Reads raw text-format fluorescence data in 1 colour from Roche Lightcyclers
This is the data from "export in text format" from the Lightcycler software. The other data format, .ixo, can be converted to .txt format by the Lightcycler software.
skip = 2,
col_names = c("well", "sample_info", "program_no", "segment_no", "cycle", "time",
"temperature", "fluor_raw"),
col_types = "ccffinnn",
tibble containing raw data, with default column names:
well: the well of the plate, e.g. A1
sample_info: this is the "Sample" field entered in lightcycler software, defaults to "Sample X"
program_no: the number of the cycler program, for 2-step PCR defaults to 1 = melt, 2 = amplify, 3 = melt.
segment_no: the number of the segment of the cycler program, e.g. hold/raise/lower temperature
cycle: the cycle number, for programs with repeated cycles (i.e. amplification)
time: the time of fluorescence reading acquisition (in what units???)
temperature: the temperature of the block at fluorescence acquisition
fluor_raw: the raw fluorescence reading in "arbitrary units". For SYBR safe, this would be 483nm excitation, 533nm emission.
package = "tidyqpcr"))
#> # A tibble: 82,944 × 8
#> well sample_info program_no segment_no cycle time temperature fluor_raw
#> <chr> <chr> <fct> <fct> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 A1 Sample 1 2 2 1 234700 59.9 0.59
#> 2 A1 Sample 1 2 2 2 274117 59.8 0.57
#> 3 A1 Sample 1 2 2 3 313634 59.8 0.56
#> 4 A1 Sample 1 2 2 4 353100 59.8 0.56
#> 5 A1 Sample 1 2 2 5 392600 59.8 0.56
#> 6 A1 Sample 1 2 2 6 432234 59.8 0.56
#> 7 A1 Sample 1 2 2 7 471801 59.8 0.55
#> 8 A1 Sample 1 2 2 8 511334 59.8 0.55
#> 9 A1 Sample 1 2 2 9 550834 59.8 0.55
#> 10 A1 Sample 1 2 2 10 590417 59.8 0.54
#> # ℹ 82,934 more rows