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Retrieve all concept code options of all Nomis datasets, concept code options for a given dataset, or the all the options for a given concept variable from a particular dataset. Specifying concept will return all the options for a given variable in a particular dataset.

If looking for a more detailed overview of all available metadata for a given dataset, see nomis_overview().


  concept = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  search = NULL,
  additional_queries = NULL,
  tidy = FALSE



The ID of the particular dataset. Returns no data if not specified.


A string with the variable concept to return options for. If left empty, returns all the variables for the dataset specified by id. Codes are not case sensitive. Defaults to NULL.


A string with options for a particular code value, to return types of variables available for a given code. Defaults to NULL. If concept == NULL, type will be ignored.

A string or character vector of strings to search for in the metadata. Defaults to NULL. As in nomis_search(), the wildcard character * can be added to the beginning and/or end of each search string.


Any other additional queries to pass to the API. See for instructions on query structure. Defaults to NULL. Deprecated in package versions greater than 0.2.0 and will eventually be removed.


Use to pass any other parameters to the API.


If TRUE, converts tibble names to snakecase.


A tibble with metadata options for queries using nomis_get_data().


# \donttest{
a <- nomis_get_metadata("NM_1_1")

#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#>   codelist         conceptref isfrequencydimension
#>   <chr>            <chr>      <chr>               
#> 1 CL_1_1_GEOGRAPHY GEOGRAPHY  false               
#> 2 CL_1_1_SEX       SEX        false               
#> 3 CL_1_1_ITEM      ITEM       false               
#> 4 CL_1_1_MEASURES  MEASURES   false               
#> 5 CL_1_1_FREQ      FREQ       true                
#> 6 CL_1_1_TIME      TIME       false               

b <- nomis_get_metadata("NM_1_1", "geography")

#> Rows: 7
#> Columns: 4
#> $ id             <chr> "2092957697", "2092957698", "2092957699", "2092957700",…
#> $ parentCode     <chr> NA, NA, NA, "2092957700", "2092957701", "2092957702", NA
#> $ label.en       <chr> "United Kingdom", "Great Britain", "England", "Wales", …
#> $ description.en <chr> "United Kingdom", "Great Britain", "England", "Wales", …

# returns all types of geography
c <- nomis_get_metadata("NM_1_1", "geography", "TYPE")

#> Rows: 104
#> Columns: 3
#> $ id             <chr> "TYPE1", "TYPE8", "TYPE18", "TYPE27", "TYPE33", "TYPE45…
#> $ label.en       <chr> "1991 frozen wards", "parliamentary constituencies 1983…
#> $ description.en <chr> "1991 frozen wards", "parliamentary constituencies 1983…

# returns geography types available within Wigan
d <- nomis_get_metadata("NM_1_1", "geography", "1879048226")

#> Rows: 13
#> Columns: 4
#> $ id             <chr> "1879048226", "1879048226TYPE236", "1879048226TYPE297",…
#> $ parentCode     <chr> "2013265922", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N
#> $ label.en       <chr> "Wigan", "2011 census frozen wards within Wigan", "2011…
#> $ description.en <chr> "Wigan", "2011 census frozen wards within Wigan", "2011…

e <- nomis_get_metadata("NM_1_1", "item", geography = 1879048226, sex = 5)

#> # A tibble: 5 × 4
#>   id    parentCode label.en                 description.en          
#>   <chr> <chr>      <chr>                    <chr>                   
#> 1 1     NA         Total claimants          Total claimants         
#> 2 2     1          Students on vacation     Students on vacation    
#> 3 3     1          Temporarily stopped      Temporarily stopped     
#> 4 4     1          Claimants under 18 years Claimants under 18 years
#> 5 9     1          Married females          Married females         

f <- nomis_get_metadata("NM_1_1", "item", search = "*married*")

#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 4
#> $ id             <chr> "9"
#> $ parentCode     <chr> "1"
#> $ label.en       <chr> "Married females"
#> $ description.en <chr> "Married females"
# }