RSelenium 1.7.9
CRAN release: 2022-09-02
- Remove images in vignettes (addressing #260)
- Remove dependency on
(addressing #251 #256) - Remove the defunct functions:
, andstartServer
- Use
instead ofopenssl::base64_decode
to decode the base64 encoded PNG screenshot
RSelenium 1.7.6
- No functional changes in this version (need to re-submit to CRAN for being archived)
- Fixed typos in vignettes and documentation
- Styled the package with
package following the tidyverse formatting rules
RSelenium 1.7.5
CRAN release: 2019-01-03
- Fix switchToWindow issue in fiefox (#143)
- Add a tutorial to allow running RSelenium Tests in Internet Explorer (thanks @zappingseb #193)
- Updated vignettes and documentation
RSelenium 1.7.4
CRAN release: 2018-09-18
now passes a dummy argument - Defunct
function - Updated unit tests and test environment
- Updated vignettes and documentation
RSelenium 1.7.3
- Address issue with user/pass credentials being exposed using SauceLabs (thanks @jstockwin #131)
- Cache packages on TRAVIS to reduce runtime (thanks @jstockwin #132)
RSelenium 1.7.1
CRAN release: 2017-01-24
- Fixed issue where rsDriver was not passing additional arguments via …
- Fixed issue with rsDriver and Win/Firefox
- serverURL field in remoteDriver class is now set in initialize method
RSelenium 1.7.0
CRAN release: 2017-01-18
- Basic vignette update with appendix on using rsDriver
- Print method added for environment returned by rsDriver
- Default PhantomJS version switched to 2.1.1 (2.5.0-beta has old version of ghostdriver)
RSelenium 1.6.6
- phantom is marked as deprecated. To drive PhantomJS via selenium use the rsDriver function. To drive directly use wdman::phantomjs
RSelenium 1.6.5
- checkForServer and startServer are now defunct. rsDriver is marked as a dual replacement. Docker is recommended to run a selenium server/browser.
RSelenium 1.6.1
- Added a selectTag method to the webElement class see #108.
- RSelenium Basics vignette was updated/revised.
RSelenium 1.4.8
- Added tests for executeScript
- Fixed issue in executeScript/executeAsyncScript with returning nested web elements
RSelenium 1.4.7
- Code tidied up
- statCodes added as an internal data.frame
- tidy up imports. importFrom instead of import
RSelenium 1.4.3
- Moved testing to TRAVIS
- Switch to rjson from RJSONIO as issue with RJSONIO and TRAVIS/covr
- Ported api tests to TRAVIS
RSelenium 1.4.1
- Add option to pass arguments to JVM in startServer.
- In startServer look for multiple copies of selenium binary in selDIR
- Make renaming selenium binary optional in checkForServer
- Add option to download beta releases in checkForServer
RSelenium 1.3.4
- Fix custom path not being passed correctly to phantom utility function.
- Allowing passing of commandline arguments via utility function startServer.
RSelenium 1.3.2
- Methods now fail with errors if the server returns an error related status code. Summary and Detail of the error are outputted as well as the associated java class.
- Add a phantom utility function to enable driving of phantomjs in webdriver mode independent of Selenium Server.
- Fixed file paths in startServer for windows (Thanks @mnel #22)
RSelenium 1.3.0
- Add the content from OC-RUG webinar as a vignette.
- Update the Driving OS/Browsers local and remote vignette.
RSelenium 1.2.5
- Update reference classes to use
and inline docstrings for methods - Allow partial string matching on the
argument of the findElement and findElements method from the remoteDriver class. - Allow partial string matching on the
argument of the findChildElement and findChildElements method from the webElement class.
RSelenium 1.2.4
- Add getLogtypes() and log(type) methods to remoteDriver class
- Fix getFirefoxProfile so useBase = TRUE works under windows.
- Add additional support for encoding (thanks to Nicola Logrillo issue #16)
- Add file argument to screenshot method in remoteDriver class to allow writing screenshot to file
- Add a getChromeProfile utility function.