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This function returns a matrix with 'upper' and 'lower' limits of the hdi (highest density interval), and the associated probability 'p'. The function first sorts the input data.frame - with columns 'n_sapwood´ and 'p' (the associated probability) - by column 'p' in decreasing order and then it calculates the HDI by finding the first value of the sorted probabilities higher than the specified cred_mass. It then finds the indices of the values that are greater than or equal to this threshold, and uses these indices to find the 'upper' and 'lower' limits of the hdi. The function also calculates the probability of the interval. The final result is returned as a matrix with 'lower', 'upper', and 'p' values.

This function is applied in functions sw_model and sw_interval.


hdi(x, a = "n_sapwood", b = "p", cred_mass = 0.954)



A data.frame with columns n_sapwood and p (the associated probability). x is computed in functions sw_model, sw_interval, and sw_combine.


The name of the column in x that lists the number of sapwood rings.


The name of the column in x that lists the the associated probability of having n sapwood rings.


A scalar [0, 1] specifying the mass within the credible interval (default = .954).


A matrix with ´upper´ and ´lower´ limits of the hdi, and the associated probability ´p´.


tmp <- data.frame(n_sapwood = seq(1,30, 1),
                  p = dnorm(seq(1,30, 1), 15, 5))
hdi(tmp, cred_mass = 0.954)
#>   lower upper         p
#> 1     5    25 0.9645785