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Expose available query filters which are allowed to be parsed either via argument summary or filters in aims_data





A character vector of length 1 specifying the dataset. Only weather or temp_loggers are currently allowed.


A list of two character vectors: one detailing summary modes, another detailing filters.


Use this function to learn which summary modes and filters are allowed.

We are working on implementing summary visualisation methods for weather station data. So, for the moment, the options below are only available for temperature logger data. Three options are available:

  • summary-by-seriesExpose summary for all available series; a series is a continuing time-series, i.e. a collection of deployments measuring the same parameter at the same site. For temperature loggers, series is synonymous with sub-site. For weather stations, it is the combination of sub-site and parameter.

  • summary-by-deploymentExpose summary for all available deployments.

  • dailyReturn mean daily aggregated monitoring data .

We offer a list of valid filter names:

  • siteFilter by a particular site.

  • subsiteFilter by a particular subsite.

  • seriesFilter by a particular series.

  • series_idA unique identifier for the series - it should be unique within a dataset. An alternative to looking up a series by name.

  • parameterParameter of interest. Only relevant for weather station data because temperature logger is always water temperature.

  • min_latMinimum latitude; used to filter by a lat-lon box.

  • max_latMaximum latitude; used to filter by a lat-lon box.

  • min_lonMinimum longitude; used to filter by a lat-lon box.

  • max_lonMaximum longitude; used to filter by a lat-lon box.

  • from_dateFilter from time (string of format YYYY-MM-DD).

  • thru_dateFilter until time (string of format YYYY-MM-DD).

Some additional options for the actual download, which should be passed as additional arguments to the function, are:

  • sizeSet a page size for large queries (only for the data and data-no-key endpoints).

  • cursorUsed for pagination on / data").

  • versionRequest the data as recorded at a particular time (a version history).


AIMS Datacentre


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