check whether the requested data exist on Natural Earth
checks from a list dependent on type, category and scale. If it returns FALSE the data may still exist on the website. Doesn't yet do checking on raster names because I found the naming convention too tricky.
scale = 110L,
category = c("cultural", "physical", "raster")
- type
type of natural earth file to download one of 'countries', 'map_units', 'map_subunits', 'sovereignty', 'states' OR the portion of any natural earth vector url after the scale and before the . e.g. for 'ne_50m_urban_areas.zip' this would be 'urban_areas' OR the raster filename e.g. for 'MSR_50M.zip' this would be 'MSR_50M'
- scale
The scale of map to return, one of `110`, `50`, `10` or `small`, `medium`, `large`.
- category
one of natural earth categories : 'cultural', 'physical', 'raster'
See also
, pre-downloaded data are available using
, ne_states
. Other geographic data
are available in the raster package : getData
check_data_exist(type = "countries", scale = 110, category = "cultural")
#> [1] TRUE
# Type not in list for this category
check_data_exist(type = "airports", scale = 110, category = "physical")
#> Warning: `airports` seems not to be in the list for category= "physical" maybe try the
#> other category of c('cultural', 'physical')
#> [1] FALSE
# Type in list but scale shows FALSE
check_data_exist(type = "airports", scale = 110, category = "cultural")
#> Warning: The requested daa seem not to exist in the list of Natural Earth data. Check
#> `?ne_download` or <http://www.naturalearthdata.com/features/> to see data
#> availability.
#> [1] FALSE