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Nomis uses its own internal coding for query concepts. nomis_codelist returns the codes for a given concept in a tibble, given a dataset ID and a concept name. Note that some codelists, particularly geography, can be very large.


nomis_codelist(id, concept, search = NULL)



A string with the ID of the particular dataset. Must be specified.


A string with the variable concept to return options for. If left empty, returns all the variables for the dataset specified by id. Codes are not case sensitive and must be specified.

Search for codes that contain a given string. The wildcard character * can be added to the beginning and/or end of each search string. Search strings are not case sensitive. Defaults to NULL. Note that the search function is not very powerful for some datasets.


A tibble with the codes used to query specific concepts.


# \donttest{
x <- nomis_codelist("NM_1_1", "item")

# Searching for codes ending with "london"
y <- nomis_codelist("NM_1_1", "geography", search = "*london")

z <- nomis_codelist("NM_161_1", "cause_of_death")
# }