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This vignette covers NOAA buoy data from the National Buoy Data Center. The main function to get data is buoy, while buoys can be used to get the buoy IDs and web pages for each buoy.

Find out what buoys are available in a dataset

res <- buoys(dataset = "cwind")

Inspect the buoy ids, and the urls for them

#>      id
#> 1 41001
#> 2 41002
#> 3 41004
#> 4 41006
#> 5 41008
#> 6 41009
#>                                                                        url
#> 1
#> 2
#> 3
#> 4
#> 5
#> 6

Or browse them on the web

browseURL(res[1, 2])

Get buoy data

With buoy you can get data for a particular dataset, buoy id, year, and datatype.

Get data for a buoy

if no year or datatype specified, we get the first file

buoy(dataset = 'cwind', buoyid = 46085)
#> Using
#> Dimensions (rows/cols): [33486 X 5] 
#> 2 variables: [wind_dir, wind_spd] 
#> # A tibble: 33,486 x 5
#>    time                   lat   lon wind_dir wind_spd
#>    <chr>                <dbl> <dbl>    <int>    <dbl>
#>  1 2007-05-05T02:00:00Z  55.9 -143.      331     2.80
#>  2 2007-05-05T02:10:00Z  55.9 -143.      328     2.60
#>  3 2007-05-05T02:20:00Z  55.9 -143.      329     2.20
#>  4 2007-05-05T02:30:00Z  55.9 -143.      356     2.10
#>  5 2007-05-05T02:40:00Z  55.9 -143.      360     1.5 
#>  6 2007-05-05T02:50:00Z  55.9 -143.       10     1.90
#>  7 2007-05-05T03:00:00Z  55.9 -143.       10     2.20
#>  8 2007-05-05T03:10:00Z  55.9 -143.       14     2.20
#>  9 2007-05-05T03:20:00Z  55.9 -143.       16     2.10
#> 10 2007-05-05T03:30:00Z  55.9 -143.       22     1.60
#> # … with 33,476 more rows

Including year

buoy(dataset = 'cwind', buoyid = 41001, year = 1999)
#> Using
#> Dimensions (rows/cols): [52554 X 5] 
#> 2 variables: [wind_dir, wind_spd] 
#> # A tibble: 52,554 x 5
#>    time                   lat   lon wind_dir wind_spd
#>    <chr>                <dbl> <dbl>    <int>    <dbl>
#>  1 1999-01-01T00:00:00Z  34.7 -72.7      272    11.7 
#>  2 1999-01-01T00:10:00Z  34.7 -72.7      260    11   
#>  3 1999-01-01T00:20:00Z  34.7 -72.7      249     8.70
#>  4 1999-01-01T00:30:00Z  34.7 -72.7      247     8.40
#>  5 1999-01-01T00:40:00Z  34.7 -72.7      240     7.10
#>  6 1999-01-01T00:50:00Z  34.7 -72.7      242     7.90
#>  7 1999-01-01T01:00:00Z  34.7 -72.7      246     8.30
#>  8 1999-01-01T01:10:00Z  34.7 -72.7      297    10.9 
#>  9 1999-01-01T01:20:00Z  34.7 -72.7      299    11.3 
#> 10 1999-01-01T01:30:00Z  34.7 -72.7      299    11.1 
#> # … with 52,544 more rows

Including year and datatype

buoy(dataset = 'cwind', buoyid = 45005, year = 2008, datatype = "c")
#> Dimensions (rows/cols): [29688 X 5] 
#> 2 variables: [wind_dir, wind_spd] 
#> # A tibble: 29,688 x 5
#>    time                   lat   lon wind_dir wind_spd
#>    <chr>                <dbl> <dbl>    <int>    <dbl>
#>  1 2008-04-29T09:00:00Z  41.7 -82.4       10     9   
#>  2 2008-04-29T09:10:00Z  41.7 -82.4        8     9   
#>  3 2008-04-29T09:20:00Z  41.7 -82.4        5     9.30
#>  4 2008-04-29T09:30:00Z  41.7 -82.4       13     9.5 
#>  5 2008-04-29T09:40:00Z  41.7 -82.4       14     9.40
#>  6 2008-04-29T09:50:00Z  41.7 -82.4       12     9.40
#>  7 2008-04-29T14:00:00Z  41.7 -82.4      341     6.5 
#>  8 2008-04-29T14:10:00Z  41.7 -82.4      332     6.80
#>  9 2008-04-29T14:20:00Z  41.7 -82.4      335     6.40
#> 10 2008-04-29T14:30:00Z  41.7 -82.4      332     6.5 
#> # … with 29,678 more rows

Including just datatype

buoy(dataset = 'cwind', buoyid = 45005, datatype = "c")
#> Using
#> Dimensions (rows/cols): [26784 X 5] 
#> 2 variables: [wind_dir, wind_spd] 
#> # A tibble: 26,784 x 5
#>    time                   lat   lon wind_dir wind_spd
#>    <chr>                <dbl> <dbl>    <int>    <dbl>
#>  1 1996-05-15T23:00:00Z  41.7 -82.4      337     2.20
#>  2 1996-05-15T23:10:00Z  41.7 -82.4      282     1   
#>  3 1996-05-15T23:20:00Z  41.7 -82.4      282     2.20
#>  4 1996-05-15T23:30:00Z  41.7 -82.4      258     2.60
#>  5 1996-05-15T23:40:00Z  41.7 -82.4      254     3   
#>  6 1996-05-15T23:50:00Z  41.7 -82.4      252     2.70
#>  7 1996-05-16T00:00:00Z  41.7 -82.4      240     2.10
#>  8 1996-05-16T00:10:00Z  41.7 -82.4      246     2.40
#>  9 1996-05-16T00:20:00Z  41.7 -82.4      251     2.70
#> 10 1996-05-16T00:30:00Z  41.7 -82.4      253     2.90
#> # … with 26,774 more rows