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rb3 0.0.10

CRAN release: 2023-04-14

  • Check empty files download.

rb3 0.0.10

CRAN release: 2023-04-14

  • Improved error handling in read_marketdata.
  • Improved checks in test-company.R with exception handling for empty downloaded files.
  • Removed tidyselect warnings in scraper-company.R.

rb3 0.0.9

CRAN release: 2023-03-24

  • Corrected BUG: function company_cash_dividends_get does not return all cash dividends
  • Implemented new option in templates: verifyssl. It defaults to TRUE, always use ssl, but when it is FALSE an option is set in httr to skip ssl verification.
  • Corrected futures_get and futures_mget to handle equity futures

rb3 0.0.8

CRAN release: 2023-03-05

  • functions company_cash_dividends_get, company_info_get, company_stock_dividends_get, company_subscriptions_get to get company’s informations

rb3 0.0.7

CRAN release: 2022-12-14

  • function index_get to download historical data from B3 indexes (Issue #39)
  • added option rb3.silent (defaults to FALSE) hide alert messages and progress bar
  • added option rb3.clear.cache (defaults to FALSE) remove files with invalid content from cache folder
  • new templates
    • GetPortfolioDay_IndexStatistics historical time series for B3 indexes
  • new vignette: B3 Indexes
  • changed futures_get and maturity2date to use calendar Brazil/BMF
  • maturity2date has a new argument refdate, it must be passed when converting old maturities like JAN0, FEV0, …

rb3 0.0.6

CRAN release: 2022-08-19

  • updated documentation
  • functions code2month and maturity2date now accept old 4 characters maturity code, before 2006
  • new function cotahist_options_by_symbol_superset joins options data, equity data and interest rates for each option for a given symbol (Issue #50)
  • corrected BUG in cache system, avoid caching NULL returns (Issue #52)
  • corrected BUG cdi_get and idi_get use do_cache = FALSE (Issue #51)

rb3 0.0.5

CRAN release: 2022-07-16

  • updated documentation
  • the cache creates a folder with the template to organize files inside the cache folder.
  • read_marketdata lost the argument cachedir, the RDS file with parsed data is saved in the directory of the given file.
    • Pass do_cache = FALSE to not save the RDS file, it defaults to TRUE.
  • corrected BUG in COTAHIST_YEARLY, it uses cache wrongly (Issue #44)
  • corrected BUG due to change in fixedincome - function rates was renamed to implied_rate

rb3 0.0.4

CRAN release: 2022-06-22

  • added locale en to templates: COTAHIST_*
  • new templates
    • NegociosIntraday intraday listed market trades
    • NegociosBalcao intraday OTC (Debentures) trades
    • NegociosBTB intraday lending trades
  • imports organized (using importFrom in NAMESPACE)
  • added option rb3.cachedir to set default cache directory in order to use cached files across multiple sessions

rb3 0.0.3

CRAN release: 2022-05-29

  • fixed tests for yc_get().
  • updated to bizdays version 0.1.10 (use of load_builtin_calendars - Issue #31).
  • changes to ropensci process: added more tests to improve test coverage, functions renamed, codemeta and
  • new templates
    • GetStockIndex to get the composition of B3 indexes.
    • GetTheoricalPortfolio to get composition and weights of B3 indexes.
    • GetPortfolioDay to get composition, weights and segments of B3 indexes.
    • CenariosCurva for scenarios of term structures of interest rates.
    • CenariosPrecoReferencia for reference prices scenarios.
    • IndexReport indexes daily market data.
    • PriceReport daily prices and market data.
    • GetListedSupplementCompany supplement data for listed companies.
    • GetDetailsCompany to get companies details (name, codeCVM, …).
    • GetListedCashDividends to get list of cash dividends.
  • new functions for yield curves
    • yc_ipca_get and yc_ipca_mget for real interest rates
    • yc_usd_get and yc_usd_mget for USD interest rates in Brazil
  • new functions for cotahist
    • cotahist_get_symbols to get stocks by a list of symbols
    • cotahist_etfs_get, cotahist_fiis_get, cotahist_fidcs_get, cotahist_fiagros_get
    • function cotahist_funds_get has been replaced by these ones.
  • new functions to get indexes information (composition, weights and positions)
    • index_comp_get returns the index composition
    • index_weights_get returns the index weights
    • index_by_segment_get returns indexes assets grouped by segments
    • indexes_get lists the available indexes
    • indexes_last_update returns the date when the indexes have been updated
    • indexreport_get and indexreport_mget download index report data
  • Superset datasets
    • cotahist_equity_options_superset joins options data, equity data and interest rates for each option - this is useful to run option and volatility models.
    • yc_superset, yc_usd_superset, yc_ipca_superset mark futures maturities in yield curve.

rb3 0.0.2

CRAN release: 2022-05-10

  • changes for ropensci process, replaced sapply with purrr::map_xxx.
  • improved class Filename, added new methods.
  • added argument destdir = NULL to convert_to function.
  • created functions yc_get / yc_mget and futures_get / futures_mget (Issue #26).
  • improved fields creation (Issue #27).
  • added downloader/reader for GetStockIndex, JSON file with relations between stocks and indexes.

rb3 0.0.1

CRAN release: 2022-05-05

  • first release