A dataset containing fake lower GI endoscopy reports and pathology reports all pre-extracted
A data frame with 2000 rows and 26 variables:
- pHospitalNum
The HospitalNum, in text
- PatientName.x
The PatientName, in text
- GeneralPractitioner.x
The GeneralPractitioner report, in text
- Date.x
The Date, in date
- Endoscopist
The Endoscopist report, in text
- Secondendoscopist
The Secondendoscopist report, in text
- Medications
The Medications report, in text
- Instrument
The Instrument report, in text
- ExtentofExam
The ExtentofExam report, in text
- Indications
The Indications report, in text
- ProcedurePerformed
The ProcedurePerformed report, in text
- Findings
The Findings report, in text
- EndoscopicDiagnosis
The EndoscopicDiagnosis report, in text
- Original.x
The Original endosocpy report, in text
- eHospitalNum
The HospitalNum, in text
- PatientName.y
The PatientName, in text
The DOB, in date
- GeneralPractitioner.y
The GeneralPractitioner report, in text
- Date.y
The Date.y , in date
- ClinicalDetails
The ClinicalDetails report, in text
- Natureofspecimen
The Natureofspecimen report, in text
- Macroscopicdescription
The Macroscopicdescription report, in text
- Histology
The Histology report, in text
- Diagnosis
The Diagnosis report, in text
- Original.y
The whole report, in text
- Days
Days, in numbers