More information available at vignette("mrp_ontology", package = "mregions2")
A data frame with 374 rows and 4 columns:
- layer
Identifier of the data product. Use in
- colname
Name of the columns of each data product.
- type
Data type of the column.
- definition
Definition of the column.
#> # A tibble: 374 × 4
#> layer colname type definition
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 eez mrgid int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the feature.…
#> 2 eez geoname string Name of the feature.
#> 3 eez mrgid_ter1 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territor…
#> 4 eez pol_type string Basis of creation or legal status of feature. One of…
#> 5 eez mrgid_sov1 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereig…
#> 6 eez territory1 string Specific land area which directly relates to the fea…
#> 7 eez iso_ter1 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
#> 8 eez sovereign1 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
#> 9 eez mrgid_ter2 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territor…
#> 10 eez mrgid_sov2 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereig…
#> # ℹ 364 more rows