A dataset containing fake pathology reports. The report field is derived from the whole report as follows: Mypath<-PathDataFrameFinalColon HistolTree<-list('Hospital Number','Patient Name','DOB:','General Practitioner:', 'Date of procedure:','Clinical Details:','Macroscopic description:','Histology:','Diagnosis:',”) for(i in 1:(length(HistolTree)-1)) Mypath<-Extractor(Mypath,'PathReportWhole',as.character(HistolTree[i]), as.character(HistolTree[i+1]),as.character(HistolTree[i])) Mypath$Dateofprocedure<-as.Date(Mypath$Dateofprocedure)
A data frame with 2000 rows and 1 variables:
- PathReportWhole
The whole report, in text
- HospitalNumber
Hospital Number, in text
- PatientName
Patient Name, in text
Date of Birth, in text
- GeneralPractitioner
General Practitioner, in text
- Dateofprocedure
Date of the procedure, as date
- ClinicalDetails
Clinical Details, in text
- Macroscopicdescription
Macroscopic description of the report, in text
- Histology
Histology, in text
- Diagnosis
Diagnosis, in text