spiro (development version)
- Fix bug in ZAN import when several dead space parameters are given
- Fix bug in ZAN import when meta data contained special characters
- Improve import for German Cosmed files
- Update spiro_plot() to recent changes in ggplot2 version 3.5
spiro 0.2.0 (2023-05-09)
CRAN release: 2023-05-09
- More customization options to spiro_plot(): Adjustable point and line sizes and colors with the style_args argument; optional display of vertical lines in spiro_plot() at the start of warm-up, first load and last load with the vert_lines argument
- New function spiro_raw() to access or import raw data only. This is a wrapper around attr(data, “raw”) for spiro objects and replaces spiro_import() for raw data files, which has been deprecated as its name led to confusion that it might be a general import function.
- Fix bug in device detection when cortex files contained a header with an id field
- Fix bug in Cortex import when time data contained milliseconds
- Fix bug in import when raw time data contained invalid values (e.g. when the content of a row, but not the row itself was deleted in the excel raw data file)
- Hide secondary load axis in spiro_plot(which = 3), when no load data is available
- Improved Vyntus import for German language
- Fixed rare bug when the time data had an identical value present more than three times.
- Updated citation information (A software paper for the spiro package was accepted by the Journal of Open Source Software)
- Updated documentation and vignette to reflect changes in spiro_plot().
- General documentation improvements
- Updated testing infrastructure (new soft dependency ‘vdiffr’ for snapshot testing of spiro_plot() output)
spiro 0.1.2 (2022-11-13)
CRAN release: 2022-11-15
- Add last.duration argument in pt_steps() and pt_const()
- Allow import of files with missing body mass data without setting a new body mass
- Improve detection of post exercise measurements during automated exercise protocol detection
- Improve plotting of none breath-by-breath data
- Improve NA handling in spiro_smooth() for zero-lag Butterworth filters
- Update spiro_plot() to recent changes in ggplot2 version 3.4.0
spiro 0.1.0 (2022-08-18)
First stable release. Reflects changes in response to the rOpenSci peer-review process. The repository has been transferred to the rOpenSci organization.
spiro 0.0.5 (2022-06-07)
spiro 0.0.4 (2022-05-15)
- spiro_smooth() was rewritten and got new arguments. Digital filters in spiro_smooth() now work with the original raw data if possible (and not with the interpolated data).
- spiro_max() output now also includes RERmax
spiro 0.0.3 (2022-03-15)
- The package now provides different filtering methods (time-based averages, breath-based averages, Butterworth filters) to smooth data in spiro_max() and spiro_plot()
- Meta data is now anonymized during import. This can be disabled by using spiro(anonymize = FALSE)
- Cortex import now works for files in English language (thanks to Sebastian Mühlenhoff)
spiro 0.0.2 (2022-01-03)
- spiro() now supports the import of Cortex xml and Vyntus files (thanks to Daniel Appelhans, Sebastian Mühlenhoff, Adrian Swoboda & Andreas Wagner)
- spiro_max() can now smooth over a defined number of breaths (and not only time frame)
- Improved import for Cosmed files (thanks to Yannick Schwarz)
- Improved protocol guessing
- spiro() now checks if the imported raw data is breath-by-breath and displays a warning if this is not the case
- spiro(file, protocol = NA) is now possible to avoid automated protocol guessing without specifying a protocol
- add_protocol() and related function now support unusually short protocols and have an improved input validation
- Output data frames of spiro_summary() now contain a ‘load’ column
- Increased test coverage