#>   `/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/sf/gpkg/nc.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
#> Simple feature collection with 100 features and 14 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -84.32385 ymin: 33.88199 xmax: -75.45698 ymax: 36.58965
#> Geodetic CRS:  NAD27
#> Kernel function [ epanechnikov ] is applied to calculate weights...
#> Switch sf class to terra...
#> Warning: Point geometries are acceptable for kernel weighting. Convert to points...
#> (Note: inside = TRUE is applied)
#> # A tibble: 100 × 2
#>    NAME       value
#>    <chr>      <dbl>
#>  1 Alamance   189. 
#>  2 Alexander  358. 
#>  3 Alleghany  877. 
#>  4 Anson      106. 
#>  5 Ashe       981. 
#>  6 Avery     1086. 
#>  7 Beaufort    11.8
#>  8 Bertie      18.9
#>  9 Bladen      26.7
#> 10 Brunswick   11.7
#> # ℹ 90 more rows