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Shift time stamps in ts-boxable time series, either by a number of periods or by a fixed amount of time.


ts_lag(x, by = 1)



ts-boxable time series, an object of class ts, xts, zoo, zooreg, data.frame, data.table, tbl, tbl_ts, tbl_time, tis, irts or timeSeries.


integer or character, either the number of shifting periods (integer), or an absolute amount of time (character). See details.


a ts-boxable object of the same class as x, i.e., an object of class ts, xts, zoo, zooreg, data.frame, data.table, tbl, tbl_ts, tbl_time, tis, irts or timeSeries.


The lag order, by, is defined the opposite way as in R base. Thus, -1 is a lead and +1 a lag.

If by is integer, the time stamp is shifted by the number of periods. This requires the series to be regular.

If by is character, the time stamp is shifted by a specific amount of time. This can be one of one of "sec", "min", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "quarter" or "year", optionally preceded by a (positive or negative) integer and a space, or followed by plural "s". This is passed to base::seq.Date(). This does not require the series to be regular.


# \donttest{
ts_plot(AirPassengers, ts_lag(AirPassengers), title = "The need for glasses")

# }
ts_lag(fdeaths, "1 month")
#>       Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
#> 1974       901  689  827  677  522  406  441  393  387  582  578
#> 1975  666  830  752  785  664  467  438  421  412  343  440  531
#> 1976  771  767 1141  896  532  447  420  376  330  357  445  546
#> 1977  764  862  660  663  643  502  392  411  348  387  385  411
#> 1978  638  796  853  737  546  530  446  431  362  387  430  425
#> 1979  679  821  785  727  612  478  429  405  379  393  411  487
#> 1980  574                                                       
ts_lag(fdeaths, "1 year")
#>       Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
#> 1975  901  689  827  677  522  406  441  393  387  582  578  666
#> 1976  830  752  785  664  467  438  421  412  343  440  531  771
#> 1977  767 1141  896  532  447  420  376  330  357  445  546  764
#> 1978  862  660  663  643  502  392  411  348  387  385  411  638
#> 1979  796  853  737  546  530  446  431  362  387  430  425  679
#> 1980  821  785  727  612  478  429  405  379  393  411  487  574
x <- ts_df(fdeaths)
ts_lag(x, "2 day")
#>          time value
#> 1  1974-01-03   901
#> 2  1974-02-03   689
#> 3  1974-03-03   827
#> 4  1974-04-03   677
#> 5  1974-05-03   522
#> 6  1974-06-03   406
#> 7  1974-07-03   441
#> 8  1974-08-03   393
#> 9  1974-09-03   387
#> 10 1974-10-03   582
#> 11 1974-11-03   578
#> 12 1974-12-03   666
#> 13 1975-01-03   830
#> 14 1975-02-03   752
#> 15 1975-03-03   785
#> 16 1975-04-03   664
#> 17 1975-05-03   467
#> 18 1975-06-03   438
#> 19 1975-07-03   421
#> 20 1975-08-03   412
#> 21 1975-09-03   343
#> 22 1975-10-03   440
#> 23 1975-11-03   531
#> 24 1975-12-03   771
#> 25 1976-01-03   767
#> 26 1976-02-03  1141
#> 27 1976-03-03   896
#> 28 1976-04-03   532
#> 29 1976-05-03   447
#> 30 1976-06-03   420
#> 31 1976-07-03   376
#> 32 1976-08-03   330
#> 33 1976-09-03   357
#> 34 1976-10-03   445
#> 35 1976-11-03   546
#> 36 1976-12-03   764
#> 37 1977-01-03   862
#> 38 1977-02-03   660
#> 39 1977-03-03   663
#> 40 1977-04-03   643
#> 41 1977-05-03   502
#> 42 1977-06-03   392
#> 43 1977-07-03   411
#> 44 1977-08-03   348
#> 45 1977-09-03   387
#> 46 1977-10-03   385
#> 47 1977-11-03   411
#> 48 1977-12-03   638
#> 49 1978-01-03   796
#> 50 1978-02-03   853
#> 51 1978-03-03   737
#> 52 1978-04-03   546
#> 53 1978-05-03   530
#> 54 1978-06-03   446
#> 55 1978-07-03   431
#> 56 1978-08-03   362
#> 57 1978-09-03   387
#> 58 1978-10-03   430
#> 59 1978-11-03   425
#> 60 1978-12-03   679
#> 61 1979-01-03   821
#> 62 1979-02-03   785
#> 63 1979-03-03   727
#> 64 1979-04-03   612
#> 65 1979-05-03   478
#> 66 1979-06-03   429
#> 67 1979-07-03   405
#> 68 1979-08-03   379
#> 69 1979-09-03   393
#> 70 1979-10-03   411
#> 71 1979-11-03   487
#> 72 1979-12-03   574
ts_lag(x, "2 min")
#>                   time value
#> 1  1974-01-01 00:02:00   901
#> 2  1974-02-01 00:02:00   689
#> 3  1974-03-01 00:02:00   827
#> 4  1974-04-01 00:02:00   677
#> 5  1974-05-01 00:02:00   522
#> 6  1974-06-01 00:02:00   406
#> 7  1974-07-01 00:02:00   441
#> 8  1974-08-01 00:02:00   393
#> 9  1974-09-01 00:02:00   387
#> 10 1974-10-01 00:02:00   582
#> 11 1974-11-01 00:02:00   578
#> 12 1974-12-01 00:02:00   666
#> 13 1975-01-01 00:02:00   830
#> 14 1975-02-01 00:02:00   752
#> 15 1975-03-01 00:02:00   785
#> 16 1975-04-01 00:02:00   664
#> 17 1975-05-01 00:02:00   467
#> 18 1975-06-01 00:02:00   438
#> 19 1975-07-01 00:02:00   421
#> 20 1975-08-01 00:02:00   412
#> 21 1975-09-01 00:02:00   343
#> 22 1975-10-01 00:02:00   440
#> 23 1975-11-01 00:02:00   531
#> 24 1975-12-01 00:02:00   771
#> 25 1976-01-01 00:02:00   767
#> 26 1976-02-01 00:02:00  1141
#> 27 1976-03-01 00:02:00   896
#> 28 1976-04-01 00:02:00   532
#> 29 1976-05-01 00:02:00   447
#> 30 1976-06-01 00:02:00   420
#> 31 1976-07-01 00:02:00   376
#> 32 1976-08-01 00:02:00   330
#> 33 1976-09-01 00:02:00   357
#> 34 1976-10-01 00:02:00   445
#> 35 1976-11-01 00:02:00   546
#> 36 1976-12-01 00:02:00   764
#> 37 1977-01-01 00:02:00   862
#> 38 1977-02-01 00:02:00   660
#> 39 1977-03-01 00:02:00   663
#> 40 1977-04-01 00:02:00   643
#> 41 1977-05-01 00:02:00   502
#> 42 1977-06-01 00:02:00   392
#> 43 1977-07-01 00:02:00   411
#> 44 1977-08-01 00:02:00   348
#> 45 1977-09-01 00:02:00   387
#> 46 1977-10-01 00:02:00   385
#> 47 1977-11-01 00:02:00   411
#> 48 1977-12-01 00:02:00   638
#> 49 1978-01-01 00:02:00   796
#> 50 1978-02-01 00:02:00   853
#> 51 1978-03-01 00:02:00   737
#> 52 1978-04-01 00:02:00   546
#> 53 1978-05-01 00:02:00   530
#> 54 1978-06-01 00:02:00   446
#> 55 1978-07-01 00:02:00   431
#> 56 1978-08-01 00:02:00   362
#> 57 1978-09-01 00:02:00   387
#> 58 1978-10-01 00:02:00   430
#> 59 1978-11-01 00:02:00   425
#> 60 1978-12-01 00:02:00   679
#> 61 1979-01-01 00:02:00   821
#> 62 1979-02-01 00:02:00   785
#> 63 1979-03-01 00:02:00   727
#> 64 1979-04-01 00:02:00   612
#> 65 1979-05-01 00:02:00   478
#> 66 1979-06-01 00:02:00   429
#> 67 1979-07-01 00:02:00   405
#> 68 1979-08-01 00:02:00   379
#> 69 1979-09-01 00:02:00   393
#> 70 1979-10-01 00:02:00   411
#> 71 1979-11-01 00:02:00   487
#> 72 1979-12-01 00:02:00   574
ts_lag(x, "-1 day")
#>          time value
#> 1  1973-12-31   901
#> 2  1974-01-31   689
#> 3  1974-02-28   827
#> 4  1974-03-31   677
#> 5  1974-04-30   522
#> 6  1974-05-31   406
#> 7  1974-06-30   441
#> 8  1974-07-31   393
#> 9  1974-08-31   387
#> 10 1974-09-30   582
#> 11 1974-10-31   578
#> 12 1974-11-30   666
#> 13 1974-12-31   830
#> 14 1975-01-31   752
#> 15 1975-02-28   785
#> 16 1975-03-31   664
#> 17 1975-04-30   467
#> 18 1975-05-31   438
#> 19 1975-06-30   421
#> 20 1975-07-31   412
#> 21 1975-08-31   343
#> 22 1975-09-30   440
#> 23 1975-10-31   531
#> 24 1975-11-30   771
#> 25 1975-12-31   767
#> 26 1976-01-31  1141
#> 27 1976-02-29   896
#> 28 1976-03-31   532
#> 29 1976-04-30   447
#> 30 1976-05-31   420
#> 31 1976-06-30   376
#> 32 1976-07-31   330
#> 33 1976-08-31   357
#> 34 1976-09-30   445
#> 35 1976-10-31   546
#> 36 1976-11-30   764
#> 37 1976-12-31   862
#> 38 1977-01-31   660
#> 39 1977-02-28   663
#> 40 1977-03-31   643
#> 41 1977-04-30   502
#> 42 1977-05-31   392
#> 43 1977-06-30   411
#> 44 1977-07-31   348
#> 45 1977-08-31   387
#> 46 1977-09-30   385
#> 47 1977-10-31   411
#> 48 1977-11-30   638
#> 49 1977-12-31   796
#> 50 1978-01-31   853
#> 51 1978-02-28   737
#> 52 1978-03-31   546
#> 53 1978-04-30   530
#> 54 1978-05-31   446
#> 55 1978-06-30   431
#> 56 1978-07-31   362
#> 57 1978-08-31   387
#> 58 1978-09-30   430
#> 59 1978-10-31   425
#> 60 1978-11-30   679
#> 61 1978-12-31   821
#> 62 1979-01-31   785
#> 63 1979-02-28   727
#> 64 1979-03-31   612
#> 65 1979-04-30   478
#> 66 1979-05-31   429
#> 67 1979-06-30   405
#> 68 1979-07-31   379
#> 69 1979-08-31   393
#> 70 1979-09-30   411
#> 71 1979-10-31   487
#> 72 1979-11-30   574