Bulk analysis with rcites
rcites team
Broad taxon concept queries
If you want to query all taxa, you can use
with query_taxon = ""
(assuming your token is already set up):
res_cms <- spp_taxonconcept("", taxonomy = "CMS") #slow
#> ℹ Retrieving info from page 1 ........................ ✔
#> ℹ 10 pages available, retrieving info from 9 more
#> ℹ Retrieving info from page 2 ........................ ✔
#> ℹ Retrieving info from page 3 ........................ ✔
#> ℹ Retrieving info from page 4 ........................ ✔
#> ℹ Retrieving info from page 5 ........................ ✔
#> ℹ Retrieving info from page 6 ........................ ✔
#> ℹ Retrieving info from page 7 ........................ ✔
#> ℹ Retrieving info from page 8 ........................ ✔
#> ℹ Retrieving info from page 9 ........................ ✔
#> ℹ Retrieving info from page 10 ....................... ✔
#> [1] 2541 7
Alternatively, you can retrieve, for example, the first three pages of results returned by the API.
res_cites <- spp_taxonconcept("", page = 1:2)
#> ℹ Retrieving info from page 1 ........................ ✔
#> ℹ 167 pages available, retrieving info from 1 more
#> ℹ Retrieving info from page 2 ........................ ✔
#> [1] 1000 8
Retrieving information for a set of taxon_concept ID
All spp_
(i.e. spp_distributions()
, spp_cites_legislation()
and spp_references()
) can handle a vector of taxon_id which
allows bulk analysis. Below we exemplify this feature for the four
vc_txn <- c('4521', '3210', '10255')
res1 <- spp_distributions(taxon_id = vc_txn, verbose = FALSE)
## Number of countries concerned per taxon ID
#> 10255 3210 4521
#> 15 8 42
res2 <- spp_cites_legislation(taxon_id = vc_txn, verbose = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 12 × 7
#> taxon_id id taxon_concept_id is_current appendix change_type effective_at
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 4521 30344 4521 TRUE I + 2017-01-02
#> 2 4521 30115 4521 TRUE II + 2019-11-26
#> 3 4521 32160 4521 TRUE II R+ 2019-11-26
#> 4 4521 32161 4521 TRUE II R+ 2019-11-26
#> 5 4521 32156 4521 TRUE II R+ 2019-11-26
#> 6 4521 32158 4521 TRUE II R+ 2019-11-26
#> 7 4521 32154 4521 TRUE II R+ 2019-11-26
#> 8 4521 32159 4521 TRUE II R+ 2019-11-26
#> 9 4521 32157 4521 TRUE II R+ 2019-11-26
#> 10 4521 32155 4521 TRUE II R+ 2019-11-26
#> 11 3210 4661 3210 TRUE II + 1987-10-22
#> 12 10255 4645 10255 TRUE I + 2005-01-12
res3 <- spp_eu_legislation(taxon_id = vc_txn, verbose = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 7
#> taxon_id id taxon_concept_id is_current annex change_type effective_at
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 4521 31788 4521 TRUE A + 2019-12-14
#> 2 4521 31876 4521 TRUE B + 2019-12-14
#> 3 3210 30578 3210 TRUE B + 2019-12-14
#> 4 10255 30516 10255 TRUE A + 2019-12-14
res4 <- spp_references(taxon_id = vc_txn, verbose = FALSE)
## Number of references per taxon ID
#> 10255 3210 4521
#> 1 3 15