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Use the bulk API to create, index, update, or delete documents.


  index = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  chunk_size = 1000,
  doc_ids = NULL,
  es_ids = TRUE,
  raw = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE,
  query = list(),
  digits = NA,
  sf = NULL,



an Elasticsearch connection object, see connect()


A list, data.frame, or character path to a file. required.


(character) The index name to use. Required for data.frame input, but optional for file inputs.


(character) The type. default: NULL. Note that type is deprecated in Elasticsearch v7 and greater, and removed in Elasticsearch v8


(integer) Size of each chunk. If your data.frame is smaller thank chunk_size, this parameter is essentially ignored. We write in chunks because at some point, depending on size of each document, and Elasticsearch setup, writing a very large number of documents in one go becomes slow, so chunking can help. This parameter is ignored if you pass a file name. Default: 1000


An optional vector (character or numeric/integer) of document ids to use. This vector has to equal the size of the documents you are passing in, and will error if not. If you pass a factor we convert to character. Default: not passed


(boolean) Let Elasticsearch assign document IDs as UUIDs. These are sequential, so there is order to the IDs they assign. If TRUE, doc_ids is ignored. Default: TRUE


(logical) Get raw JSON back or not. If TRUE you get JSON; if FALSE you get a list. Default: FALSE


(logical) Suppress progress bar. Default: FALSE


(list) a named list of query parameters. optional. options include: pipeline, refresh, routing, _source, _source_excludes, _source_includes, timeout, wait_for_active_shards. See the docs bulk ES page for details


digits used by the parameter of the same name by jsonlite::toJSON() to convert data to JSON before being submitted to your ES instance. default: NA


used by jsonlite::toJSON() to convert sf objects. Set to "features" for conversion to GeoJSON. default: "dataframe"


Pass on curl options to crul::HttpClient


A list


More on the Bulk API:

This function dispatches on data.frame or character input. Character input has to be a file name or the function stops with an error message.

If you pass a data.frame to this function, we by default do an index operation, that is, create the record in the index given by those parameters to the function. Down the road perhaps we will try to support other operations on the bulk API. if you pass a file, of course in that file, you can specify any operations you want.

Row names are dropped from data.frame, and top level names for a list are dropped as well.

A progress bar gives the progress for data.frames and lists - the progress bar is based around a for loop, where progress indicates progress along the iterations of the for loop, where each iteration is a chunk of data that's converted to bulk format, then pushed into Elasticsearch. The character method has no for loop, so no progress bar.

Document IDs

Document IDs can be passed in via the doc_ids paramater when passing in data.frame or list, but not with files. If ids are not passed to doc_ids, we assign document IDs from 1 to length of the object (rows of a data.frame, or length of a list). In the future we may allow the user to select whether they want to assign sequential numeric IDs or to allow Elasticsearch to assign IDs, which are UUIDs that are actually sequential, so you still can determine an order of your documents.

Document IDs and Factors

If you pass in ids that are of class factor, we coerce them to character with as.character. This applies to both data.frame and list inputs, but not to file inputs.

Large numbers for document IDs

Until recently, if you had very large integers for document IDs, docs_bulk failed. It should be fixed now. Let us know if not.

Missing data

As of elastic version we convert NA to null before loading into Elasticsearch. Previously, fields that had an NA were dropped - but when you read data back from Elasticsearch into R, you retain those missing values as jsonlite fills those in for you. Now, fields with NA's are made into null, and are not dropped in Elasticsearch.

Note also that null values can not be indexed or searched


This function returns the response from Elasticsearch, but you'll likely not be that interested in the response. If not, wrap your call to docs_bulk in invisible(), like so: invisible(docs_bulk(...))


We create temporary files, and connections to those files, when data.frame's and lists are passed in to docs_bulk() (not when a file is passed in since we don't need to create a file). After inserting data into your Elasticsearch instance, we close the connections and delete the temporary files.

There are some exceptions though. When you pass in your own file, whether a tempfile or not, we don't delete those files after using them - in case you need those files again. Your own tempfile's will be cleaned up/delete when the R session ends. Non-tempfile's won't be cleaned up/deleted after the R session ends.

Elasticsearch versions that don't support type

See the type_remover() function.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# connection setup
(x <- connect())

# From a file already in newline delimited JSON format
plosdat <- system.file("examples", "plos_data.json", package = "elastic")
docs_bulk(x, plosdat)
index_delete(x, index='plos')

# From a data.frame
docs_bulk(x, mtcars, index = "hello")
## field names cannot contain dots
names(iris) <- gsub("\\.", "_", names(iris))
docs_bulk(x, iris, "iris")
## type can be missing, but index can not
docs_bulk(x, iris, "flowers")
## big data.frame, 53K rows, load ggplot2 package first
# res <- docs_bulk(x, diamonds, "diam")
# Search(x, "diam")$hits$total

# From a list
docs_bulk(x, apply(iris, 1, as.list), index="iris")
docs_bulk(x, apply(USArrests, 1, as.list), index="arrests")
# dim_list <- apply(diamonds, 1, as.list)
# out <- docs_bulk(x, dim_list, index="diamfromlist")

# When using in a loop
## We internally get last _id counter to know where to start on next bulk
## insert but you need to sleep in between docs_bulk calls, longer the
## bigger the data is
files <- c(system.file("examples", "test1.csv", package = "elastic"),
           system.file("examples", "test2.csv", package = "elastic"),
           system.file("examples", "test3.csv", package = "elastic"))
for (i in seq_along(files)) {
  d <- read.csv(files[[i]])
  docs_bulk(x, d, index = "testes")
count(x, "testes")
index_delete(x, "testes")

# You can include your own document id numbers
## Either pass in as an argument
index_create(x, "testes")
files <- c(system.file("examples", "test1.csv", package = "elastic"),
           system.file("examples", "test2.csv", package = "elastic"),
           system.file("examples", "test3.csv", package = "elastic"))
tt <- vapply(files, function(z) NROW(read.csv(z)), numeric(1))
ids <- list(1:tt[1],
           (tt[1] + 1):(tt[1] + tt[2]),
           (tt[1] + tt[2] + 1):sum(tt))
for (i in seq_along(files)) {
  d <- read.csv(files[[i]])
  docs_bulk(x, d, index = "testes", doc_ids = ids[[i]],
    es_ids = FALSE)
count(x, "testes")
index_delete(x, "testes")

## or include in the input data
### from data.frame's
index_create(x, "testes")
files <- c(system.file("examples", "test1_id.csv", package = "elastic"),
           system.file("examples", "test2_id.csv", package = "elastic"),
           system.file("examples", "test3_id.csv", package = "elastic"))
for (i in seq_along(files)) {
  d <- read.csv(files[[i]])
  docs_bulk(x, d, index = "testes")
count(x, "testes")
index_delete(x, "testes")

### from lists via file inputs
index_create(x, "testes")
for (i in seq_along(files)) {
  d <- read.csv(files[[i]])
  d <- apply(d, 1, as.list)
  docs_bulk(x, d, index = "testes")
count(x, "testes")
index_delete(x, "testes")

# data.frame's with a single column
## this didn't use to work, but now should work
db <- paste0(sample(letters, 10), collapse = "")
index_create(x, db)
res <- data.frame(foo = 1:10)
out <- docs_bulk(x, res, index = db)
count(x, db)
index_delete(x, db)

# data.frame with a mix of actions
## make sure you use a column named 'es_action' or this won't work
## if you need to delete or update you need document IDs
if (index_exists(x, "baz")) index_delete(x, "baz")
df <- data.frame(a = 1:5, b = 6:10, c = letters[1:5], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
invisible(docs_bulk(x, df, "baz"))
(res <- Search(x, 'baz', asdf=TRUE)$hits$hits)
df[1, "a"] <- 99
df[1, "c"] <- "aa"
df[3, "c"] <- 33
df[3, "c"] <- "cc"
df$es_action <- c('update', 'delete', 'update', 'delete', 'delete')
df$id <- res$`_id`
invisible(docs_bulk(x, df, "baz", es_ids = FALSE))
### or es_ids = FALSE and pass in document ids to doc_ids
# invisible(docs_bulk(df, "baz", es_ids = FALSE, doc_ids = df$id))
Search(x, 'baz', asdf=TRUE)$hits$hits

# Curl options
plosdat <- system.file("examples", "plos_data.json",
  package = "elastic")
plosdat <- type_remover(plosdat)
invisible(docs_bulk(x, plosdat, verbose = TRUE))

# suppress progress bar
invisible(docs_bulk(x, mtcars, index = "hello", quiet = TRUE))
## vs.
invisible(docs_bulk(x, mtcars, index = "hello", quiet = FALSE))
} # }