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set_protocol_manual() allows to set any user-defined load profile for an exercise test.


set_protocol_manual(duration, load = NULL)

# S3 method for default
set_protocol_manual(duration, load)

# S3 method for data.frame
set_protocol_manual(duration, load = NULL)



Either a numeric vector containing the duration (in seconds) of each load step, or a data.frame containing columns for duration and load.


A numeric vector of the same length as duration containing the corresponding load of each step. Not needed, if load and duration are both given in a data.frame as the first argument of the function.


A data.frame with the duration and load of each protocol step.

Methods (by class)

  • set_protocol_manual(default): Default method when duration and load are given separately

  • set_protocol_manual(data.frame): Method for data frames with a duration and a load column

See also

set_protocol for protocol setting with helper functions.

get_protocol For automated extracting of protocols from raw data.


  duration = c(300, 120, 300, 60, 300),
  load = c(3, 5, 3, 6, 3)
#>   duration load
#> 1      300    3
#> 2      120    5
#> 3      300    3
#> 4       60    6
#> 5      300    3

# using a data.frame as input
pt_data <- data.frame(
  duration = c(180, 150, 120, 90, 60, 30),
  load = c(200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450)
#>   duration load
#> 1      180  200
#> 2      150  250
#> 3      120  300
#> 4       90  350
#> 5       60  400
#> 6       30  450