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This is used to calculate the normalized `cq` values for reference `target_ids` (e.g. genes), to use in `delta_cq` calculation for each `sample_id`.


  value_name = "value",
  id_name = "id",
  norm_function = median



data frame containing relevant columns, those named in `value_name` and `id_name` parameters.


values of reference ids, that are used to calculate normalized reference value.


name of column containing values. This column should be numeric.


name of column containing ids.


Function to use to calculate the value to normalize by. Default function is median, alternatively could use mean, geometric mean, etc.


Also used to calculate the normalized `delta_cq` values for reference `sample_ids`, to use in `deltadelta_cq` calculation for each `target_id`.


# create simple cq dataset with one sample, two targets  and 3 reps
cq_tibble <- tibble(sample_id = "S_1",
                     target_id = rep(c("T_1",
                                       "T_norm"), each = 3),
                     tech_rep = rep(1:3, 2),
                     well_row = rep(c("A",
                                      "B"), each = 3),
                     well_col = 1,
                     well = paste0(well_row, well_col),
                     cq = c(10, 10, 10,
                            12, 12, 11))
# normalise cq to reference target_id called 'T_norm'

#----- use case 1: median reference target_id value
cq_tibble %>%
    calculate_normvalue(ref_ids = "T_norm",
                        value_name = "cq",
                        id_name = "target_id")
#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#>   sample_id target_id tech_rep well_row well_col well     cq value_to_norm_by
#>   <chr>     <chr>        <int> <chr>       <dbl> <chr> <dbl>            <dbl>
#> 1 S_1       T_1              1 A               1 A1       10               12
#> 2 S_1       T_1              2 A               1 A1       10               12
#> 3 S_1       T_1              3 A               1 A1       10               12
#> 4 S_1       T_norm           1 B               1 B1       12               12
#> 5 S_1       T_norm           2 B               1 B1       12               12
#> 6 S_1       T_norm           3 B               1 B1       11               12

#----- use case 2: mean reference target_id value 
cq_tibble %>%
    calculate_normvalue(ref_ids = "T_norm",
                        value_name = "cq",
                        id_name = "target_id",
                        norm_function = mean)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#>   sample_id target_id tech_rep well_row well_col well     cq value_to_norm_by
#>   <chr>     <chr>        <int> <chr>       <dbl> <chr> <dbl>            <dbl>
#> 1 S_1       T_1              1 A               1 A1       10             11.7
#> 2 S_1       T_1              2 A               1 A1       10             11.7
#> 3 S_1       T_1              3 A               1 A1       10             11.7
#> 4 S_1       T_norm           1 B               1 B1       12             11.7
#> 5 S_1       T_norm           2 B               1 B1       12             11.7
#> 6 S_1       T_norm           3 B               1 B1       11             11.7