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A complete toolkit for processing the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ) in its three versions: standard, micro, and shift.

fd() maturing
Compute MCTQ work-free days
so() maturing
Compute MCTQ local time of sleep onset
gu() maturing
Compute MCTQ local time of getting out of bed
sdu() maturing
Compute MCTQ sleep duration
tbt() maturing
Compute MCTQ total time in bed
msl() maturing
Compute MCTQ local time of mid-sleep
napd() maturing
Compute MCTQ nap duration (only for MCTQ\(^{Shift}\))
sd24() maturing
Compute MCTQ 24 hours sleep duration (only for MCTQ\(^{Shift}\))
sd_week() maturing
Compute MCTQ average weekly sleep duration
sd_overall() maturing
Compute MCTQ overall sleep duration (only for MCTQ\(^{Shift}\))
sloss_week() maturing
Compute MCTQ weekly sleep loss
le_week() maturing
Compute MCTQ average weekly light exposure
msf_sc() maturing
Compute MCTQ sleep-corrected local time of mid-sleep on work-free days
sjl() sjl_rel() maturing
Compute MCTQ social jetlag
sjl_sc() sjl_sc_rel() maturing
Compute Jankowski's MCTQ sleep-corrected social jetlag
sjl_weighted() maturing
Compute MCTQ absolute social jetlag across all shifts


Fictional datasets for testing and learning purposes.

std_mctq maturing
A fictional standard MCTQ dataset
micro_mctq maturing
A fictional \(\mu\)MCTQ dataset
shift_mctq maturing
A fictional MCTQ\(^{Shift}\) dataset


Other functions to help with MCTQ data.

pretty_mctq() maturing
Make an MCTQ dataset more presentable
random_mctq() maturing
Build a random MCTQ case
raw_data() maturing
Get paths to mctq raw datasets