This function will use the json api to retrieve dividends from Yahoo finance.
yf_get_dividends(ticker = "PETR4.SA")
#> ℹ Be aware that YF does not provide a consistent dividend database. Use this function with caution.
#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#> ref_date ticker dividend
#> <date> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 2024-04-26 PETR4.SA 1.15
#> 2 2024-05-03 PETR4.SA 1.78
#> 3 2024-06-12 PETR4.SA 1.04
#> 4 2024-08-22 PETR4.SA 1.05
#> 5 2024-12-12 PETR4.SA 1.55
#> 6 2024-12-26 PETR4.SA 1.33