Provides summary methods for objects.
# S4 method for class 'EL'
summary(object, ...)
# S4 method for class 'ELMT'
summary(object, ...)
# S4 method for class 'ELT'
summary(object, ...)
# S4 method for class 'GLM'
summary(object, ...)
# S4 method for class 'LM'
summary(object, ...)
# S4 method for class 'QGLM'
summary(object, ...)
Methods (by class)
: Summarizes the test results of the specified parameters.summary(ELMT)
: Summarizes the multiple testing results.summary(ELT)
: Summarizes the hypothesis test results.summary(GLM)
: Summarizes the results of the overall model test and the significance tests for coefficients. The dispersion parameter is extracted for display.summary(LM)
: Summarizes the results of the overall model test and the significance tests for coefficients.summary(QGLM)
: Summarizes the results of the overall model test and the significance tests for coefficients. The estimated dispersion parameter is extracted for display.
fit <- el_mean(faithful, par = c(3.5, 70))
#> Empirical Likelihood
#> Model: mean
#> Number of observations: 272
#> Number of parameters: 2
#> Parameter values under the null hypothesis:
#> eruptions waiting
#> 3.5 70.0
#> Lagrange multipliers:
#> [1] -0.33537 0.03043
#> Maximum EL estimates:
#> eruptions waiting
#> 3.488 70.897
#> logL: -1529, logLR: -4.241
#> Chisq: 8.483, df: 2, Pr(>Chisq): 0.01439
#> EL evaluation: converged
fit2 <- el_lm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars)
#> Empirical Likelihood
#> Model: lm
#> Call:
#> el_lm(formula = mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars)
#> Number of observations: 32
#> Number of parameters: 2
#> Parameter values under the null hypothesis:
#> (Intercept) wt
#> 37.29 0.00
#> Lagrange multipliers:
#> [1] -109.51 14.62
#> Maximum EL estimates:
#> (Intercept) wt
#> 37.285 -5.344
#> logL: -330.4 , logLR: -219.5
#> Chisq: 439.1, df: 1, Pr(>Chisq): < 2.2e-16
#> Constrained EL: initialization failed
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Chisq Pr(>Chisq)
#> (Intercept) 37.285 443.3 <2e-16 ***
#> wt -5.344 439.1 <2e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1