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Road segments representing suggested route to cycle in Leeds, UK.




An object of class sf with 18 rows and 14 columns on route characteristics. See for details.



Simple feature collection with 30 features and 32 fields

See data-raw/cyclestreets_route.R in the package's github repo for details.


#> Linking to GEOS 3.10.2, GDAL 3.4.1, PROJ 8.2.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
#> [1] "sf"         "data.frame"

#> Simple feature collection with 18 features and 14 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -1.55598 ymin: 53.80275 xmax: -1.52271 ymax: 53.81893
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> First 10 features:
#>                      name distances time busynance elevations start_longitude
#> 1             Avenue Hill       156   22       226         NA        -1.52271
#> 2           Spencer Place       771  165      1768         NA        -1.52271
#> 3      Roundhay Road, A58       195   49      4256         NA        -1.52271
#> 4           Roundhay Road       513  129      1761         NA        -1.52271
#> 5            North Street       143   57       469         NA        -1.52271
#> 6  Sheepscar Street South       105   82      5298         NA        -1.52271
#> 7      Clay Pit Lane, A58       744  300     25635         NA        -1.52271
#> 8    Woodhouse Lane, A660         9    5       358         NA        -1.52271
#> 9    Woodhouse Lane, A660       160   68      4791         NA        -1.52271
#> 10   Woodhouse Lane, A660        65   32      2366         NA        -1.52271
#>    start_latitude finish_longitude finish_latitude gradient_segment
#> 1        53.81893         -1.55598        53.80692      0.051282051
#> 2        53.81893         -1.55598        53.80692      0.015564202
#> 3        53.81893         -1.55598        53.80692      0.005128205
#> 4        53.81893         -1.55598        53.80692      0.007797271
#> 5        53.81893         -1.55598        53.80692      0.006993007
#> 6        53.81893         -1.55598        53.80692      0.057142857
#> 7        53.81893         -1.55598        53.80692      0.029569892
#> 8        53.81893         -1.55598        53.80692      0.111111111
#> 9        53.81893         -1.55598        53.80692      0.031250000
#> 10       53.81893         -1.55598        53.80692      0.030769231
#>    elevation_change      provisionName quietness quietness_segment
#> 1                 8 Residential street         7        0.69026549
#> 2                12 Residential street         7        0.43608597
#> 3                 1         Trunk road         7        0.04581767
#> 4                 4         Minor road         7        0.29131175
#> 5                 1  Unclassified road         7        0.30490405
#> 6                 6  Trunk road access         7        0.01981880
#> 7                22         Trunk road         7        0.02902282
#> 8                 1         Trunk road         7        0.02513966
#> 9                 5         Trunk road         7        0.03339595
#> 10                2  Trunk road access         7        0.02747253
#>                          geometry
#> 1  LINESTRING (-1.52271 53.818...
#> 2  LINESTRING (-1.52375 53.817...
#> 3  LINESTRING (-1.52539 53.810...
#> 4  LINESTRING (-1.52807 53.810...
#> 5  LINESTRING (-1.53467 53.807...
#> 6  LINESTRING (-1.53531 53.806...
#> 7  LINESTRING (-1.53684 53.806...
#> 8  LINESTRING (-1.54594 53.802...
#> 9  LINESTRING (-1.546 53.80282...
#> 10 LINESTRING (-1.54752 53.803...